1. #7901
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    Not seeing the "Case in point" can you quote the text where he says you are wrong for disliking it?

    In the case of this show I'd say a lot of the dislike comes from people simply not getting what they wanted (which is par for the course with almost any adaptation). Unfortunately, they then come in here and try to rationalize their dislike by saying things like "the acting was bad" or "the directing was bad" when by any objective metric these were perfectly fine. Or, as the past few pages have shown, they'll post about user reviews as if that's a relevant metric for determining the quality of a show.
    You are wrong for thinking acting was bad... I find the acting to be awful except for Disa, Erendil, During and Elrond.
    But I'm wrong in thinking that even though it's a subjective thing. If someones acting ability works for you, it might not work for me and vice versa.

    If you want to hate the show, that's fine. If you want to post on this forum that you hated the show, that's perfectly fine as well. If you want to instead claim that something was done poorly when it objectively wasn't then you're no longer in the realm of just having an opinion.
    here he double downs on it.

    I mean, 70% of the post is him saying it's objectively good. If something is objectively good you are wrong for thinking it isn't. Ergo, you aren't allowed to think the acting was bad...
    But people tend to get subjective and objective wrong a lot, so it's understandable. When it comes to media it's barely anything that's "objectively good"...everything is influenced by personal taste, opinion and emotions. Making it subjective.

    And no, even if 99% likes something, that doesn't make something subjective, objective.

    Hence why I said that most arguments starts with "pro" people jumping in and saying how everyone is wrong for disliking something, because that's what happens and...case in point. He did it straight away. And I put an emphasis on 'most' because there sure are people doing the reverse, claiming it's objectively bad and people are wrong for liking it.

    Sure, you can say "he didn't mean 'you' you, but general 'you'" to which my argument is the same, doesn't matter if it's me or someone else.

    So basically you don't know what you're talking and you believe that you can straight up lie and just pass if off as "just an opinion". Glad we got that out of the way.
    This was after my case in point though, but here he straight up give away his position... just confirming my case in point.
    Claiming disliking it is lying and trying to disguise it as an "opinion" even though it is an...opinion.
    Granted I've seen his posts throughout the thread so I kinda knew the angle he would come from even if it isn't obvious in isolation. So I have a bit more info to go on than a third-party just reading the posts between us.

    Hopefully that clarified it a bit.
    Last edited by Kumorii; 2022-11-23 at 05:50 PM.
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  2. #7902
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kumorii View Post

    You are wrong for thinking acting was bad... I find the acting to be awful except for Disa, Erendil, During and Elrond.
    But I'm wrong in thinking that even though it's a subjective thing. If someones acting ability works for you, it might not work for me and vice versa.

    here he double downs on it.

    I mean, 70% of the post is him saying it's objectively good. If something is objectively good you are wrong for thinking it isn't. Ergo, you aren't allowed to think the acting was bad...
    But people tend to get subjective and objective wrong a lot, so it's understandable. When it comes to media it's barely anything that's "objectively good"...everything is influenced by personal taste, opinion and emotions. Making it subjective.

    And no, even if 99% likes something, that doesn't make something subjective, objective.

    Hence why I said that most arguments starts with "pro" people jumping in and saying how everyone is wrong for disliking something, because that's what happens and...case in point. He did it straight away. And I put an emphasis on 'most' because there sure are people doing the reverse, claiming it's objectively bad and people are wrong for liking it.

    Sure, you can say "he didn't mean 'you' you, but general 'you'" to which my argument is the same, doesn't matter if it's me or someone else.


    This was after my case in point though, but here he straight up give away his position... just confirming my case in point.
    Claiming disliking it is lying and trying to disguise it as an "opinion" even though it is an...opinion.
    Granted I've seen his posts throughout the thread so I kinda knew the angle he would come from even if it isn't obvious in isolation. So I have a bit more info to go on than a third-party just reading the posts between us.

    Hopefully that clarified it a bit.

    No, it don't cause I don't see him saying you are wrong in your dislike? Is english not your first language?

  3. #7903
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    How the fuck do you contradict yourself in your own post this badly?
    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    Who am I to tell people how statistics work, I guess! They know that you don't trust aggregated data over large numbers, you instead trust people whose professional success and livelihood depends on maintaining a good relationship with the people that have a vested interest in certain review outcomes. That's WAY more reliable.

    Or something like that, I don't live in clown world so I wouldn't know. I trust the inhabitants to tell me how it works there.

