1. #8341
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post

    How The Ringer has fallen. Started as an outsider with a lot of snark, now a mouthpiece for Amazon. Not a single mention in this article of the show’s mediocre reception. Old school Ringer would have made deep dives into the controversy. New school Ringer is too interested in finding its replacement GoT to do that.
    Funny thing i, amazon had their GoT, the people who did House of the Dragon were going to do a Conan series, it would be way more bonkers than GoT, but the show was axed because it was too manly

    There is a lot of controversy around this show behind the scenes, most re rumors, but seems like the people who originated got the rights for the show, the one who wanted to do something decent, were kicked out, then they fired more people, and start replacing stuff, as he show was not going to be about Galadriel at all

  2. #8342
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    There is a lot of controversy around this show behind the scenes, most re rumors, but seems like the people who originated got the rights for the show, the one who wanted to do something decent, were kicked out, then they fired more people, and start replacing stuff, as he show was not going to be about Galadriel at all
    Do you have actual information to back up the claim that Amazon fired the "originals" and that their vision was going to be super awesome? Or are you just making crap up again and believing anything against the current show that is said online? By chance to you visit boundintocomics? The clear RoP hate-speech site.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  3. #8343
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    Do you have actual information to back up the claim that Amazon fired the "originals" and that their vision was going to be super awesome? Or are you just making crap up again and believing anything against the current show that is said online? By chance to you visit boundintocomics? The clear RoP hate-speech site.
    Why would you care? Truth nor facts aren't something you care about. Bezos could come out and say this series is canceled and return the rights to the Tolkien Estate and you'd still deny it happened.

  4. #8344
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    Do you have actual information to back up the claim that Amazon fired the "originals" and that their vision was going to be super awesome? Or are you just making crap up again and believing anything against the current show that is said online? By chance to you visit boundintocomics? The clear RoP hate-speech site.
    Nowhere i said it was going to be "super awesome" i just said decent, and they wanted, if they could do it is another story.

    And yes we have proof of that, they fired the woman who got the rights long time ago, then strt firing out other people, like the tolkien scholar dude and even ghosted Peter Jackson.

    But what do we know, just beleive what amazon tell you too, how the show was amazing and success.

  5. #8345
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Why would you care? Truth nor facts aren't something you care about. Bezos could come out and say this series is canceled and return the rights to the Tolkien Estate and you'd still deny it happened.
    Why would I deny it happened if there is verifiable proof? Has someone not hating the same thing as you really caused you to create such a delusion? Lmao.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    And yes we have proof of that, they fired the woman who got the rights long time ago, then strt firing out other people, like the tolkien scholar dude and even ghosted Peter Jackson.
    What woman had the rights to Tolkien's work? Tom Shippey was hired after the show runners and is not an "original" that had a different vision for the show. Amazon didn't "ghost" Peter Jackson. The estate required them to not work with Peter Jackson. Of course we need a source to your claims because you lie and twist facts to fit whatever nonsense you want. Just like you are back to denigrating statements from Amazon when earlier you took their word about boosting book sales. You flip flop on what Amazon statements are believable based on what argument you need to make.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  6. #8346
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Nowhere i said it was going to be "super awesome" i just said decent, and they wanted, if they could do it is another story.

    And yes we have proof of that, they fired the woman who got the rights long time ago, then strt firing out other people, like the tolkien scholar dude and even ghosted Peter Jackson.
    The Tolkien scholar dude was most likely fired for breaking an NDA and Peter Jackson "ghosted" because the Tolkien Estate didn't want him anywhere near the the project after what he did with the LotR trilogy.

    But what do we know, just beleive what amazon tell you too, how the show was amazing and success.
    I prefer taking things with a pinch of salt but believing Amazon's spin is better than regurgitating every rumour thrown out by YouTube influencers harvesting clicks.

