1. #7941
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenn9530 View Post
    In a normal world maybe but not when it involves fantasty with characters with immense power, revenge is not logical or supposed to make sense, it wouldnt matter if her brother is alive or dead, she knows he did die in battle so it doesnt matter what you think just because you have knowledge the characters wouldnt have.
    You are basically saying Galadriel a spoiled brat with brain damage

    Truly a good protagonist to head the show

  2. #7942
    Quote Originally Posted by kenn9530 View Post
    you have nothing to back you up claiming elves should be able to easily deal with many such enemies.
    Except I do.

    Galadriel does exactly this. Do you know if she's ever encountered a Snow Troll before? Has she been this far north? Whatever the case, she literally one shots the thing.

    And none of her troops were able to land a single strike on the thing otherwise. So yeah, with that huge of a gap between her skill and theirs, why would I assume they would ever be useful in a fight against a real big threat like Sauron?

  3. #7943
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    You are basically saying Galadriel a spoiled brat with brain damage

    Truly a good protagonist to head the show
    You dont understand the basics of revenge it seems, all galadriel knows is her brother died and she wanted revenge, its pretty simple to understand, revenge plots are not supposed to always make sense, revenge plots also include the character actually wanting to be killed which would end all suffering.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    Except I do.

    Galadriel does exactly this. Do you know if she's ever encountered a Snow Troll before? Has she been this far north? Whatever the case, she literally one shots the thing.

    And none of her troops were able to land a single strike on the thing otherwise. So yeah, with that huge of a gap between her skill and theirs, why would I assume they would ever be useful in a fight against a real big threat like Sauron?
    Galadriel is a commander of an army if she didnt have battle exp she wouldnt be in that role, some of the soldiers with her may of never fought a battle ever, she is also one of the elves superior to most others. Sauron may be weaker in his current form, plus the mission they are on is not to actually kill sauron its a scouting mission, galadriel is the only one that wants to kill him, it seems you dont even think about basic things that are pretty easy to understand.
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  4. #7944
    Revenge is for children. Not for someone who is thousands of years old.
    The unconvincing arguments here make me glad I never bothered to waste my time on this disastrous show.

  5. #7945
    Quote Originally Posted by kenn9530 View Post
    You dont understand the basics of revenge it seems, all galadriel knows is her brother died and she wanted revenge, its pretty simple to understand, revenge plots are not supposed to always make sense, revenge plots also include the character actually wanting to be killed which would end all suffering.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Galadriel is a commander of an army if she didnt have battle exp she wouldnt be in that role, some of the soldiers with her may of never fought a battle ever, she is also one of the elves superior to most others. Sauron may be weaker in his current form, plus the mission they are on is not to actually kill sauron its a scouting mission, galadriel is the only one that wants to kill him, it seems you dont even think about basic things that are pretty easy to understand.
    Or the opposite. You overthink it to explain stuff that was never explained and doesn't make cohesive sense in the narrative.

    If things have to be assumed at this level, then the show has done a shit job conveying information that one has yo make assumptions on like Galadriel leading troops that have zero battle experience on a mission to eradicate evil from the far corners of the world.

    If she isn't leading competent soldiers, then what kind of commander is she? Why is a commander of the armies of the north leading a band of inexperienced fighters? Like, NONE of them landed a single blow on the troll, you realize this yes?

    If the show at least showed the Elves being capable of firing some shots that at least wounded the thing, it would be perfectly fine and believable that they are capable, just not skilled enough to take it down without help. How the show presents the fight? No one touched the troll at all. You realize this, yes?

  6. #7946
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Revenge is for children. Not for someone who is thousands of years old.
    The unconvincing arguments here make me glad I never bothered to waste my time on this disastrous show.
    It's kinda funny that a lot of the "explanations" to defend problems doesn't make it better.. .and in some cases even worse.
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  7. #7947
    Banned Ihavewaffles's Avatar
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  8. #7948
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Revenge is for children. Not for someone who is thousands of years old.
    The unconvincing arguments here make me glad I never bothered to waste my time on this disastrous show.
    Isn't the Oath of Feanor an act of vengeance? That is just revenge in a different form. Illuvatar takes revenge on Numenor and makes the world round in the process. It is clear that age has nothing to do with revenge in Tolkiens world and that he employed it whenever he felt like it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    Does anything about this image scream "Galadriel"? A short blonde woman in a red dress. Looks like Little Red Riding Hood to me.
    Really? You can't find enough faults with the actual show that you have to bring up non-show fashion?
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  9. #7949
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenn9530 View Post
    You dont understand the basics of revenge it seems, all galadriel knows is her brother died and she wanted revenge, its pretty simple to understand, revenge plots are not supposed to always make sense, revenge plots also include the character actually wanting to be killed which would end all suffering.
    You don't get revenge for someone who is alive, unless you are dumb