    Remember, this was the guy who said LOTR was unpopular and 'failure' as "just books", and not popular at all, until the Jackson movie released. (No matter what all the stats on the success of Hobbit/LOTR in the 50 years prior to the PJ movies say.)

    Also he continues to insist that Star Citizen is the greatest gift to gaming since Pong.

    He's a black-hole-bot of responses on why he's always right and everyone else isn't, so just give up now. Trust me, save yourself the headache. Pick ANYONE ELSE on the forums to argue in a circle with, they will at least be more interesting in their responses .
    Last edited by Koriani; 2022-11-23 at 06:25 PM.
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  4. #7904
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    No, it don't cause I don't see him saying you are wrong in your dislike? Is english not your first language?
    No it's not. Not sure how that's relevant either.
    Do you want to elaborate on your answers?... you give me nothing to work with here in trying to clarify what's confusing.

    I could give you a shorter answer.
    When someone says "I don't like this" or "I found this to be bad", the only reason to jump in with "YOU ARE OBJECTIVELY WRONG" is to say you are wrong in your opinion.

    He does it here:
    Unfortunately, they then come in here and try to rationalize their dislike by saying things like "the acting was bad" or "the directing was bad" when by any objective metric these were perfectly fine.
    And here:
    If you want to instead claim that something was done poorly when it objectively wasn't then you're no longer in the realm of just having an opinion.
    And here:
    So basically you don't know what you're talking and you believe that you can straight up lie and just pass if off as "just an opinion".
    Saying that I'm lying about my 'opinion'. He also claims it's not an opinion, just a disguise, how is that not saying my "opinion" is wrong when he even claim it isn't one?
    Last edited by Kumorii; 2022-11-23 at 06:21 PM.
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  5. #7905
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    No, it don't cause I don't see him saying you are wrong in your dislike? Is english not your first language?
    "You are not wrong for disliking it but you are wrong for calling it bad' is a contradictory argument considering both disliking something and calling it bad are equivalently subjective values. Neither which are definable as being right or wrong. These are expressions of opinion.

    'You are just disguising it as opinion, you are still are wrong for calling it bad' is an erroneous argument, since the value of 'bad' is still purely subjective, and there isn't any reason why that would be wrong. It's pretty much semantics. Avoiding saying 'You are wrong for disliking it' yet still implying that when any dislike is expressed and worded differently. There is no real objective value to something being 'Good' or 'Bad'.

    Even something defined by a general consensus isn't considered objective. 'Bad acting' isn't standardized, even if we have a general common understanding of its meaning outside of personal likes and dislikes. There is no objective standard to 'call someone out' on saying the acting was bad.
    Last edited by Triceron; 2022-11-23 at 07:25 PM.

  6. #7906
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    "You are not wrong for disliking it but you are wrong for calling it bad' is a contradictory argument considering both disliking something and calling it bad are equivalently subjective values. Neither which are definable as being right or wrong. These are expressions of opinion.

    'You are just disguising it as opinion, you are still are wrong for calling it bad' is an erroneous argument, since the value of 'bad' is still purely subjective, and there isn't any reason why that would be wrong. It's pretty much semantics. Avoiding saying 'You are wrong for disliking it' yet still implying that when any dislike is expressed and worded differently. There is no real objective value to something being 'Good' or 'Bad'.

    Even something defined by a general consensus isn't considered objective. 'Bad acting' isn't standardized, even if we have a general common understanding of its meaning outside of personal likes and dislikes. There is no objective standard to 'call someone out' on saying the acting was bad.
    The irony of the arguments coming out here kinda amazes me. You guys get to rip on anyone that likes it but when the rolls are reverse it's suddenly bad to rip on people......

  7. #7907
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    The irony of the argument coming out here kinda amazes me. You guys get to rip on anyone that likes it but when the rolls are reverse it's suddenly bad to rip on people......
    Anyone gets to rip into anyone. What isn't acceptable is trying to reframe opinion into objective standards and dismissing them for being 'wrong'.

    There's no collective 'side' making any of these arguments. It's individuals. And anyone who is arguing whether someone is allowed to even use the words 'good' or 'bad' is merely gatekeeping opinion, really. I'm just explaining why the entire argument is bogus, because there is no objective value to 'good' or 'bad'. People should be free to call things good or bad as they please so long as they frame it as opinion, and not regard it as as some sort of objective standard that can be valued as being 'right' or 'wrong'.
    Last edited by Triceron; 2022-11-23 at 07:40 PM.