  7. #8347
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    Amazon didn't "ghost" Peter Jackson. The estate required them to not work with Peter Jackson.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dhrizzle View Post
    The Tolkien scholar dude was most likely fired for breaking an NDA and Peter Jackson "ghosted" because the Tolkien Estate didn't want him anywhere near the the project after what he did with the LotR trilogy.

    Huh I’ve seen the usual people bemoan how Amazon mistreated Jackson but not letting him be involved but it was really the estate the whole time?

    I shouldn’t be surprised that so much of the bluster in this thread has been bull but this is a rather big one.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  8. #8348
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    Huh I’ve seen the usual people bemoan how Amazon mistreated Jackson but not letting him be involved but it was really the estate the whole time?

    I shouldn’t be surprised that so much of the bluster in this thread has been bull but this is a rather big one.
    Its pretty much just a rumor. Not necessarily a convincing one considering Christopher Tolkien passed away before the series even started production.

  9. #8349
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    Its pretty much just a rumor. Not necessarily a convincing one considering Christopher Tolkien passed away before the series even started production.
    An it’s all just combating rumours then.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  10. #8350
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    Huh I’ve seen the usual people bemoan how Amazon mistreated Jackson but not letting him be involved but it was really the estate the whole time?
    It depends on the point of view. Amazon did sort of "ghost" Mr. Jackson after asking for him to be involved or at least review the scripts. They didn't give the courtesy of saying "Sorry we can't do that". Amazon says it was part of the deal with the Estate. There were also legal concerns about keeping the films and show separate since Warner Brothers could easily claim "ownership" of things and screw Amazon. A person that was rumored to be advocating for Mr. Jackson to be involved also left the company in 2019 so that is the basis of the claim that was twisted.

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  11. #8351
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    If you want to complain about anyone, in the never-ending search for things to complain about, have a go at Simon Tolkien. He was "creative consultant" for Rings of Power.
    People here have blamed him but it is a complicated subject in my opinion. Because most people like the Jackson films but the estate, or at least the head at the time, said it didn't capture the spirit of Tolkien. That complicates things because the Rings of Power may capture the spirit of Tolkien according to the estate. Even though it diverges from canon it is still something the estate might like. After all with some things being off limits they did give the green light to fill in the blanks with new stuff.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    Why the hell did they agree to sell the rights to a second age series, but leave out the rights to second age content like Annatar? It's a truly mystifying stance.
    We do know why. To protect the unpublished works. The see it as sacrosanct or at least did under Christopher's tenure.. Even when the Jackson work was coming out they still restricted that content from making its way into Video games and other works. In fact they only sold the rights once to EA but those rights were lost when the project was cancelled. It might have been the influence of Christopher Tolkien to keep that work off limits. It would be interesting to see what deal would have been made after the death of Christopher since Amazon has licensed some of the unpublished works.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
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  12. #8352
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    What woman had the rights to Tolkien's work?
    Sharon Tal Yguado was the former head of prime related to do those shows, she was the one who started the movement, got the rights and presented to the Tolkien Estate, they fired her and got some blonde gal, that look like the actress who did Galadriel, as you can see, it was a self-insert into the show. You can look that online.
    Tom Shippey was hired after the show runners and is not an "original" that had a different vision for the show.
    Afik, i wasn't talking about him.
    Amazon didn't "ghost" Peter Jackson. The estate required them to not work with Peter Jackson.
    Jackson told into a interview they were going to tlak to him and he got ghosted. The head of the estate right now is a clown.
    Of course we need a source to your claims because you lie and twist facts to fit whatever nonsense you want.
    Are you talking about yourself here? lying and twisting facts?

    Like i said, apart from the woman who got the rights, everything else is rumors, never claimed to be a fact, just said there is a lot of controversy behind the scenes, even rumors about how the original scrip was actually good, but they changed later, or that other writers/showrunners were considered like the dude who write the script for Dune.