    yes, revenge plots are supposed to make sense, only in this dumb show they do not, because barely anything here make sense

    Yeah, she wanted to be killed, thtas why she jumped to certain death in the ocean, she is retarded

    "Her suffering" is pointless, her brother is alive, she had 2 other brothers who died and a husband that is missing and she give two fucks about then, its bad plot, bad reasons

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    Really? You can't find enough faults with the actual show that you have to bring up non-show fashion?
    The show bad casting is valid fault

    The actress is beautiful but she, like 90% of the casting, does not fit the character. ~~flashbacks to old fart Celebrimbor~~

  10. #7950
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    The show bad casting is valid fault
    The actress being dressed in a red dress and looking like little red riding hood is not a casting criticism. It has nothing to do with the show or the decision to cast her on the show. Just because you all dislike the show doesn't mean you to start finding stupid stuff to keep fueling that dislike.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
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  11. #7951
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    This is a picture taken directly from the Rings of Power webpage of Clark in character as Galadriel. It’s very prominent on the page. It’s not “non show”. It’s supposed to be a depiction of Galadriel.
    These are pictures OF THE ACTORS, showcasing THE ACTORS, they are NOT meant to be "canon depiction of the characters".

    Really, some people must be dumb if they really think these are supposed to be character shots lol.
    Last edited by Lady Atia; 2022-11-26 at 05:35 PM.

  12. #7952
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    My guess for the reason comes from their insecurity over the lack of rights to the Silmarillion. Instead of minimizing it by mostly ignoring the Silmarillion (entirely possible) they decided to maximize the assets they did have in order to make it appear like they weren't limited.

    Finrod should not be a character in this series.
    Their insecurity and lack of talent, her quest could have being in searching her husband or brother who was captured, but how they could have ship her and Sauron that way right?

  13. #7953
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    This is a picture taken directly from the Rings of Power webpage of Clark in character as Galadriel. It’s very prominent on the page. It’s not “non show”. It’s supposed to be a depiction of Galadriel.
    It is shown with a title of "Meet the cast". It isn't a depiction of Galadriel but of Morfydd Clark. If you look at the other cast members they are all out of costume so I'm not sure how you could have even made this mistake. Some don't even have the same color hair or facial hair.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
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  14. #7954
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post

    A minor point but it got me to rewatch the first 10 min of the series. Made me realize how silly a character Finrod is - "touch the darkness once more" and "A stone can't float cause word salad."

    The author basically argues that most heroes in Tolkien have heroic deaths with meaning, and he's pretty much right. You have Fingolfin wounding Morgoth over and over, Finrod saving Beren (which helps him on his journey to get the Silmaril), Fingon and Feanor die in battle with multiple Balrogs. Turgon's death is mostly offscreen but in that battle the focus is on Glorfindel killing the Balrog (and dying in the process). Gil-Galad and Elendil die battling and eventually defeating Morgoth.

    And as the author states, these epic deaths are usually a cause for mourning, not revenge quests - like Fingon's death was in the "Battle of Unnumbered Tears". Finrod's death has none of that - he dies in vain chasing Sauron, mostly off screen, in the least epic way possible.