  8. #7908
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kumorii View Post
    Saying that I'm lying about my 'opinion'. He also claims it's not an opinion, just a disguise, how is that not saying my "opinion" is wrong when he even claim it isn't one?
    What they are saying is that calling it bad acting, when it is not, is no longer just an opinion. It is just a way to justify your dislike with whatever excuse comes to mind. They also said calling something an "opinion" isn't an excuse to say whatever. They haven't said you are wrong for disliking the show. There is truly bad acting but RoP doesn't come close to that. Average? Sure.

    That is the distinction they were making. That you are over exaggerating the performance of the actors for whatever reason. Opinions can be wrong but you are not wrong for having one.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  9. #7909
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    What they are saying is that calling it bad acting, when it is not, is no longer just an opinion. It is just a way to justify your dislike with whatever excuse comes to mind. They also said calling something an "opinion" isn't an excuse to say whatever. They haven't said you are wrong for disliking the show. There is truly bad acting but RoP doesn't come close to that. Average? Sure.
    'Bad acting' isn't universally defined though. It's general concensus. RoP's acting hasn't exactly been free from that collective opinion.


    Something that goes hand-in-hand with the dialogue is of course its delivery. Viewers have noted that the show, although has some rather good performances from much of the cast, falls flat for some of its characters. This has been especially targeted at Galadriel, portrayed by Morfydd Clark. Reddit users have mentioned they consider her delivery bland and wooden. Unable to portray the complicated range of emotions necessary for the part, and instead seems to provide 'random inconsistent face twitching' throughout.

    It's not a universal thing where we can just say 'it's average', because whether the acting is good or bad or average still stems from opinion. Here, you're merely expressing that you regard it to be 'not the worst acting I've seen', which is completely valid, but does not subject anyone else's opinion to your personal definition.

    Cuz just as you're saying it isn't just an opinion, the fact is it still is. There's also nothing definable as 'truly bad acting', because ultimately that is still opinion. It's all opinion, just a matter of how we regard the consensus.
    Last edited by Triceron; 2022-11-23 at 07:47 PM.

  10. #7910
    Also not good when you have your season finale on the 14th and the following week (17-23) you can't even retain a position in the top 10 of Nielsons, and are middle of the pack on the original category.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xarim View Post
    It's a strange and illogical world where not wanting your 10 year old daughter looking at female-identifying pre-op penises at the YMCA could feasibly be considered transphobic.

  11. #7911
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bledgor View Post
    Also not good when you have your season finale on the 14th and the following week (17-23) you can't even retain a position in the top 10 of Nielsons, and are middle of the pack on the original category.
    That doesn't really say much when season 1-15 of NCIS, Gilmore Girls, or Cocomelon are on the list. A lot of shows drop off once new content stops coming out and it isn't a good barometer of quality.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  12. #7912
    Quote Originally Posted by MakeMeLaugh View Post
    What's the point of discussing with someone that says something like this? That's a straight up lie.
    Whats a lie exactly, the show has a good rating and most ppl who have watched are not on the internet moaning so they like it enough not to whine like little girls about it. You obviously are just lying to yourself if you are ignorant to think that more ppl hate the show than like it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    It takes less than that to call out the fact you haven't provided any proof for it being good.

    And I don't have to provide any data for it being bad because I haven't said it was bad. I thought your point was that no one could know whether it was good or bad because of the millions of people in the world who have watched it?
    I dont need to provide proof, you have seen the reviews yourself that prove the show is good, a 7/10 rating on average is good you do realise that dont you, 25 million viewers on average watching as the show is released is good you do know that right, and those numbers have increased by a huge amount since the release of the finale.

    You dont have anything to back you up if you claim otherwise.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Koriani View Post
    Remember, this was the guy who said LOTR was unpopular and 'failure' as "just books", and not popular at all, until the Jackson movie released. (No matter what all the stats on the success of Hobbit/LOTR in the 50 years prior to the PJ movies say.)

    Also he continues to insist that Star Citizen is the greatest gift to gaming since Pong.

    He's a black-hole-bot of responses on why he's always right and everyone else isn't, so just give up now. Trust me, save yourself the headache. Pick ANYONE ELSE on the forums to argue in a circle with, they will at least be more interesting in their responses .
    Its a simple fact the books were never really popular until the movies came out, they may of been popular for a book but not selling the millions and being a billion dollar industry that the films made them into, most of the copies sold after the release of the first film and that is a fact, there is barely any information on book sales mentioned for tolkien books prior to the release of the films. Good luck on always being wrong about things.
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  13. #7913
    I was hoping you lot would get bored of this and this thread would wind down, but it hasn't. So consider this a warning: stay civil. Subjective taste is exactly that - subjective. Arguments of objective goodness of a piece of media outside of pointing to actual numbers/popularity is a bad faith argument. Even pointing to popularity is not an indication of goodness. It's a debate that has done nothing to further discussion of the show itself but only mired the thread in needless bitching from both ends about the nature of "what is good" and other such inane discussion. Please consider counting to 10 and asking yourself whether you actually need to continue this debate because - while it isn't against the rules of this forum - it's going nowhere and spiraling off into infinity.