    You flip flop on what Amazon statements are believable based on what argument you need to make.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Dhrizzle View Post
    The Tolkien scholar dude was most likely fired for breaking an NDA and Peter Jackson "ghosted" because the Tolkien Estate didn't want him anywhere near the the project after what he did with the LotR trilogy.
    BS, especially knowing what amazon did with rings of power, lmao, this doesn't even make sense.

    I prefer taking things with a pinch of salt but believing Amazon's spin is better than regurgitating every rumour thrown out by YouTube influencers harvesting clicks.
    Like i said its just rumors, you can take then whatever you like

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    If you want to complain about anyone, in the never-ending search for things to complain about, have a go at Simon Tolkien. He was "creative consultant" for Rings of Power.

    "I have enjoyed assisting Amazon Studios in connection with the series, and in particular providing input to JD Payne and Patrick McKay on matters including my grandfather's original writing."

    I'm sure he's innocent, though, and they just ignored everything he said, because they/Amazon have to be at fault. Or something like that.
    Simon tolkien, apparently, was the clown that wanted Sauron to be Walter white in season 2.

    I just saw a video of him saying he didn't liked Peter Jackson trilogy because he put too much of the books on it

    Tolkien estate have as much to blame as the people at amazon.

    - - - Updated - - -

    and this, a success that didn't even make to top10 most watched shows in that period.

  13. #8353
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Sharon Tal Yguado was the former head of prime related to do those shows, she was the one who started the movement, got the rights and presented to the Tolkien Estate, they fired her and got some blonde gal, that look like the actress who did Galadriel, as you can see, it was a self-insert into the show. You can look that online.

    One of Yguado's notable projects and credits is The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power project which she spearheaded for Amazon.[10] She led the partnership and pitched the show to the Tolkien Estate, Warner Bros. and HarperCollins and won the rights in a bidding war with Netflix, HBO and Apple. In 2017, Yguado announced the pick up of the series.[11][12] She acted as the point creative executive on the project and was responsible for selecting and approving the writers and producers on the show.[13] In May, 2019, she left Amazon and stayed an executive producer on the show https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharon_Tal_Yguado

    So she never left the project even after leaving Amazon. Like I said you twist the facts to whatever hate narrative of the moment you complaining about. She also approved the writers, producers, and maybe others. So are you now going to hate on her because you also dislike those people on the show?

    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Afik, i wasn't talking about him.
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    And yes we have proof of that, they fired the woman who got the rights long time ago, then strt firing out other people, like the tolkien scholar dude and even ghosted Peter Jackson.
    You mentioned him in the last reply and yet you weren't talking about him? Lmao. Just as the article I linked to showed that Peter Jackson never heard back but was fine with it. We also heard Amazon's explanation that their legal department and the wishes of the Tolkien Estate played a part. Amazon certainly could have given a courtesy "We can't" but maybe they didn't want to upset the Tolkien Estate with even a small thing like that. In case you've forgetton the Tolkien Estate was upset with how Mr. Jackson portrayed Tolkien's work despite many of the fans liking that work.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    and this, a success that didn't even make to top10 most watched shows in that period.
    The viewership of many shows goes way down after new episodes stop releasing. That doesn't mean those shows were not successful. Look at the list how 5 of the top 10 are all old shows and not "recent shows" slowly moving down the list. Does that mean there are no successful shows because the same old shows dominate viewing statistics?

    For someone who said he has no problem talking about the positives of the show you sure try your hardest to deny it had success.
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  14. #8354
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post

    So she never left the project even after leaving Amazon. Like I said you twist the facts to whatever hate narrative of the moment you complaining about. She also approved the writers, producers, and maybe others. So are you now going to hate on her because you also dislike those people on the show?
    Sure, she left amazon, but still was executive producer at amazon, humm, not controversial at all right? clearly she didn't had anymore power over it, and, didn't pick up the writters, since it was the woman who took over he.