    Of course, the real issue here is the innate silliness of the rights battle messing with the whole series, where for some reason they're not allowed to use the history in the Silmarillion but it's ok to make up a completely alternate version that completely conflicts with it (and leaves out major, major details like the Curse of Mandos), and include weird things like Sauron carving a map of Mordor into Finrod's flesh. I mean, it's that and the showrunners' bizarre choice to make the entire story about Galadriel. This series could have (and should have) been written without mentioning Finrod at all - he's not remotely relevant to the Second Age, having died long before the end of the first.
    Literally everything in Hollywood for the most part the last couple of years has been nothing but girlboss crap. Seriously, look at the most prominent blockbuster films, they've all been female lead, and even stories with male protagonists, the writers have constantly used female characters to one-up the man. Look no further than the Book of Boba Fett and Obi-Wan and Dr Strange 2 from Disney most recently which all sidelined their main characters for women while making those characters look foolish and incompetent. Disney has been by far the worst offender when it comes to doing this. I like badass gals as much as the next guy, but Christ the way they are writing these characters flat out sucks because they are all insufferable and arrogant. Strong characters don't need to bully people and remind others that they are strong or in charge, which is exactly what the hacks who wrote RoP did, but they've just been copying what Disney and the rest of Hollywood have been doing recently.

    Not all films and shows have done this mind you, the majority haven't. But some of the most hyped up flops have all followed this trend and it ultimately sank the quality of the shows and movies.

  15. #7955
    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    My guess for the reason comes from their insecurity over the lack of rights to the Silmarillion. Instead of minimizing it by mostly ignoring the Silmarillion (entirely possible) they decided to maximize the assets they did have in order to make it appear like they weren't limited.

    Finrod should not be a character in this series.
    Galadriel shouldn't be a main character at all really.

    The Galadriel in Rings of Power would have been fine if they made a completely different character that was hellbent on finding and defeating Sauron. Having it be Galadriel just messes with the presentation of the story, because the show expects the audience to already regard her as being well respected and renowned, without actually establishing it in the show.

  16. #7956
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    Or the opposite. You overthink it to explain stuff that was never explained and doesn't make cohesive sense in the narrative.

    If things have to be assumed at this level, then the show has done a shit job conveying information that one has yo make assumptions on like Galadriel leading troops that have zero battle experience on a mission to eradicate evil from the far corners of the world.

    If she isn't leading competent soldiers, then what kind of commander is she? Why is a commander of the armies of the north leading a band of inexperienced fighters? Like, NONE of them landed a single blow on the troll, you realize this yes?

    If the show at least showed the Elves being capable of firing some shots that at least wounded the thing, it would be perfectly fine and believable that they are capable, just not skilled enough to take it down without help. How the show presents the fight? No one touched the troll at all. You realize this, yes?
    Even legolas had issues fighting a troll with a full team of experienced fighters, we know elves are not just perfect at everything, only exceptional elves can take on superior enemies with hardly no issues, you are overthinking things to try and make your agenda relevant, the elves were suprised and if they had never seen a troll before then is perfectly reasonable they got knocked down.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    You don't get revenge for someone who is alive, unless you are dumb

    yes, revenge plots are supposed to make sense, only in this dumb show they do not, because barely anything here make sense

    Yeah, she wanted to be killed, thtas why she jumped to certain death in the ocean, she is retarded

    "Her suffering" is pointless, her brother is alive, she had 2 other brothers who died and a husband that is missing and she give two fucks about then, its bad plot, bad reasons
    You have no idea if he is alive or not at this point and who is going to be able to tell galadriel he is alive, elves dont freely travel back and forth to middle earth, she has also been away from elves for whats maybe hundreds of years, you have way too many holes in your weak argument.

    All galadriel knows is finrod is dead because of sauron as there is a grave for him, revenge makes plenty of sense regardless of chances of success if she even attempted to complete her revenge if she ever had the chance, the usual revenge twists are you chancge it to something more positive throughout the journey, you read books and dont know the basics.
    Last edited by kenn9530; 2022-11-26 at 10:30 PM.
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  17. #7957
    Quote Originally Posted by kenn9530 View Post
    Even legolas had issues fighting a troll with a full team of experienced fighters, we know elves are not just perfect at everything, only exceptional elves can take on superior enemies with hardly no issues, you are overthinking things to try and make your agenda relevant, the elves were suprised and if they had never seen a troll before then is perfectly reasonable they got knocked down.
    Bit this isn't about Elves being perfect or not. This isn't about whether they are experienced at fighting trolls or not.

    This is about how the show portrayed Elves who are part of the formal Elven military sent out to eradicate the remnants of evil in the world being shown unable to land a single blow on an enemy.