  14. #7914
    Quote Originally Posted by kenn9530 View Post
    You need to learn that most ppl that have watched the show like it plain and simple.

    - - - Updated - - -

    You couldnt refute anything because you have nothing.

    25 million ppl minimum watching a show it in it first weeks and throughout the whole season is to you considered bad, all the average ratings on the show are 7 or higher, you are obviously clueless on what is considered bad, the show was the number one show throughtout its release and the numbers will only continue to rise.

    You have no say on whats a bad show or not because the facts simply dont support you.

    A show being bad and you not liking it are 2 completely different things.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The data is right in your face, takes 2 secs to check several review sites that proves the show is good, you have provided no data proving the show is bad because there is none.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The show is rated pretty good and most ppl like the show that has watched it, ppl need to accept reality that more ppl enjoy the show than dont.
    User reviews don't seem to show that

  15. #7915
    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    User reviews don't seem to show that
    Even the user reviews shows more ppl like it than otherwise, IMBD is probably the site with the highest amount of reviews with nearly 300k and most are putting the show good or higher. RT barely has any user reviews barely even 15% of the reviews of other sites, so if you think one site gives you any credibility you are very mistaken, anything higher than a 6 rating is considered good, the show would have to be rated a 2-3 on average for anyone claiming its bad to be even remotely correct.

    User reviews are mostly biased especially when it comes to something that has been a book, because fans will hate on something regardless of it being good or not, so a small amount of bad reviews here and there is not proof of the show being bad.

    If a show is rated 7/10 does that not make the show good to more ppl than not, because thats how ratings work, you wouldnt get a 7/10 if it was as bad as you claim.
    Last edited by kenn9530; 2022-11-24 at 07:03 AM.
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  16. #7916
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    User reviews don't seem to show that

    If you eliminate 10's and 1's, to remove potential bias, more appear to like the show then dislike it. 40.8% for 6-9 and 15.6% for 2-5.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  17. #7917
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    Oh, and here's the best part of the "Get revenge for Finrod's death" storyline. Finrod is alive. He was reincarnated in Valinor before the defeat of Morgoth. And Galadriel should know this fact by this part of the story. The Elves in Valinor frequently visited Numenor for thousands of years before the events of the show, so there's definitely a way for a message to get through to the Galadriel.

    Utter lack of interest in what the lore says by the showrunners. Amazing. I’m not sure which is funnier - “Galadriel is in a quest to avenge the life of her living brother” or “Durin is so potent he reincarnated himself into his son while he was still alive.”
    I laughed way too hard about those bits, clearly how they give zero shits about the work they are adapting, the bit of her living brother is more bs when you realize she had other brothers and husband, but apparently only care about one brother

  18. #7918

  19. #7919
    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    I'm only 4 minutes in but this guy definitely gets it, seems like a good listen.

    Why is the Rings of Power So Hated?


    "Pretty sure the problem wasn't that Galadriel was a good fighter, it was that everyone else was incompetent. A whole group of presumably elite elven warriors couldn't handle a troll that she killed in seconds... And that is just one example."

    Yep, been saying that since the first episode. It's just poor story telling to have all those Elves literally be worthless the entire time. I get you want to make Galadriel feel exceptional, but you don't do it at the expense of her troops.

  20. #7920
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    "Pretty sure the problem wasn't that Galadriel was a good fighter, it was that everyone else was incompetent. A whole group of presumably elite elven warriors couldn't handle a troll that she killed in seconds... And that is just one example."

    Yep, been saying that since the first episode. It's just poor story telling to have all those Elves literally be worthless the entire time. I get you want to make Galadriel feel exceptional, but you don't do it at the expense of her troops.
    Is every single elve meant to be just a superior fighter and be expected to handle anything that they come across, the elves race is not much different to men they just have some benfits, are they also immune to getting tired or how do you even know these elves even have actual combat experience or even seen a troll to begin with, plenty of factors you have probably never even considered, only a small number of elves can be considered special.
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