    You mentioned him in the last reply and yet you weren't talking about him? Lmao.
    There is just one tolkien scholar in the world, all right.
    Just as the article I linked to showed that Peter Jackson never heard back but was fine with it.
    Of course he was, good for him to not be involved in this shitshow.
    The viewership of many shows goes way down after new episodes stop releasing. That doesn't mean those shows were not successful.

    what a nice smell of copium, you believe amazon numbers, but other sites are no, no, do you realise house of the dragon was there too right? That is a successful show.

  15. #8355
    Quote Originally Posted by Dhrizzle View Post
    Yup, executives at publicly traded companies are renowned for lying about the financial successes of their projects, they definitely don't err on the side of truth due to the legal ramifications of lying to investors.
    Considering virtually no one desires to hold executives accountable for lying to their shareholders (something they do frequently), I highly doubt anyone at Amazon is considering legal ramifications.

  16. #8356
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Sure, she left amazon, but still was executive producer at amazon, humm, not controversial at all right? clearly she didn't had anymore power over it, and, didn't pick up the writters, since it was the woman who took over he.
    You said she left the production. Not that her being there might have been controversial. You are moving the goal posts because your complaint was incorrect. She was still the executive producer of the show which "has power". She picked the writers and producers before she left as my quote indicates. Do you have something that indicates the writers and producers she picked were replaced once she left Amazon but not the show?

    There are also male writers. Check out the IMDB writing credits. There also appears to be a female writer that wasn't credited there but was a consulting writer according to the wikipedia page for the show. Again you are either deliberatly twisting facts and lying or not able to understand the difference between directors (which were replaced for Season 2) and writers. The directors picked by Sharon Yguado being replaced after Season 1 doesn't work with your claim they were replaced prior to season 1.

    I never said there was just one Tolkien scholar but he is the one fired or let go from the show. The on you referenced directly but not by name. The viewership of shows do drop. It is why the others in the top 10 during the run of Rings of Power do not appear on that list. The only one constantly displaying copium here is yourself. You lie, you twist, you "misremember" just so you can keep posting hate towards the show.

    House of the Dragon was on the list because its final episode was released on October 23rd. Which means it was still a current show but one that had dropped in popularity in favor of newer shows. It was position 8 the "full week" of its final episode since it released on Sunday the 23rd. (https://web.archive.org/web/20221124...n.com/top-ten/) and the week of the 31st to 6th it wasn't even on the top 10. So House of the Dragon wasn't succesful by your own metrics despite calling it succesful without understanding what the data says. The question is will you accept you are wrong and high on copium or will you move the goal posts and twist something else to call Rings of Power "unsuccessful" even though you stated you have no problem personally talking about the positive aspects of the show.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by korijenkins View Post
    Considering virtually no one desires to hold executives accountable for lying to their shareholders (something they do frequently), I highly doubt anyone at Amazon is considering legal ramifications.
    Amazon sees lawsuits by its shareholders all the time. There is, or was, a lawsuit asking for shareholders to be part of the class action because Amazon "allegedly" lied or mislead during a senate hearing. A department of justice investigation was also opened about those misleading or false statements. Of course it will likely be settled out of court or the government penalty is a minor inconvience to Amazon but a toothless accountability isn't the same as never doing it.


    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
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  17. #8357
    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    This is a classic post that people use all the time on this website, and it's ALWAYS wrong. Companies can't outright tell lies, but they can (and absolutely always do) try to find a way to spin everything in the most positive light possible, cherry picking the stats that they want to use. No one is going to sue an Amazon exec for saying, "It's going great" when talking about season 2. The SEC isn't gonna file charges that say, "You said it was going great, but we asked the actors and they said it was actually just ok, YOU MUST GO TO JAIL."

    Utter nonsense.

    I'm gonna dissect the stats he used in this article.

    "It’s been a tremendous success for us, it performed incredibly well around the globe. It is by far our biggest scripted series, it is the most acquisitive show that we’ve put out."

    Duh. Name any other Amazon show that's been a hit.