    The troll fight in the LOTR Mines scene was not completely one sided. Everyone got hits off on the troll, it just didn't go down easy. So the situation is completely the opposite of incompetence. The Fellowship was being challenged yet were not being shown as incompetent. They got hits off, they got knocked around, it was a full fight.

    The Troll scene in Rings of Power was a one sided fight. It was a massacre. The Elves were shown doing nothing to the Troll, until Galadriel steps in and practically one shots the thing. Legolas never one-shots the Troll, the fellowship gets hits in it just doesn't go down easy, that's the difference.

    The problem is the show not depicting the Elves having contributed anything in the fight, and making a point that this is how the show presents the Elven army. What should have happened is an extended fight scene where we see the Elves getting hits in but having little effect in taking it down, until Galadriel steps in and finds it's weakness and rallys her troops to take it down together. That would be a display of good command. That would show off her skill as a leader. Instead, the entire scene was presented to show off Galadriel's fighting skill being way higher than that of her troops, and showed her troops doing nothing to the troll. That makes them look inexperienced, that makes the look worthless. Whether they are or not is not the point of the criticism, it is in how the show decided to present this scene in the show.

  18. #7958
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    Bit this isn't about Elves being perfect or not. This isn't about whether they are experienced at fighting trolls or not.

    This is about how the show portrayed Elves who are part of the formal Elven military sent out to eradicate the remnants of evil in the world being shown unable to land a single blow on an enemy.

    The troll fight in the LOTR Mines scene was not completely one sided. Everyone got hits off on the troll, it just didn't go down easy. So the situation is completely the opposite of incompetence. The Fellowship was being challenged yet were not being shown as incompetent. They got hits off, they got knocked around, it was a full fight.

    The Troll scene in Rings of Power was a one sided fight. It was a massacre. The Elves were shown doing nothing to the Troll, until Galadriel steps in and practically one shots the thing. Legolas never one-shots the Troll, the fellowship gets hits in it just doesn't go down easy, that's the difference.

    The problem is the show not depicting the Elves having contributed anything in the fight, and making a point that this is how the show presents the Elven army. What should have happened is an extended fight scene where we see the Elves getting hits in but having little effect in taking it down, until Galadriel steps in and finds it's weakness and rallys her troops to take it down together. That would be a display of good command. That would show off her skill as a leader. Instead, the entire scene was presented to show off Galadriel's fighting skill being way higher than that of her troops, and showed her troops doing nothing to the troll. That makes them look inexperienced, that makes the look worthless. Whether they are or not is not the point of the criticism, it is in how the show decided to present this scene in the show.
    Did you not notice the elves are struggling by the time they get to the frozen fortress, they are exhausted, also in a frozen climate that would also effect them and trolls are not an easy foe, do you expect them to be at 100% effectiveness at all times just because they are elves, they are sent out to scout for the last remnants of sauron not fight it all themselves, the elves just got knocked down noone was injured or killed, legolas was shown to one shot an elephant with a few arrows that couldnt possibly reach its brain even at point blank range, not everything is supposed to make sense.
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  19. #7959
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenn9530 View Post
    You have no idea if he is alive or not at this point
    Yes, you do, is pat of their story, elves respawn when they die, they know about it

    Obviouly you and the showrunners don't know about it.

    elves dont freely travel back and forth to middle earth,
    Yeah, they do actually, only later they don't.

    she has also been away from elves for whats maybe hundreds of years, you have way too many holes in your weak argument.

    you read books and dont know the basics.

  20. #7960
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Yes, you do, is pat of their story, elves respawn when they die, they know about it

    Obviouly you and the showrunners don't know about it.

    Yeah, they do actually, only later they don't.

    No its extremely rare for any elve to be reincarnated, and even if he was currently alive in valinor she would still not have knowledge of it, there is only 2 confirmed cases of reincarnation in lore, so again you are just talking BS, and no they dont have free travel to and from valinor because it was dangerous and many die from attempting it, its a reward for exeptional service so basically retirement to leave middle earth and never return.

    You have proven tima and time again you dont even know the basics of the lore.
    Last edited by kenn9530; 2022-11-27 at 04:01 AM.
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