You are wrong for thinking acting was bad... I find the acting to be awful except for Disa, Erendil, During and Elrond.In the case of this show I'd say a lot of the dislike comes from people simply not getting what they wanted (which is par for the course with almost any adaptation). Unfortunately, they then come in here and try to rationalize their dislike by saying things like "the acting was bad" or "the directing was bad" when by any objective metric these were perfectly fine. Or, as the past few pages have shown, they'll post about user reviews as if that's a relevant metric for determining the quality of a show.
But I'm wrong in thinking that even though it's a subjective thing. If someones acting ability works for you, it might not work for me and vice versa.
here he double downs on it.If you want to hate the show, that's fine. If you want to post on this forum that you hated the show, that's perfectly fine as well. If you want to instead claim that something was done poorly when it objectively wasn't then you're no longer in the realm of just having an opinion.
I mean, 70% of the post is him saying it's objectively good. If something is objectively good you are wrong for thinking it isn't. Ergo, you aren't allowed to think the acting was bad...
But people tend to get subjective and objective wrong a lot, so it's understandable. When it comes to media it's barely anything that's "objectively good"...everything is influenced by personal taste, opinion and emotions. Making it subjective.
And no, even if 99% likes something, that doesn't make something subjective, objective.
Hence why I said that most arguments starts with "pro" people jumping in and saying how everyone is wrong for disliking something, because that's what happens in point. He did it straight away. And I put an emphasis on 'most' because there sure are people doing the reverse, claiming it's objectively bad and people are wrong for liking it.
Sure, you can say "he didn't mean 'you' you, but general 'you'" to which my argument is the same, doesn't matter if it's me or someone else.
This was after my case in point though, but here he straight up give away his position... just confirming my case in point.So basically you don't know what you're talking and you believe that you can straight up lie and just pass if off as "just an opinion". Glad we got that out of the way.
Claiming disliking it is lying and trying to disguise it as an "opinion" even though it is an...opinion.
Granted I've seen his posts throughout the thread so I kinda knew the angle he would come from even if it isn't obvious in isolation. So I have a bit more info to go on than a third-party just reading the posts between us.
Hopefully that clarified it a bit.