    "After we finished releasing episodes, we saw a new surge of people come to the service to start the show. We’ve already released the fact that we’re over 100 million, and the number has gone up since then, it’s millions and millions beyond that."

    He's not saying that people are subscribing, he's just saying that people are still watching the show. That's meaningless - of course they are. Millions and millions might be 10 million. Vague, and utterly unsurprising. Lots of people who get access to the show for free because they are prime members watched it.

    "We are really proud that the show drove renewed interest in the books, we saw spikes in book sales."

    Let's say Amazon makes $5 per book sale (it's probably less, the Kindle version of the Silmarillion only costs 3 bucks) and they sold an extra 10 million books. That's 50 million in revenue. The show cost 700 million.

    "It’s just been a company-wide success and as significant as our investment has been, it has more than paid off for us."

    This is an opinion and a projection that can't really be disproven. They can attribute subscriber revenue to this in a way that makes it completely impossible to argue with.

    So yeah, no, the whole "he's gonna get sued if he's lying" argument is a nothingburger.
    More importantly the show ended in November. He's trying to claim that the rise in prime subs is because of people coming to watch the show. No it's because people sub for a month or two for prime for xmas shipping lol.

  18. #8358
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    More importantly the show ended in November. He's trying to claim that the rise in prime subs is because of people coming to watch the show. No it's because people sub for a month or two for prime for xmas shipping lol.
    Rings of Power is currently #5 in the US for Prime Video Top 10. People are still watching the show. You also ignore that his comments directly state that the people coming to the service are starting the show. So you are just inventing things in order to continue to hate on the show.

    "After we finished releasing episodes, we saw a new surge of people come to the service to start the show."

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    This isn't necessarily related to revenue for Amazon if they're just taking advantage of a free service that largely isn't the deciding factor on when they sub.
    Amazon has stated in the past that Prime Video free trials convert to paid subscriptions at a higher rate then other free trials. Even then isn't people that normally wouldn't watch Prime Video using Prime Video to watch Rings of Power be a net positive? As it is retaining people and introducing them to Prime Video.
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  19. #8359
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    You said she left the production.
    And she did, she left amazon and was in a position she could no longer do the decisions.

    Not that her being there might have been controversial. You are moving the goal posts because your complaint was incorrect. She was still the executive producer of the show which "has power".

    Who had power was Jennifer Salke who took her place
    She picked the writers and producers before she left as my quote indicates. [/quote]

    She didn't, i went to the source, Jennifer Salke picked them from a number of options it had:

    Payne and McKay were selected from a shortlist of scribes considered for the job, most of them from features, in the talent search, overseen by Amazon’s head of genre Sharon Tal Yguado.

    And, like i said, the rumors is that the series was going to be different, the original script was "ok", and Galadriel was not the Lead, things changed when Salke assumed.

    There are also male writers.
    ok? obviously? lol
    The viewership of shows do drop. It is why the others in the top 10 during the run of Rings of Power do not appear on that list.
    So much bout the show success that they can't stay in the top 10 after 4 days the finale, but house of the dragon did.

    The question is will you accept you are wrong and high on copium or will you move the goal posts and twist something else to call Rings of Power "unsuccessful" even though you stated you have no problem personally talking about the positive aspects of the show.
    Having good points about the show doesn't make the show less of a failure

    It ws an absolute failure, and thats why they are trying to change so much for season 2 like you, full of copium, saying "now they will stick to the lore, more battles, blablabla

  20. #8360
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    And she did, she left amazon and was in a position she could no longer do the decisions.
    If Mrs. Yguado picked the writers and directors then how did things change when she was fired in 2019? Jennifers Salke replaced the former CEO in Februrary 2018 (He resigned in 2017). So your article from July 2018 indicates that things were picked when Mrs. Yguado, Head of Genre, at Amazon was still in control since she left Amazon in May 2019.

    So your original, and continued, claims have no merit. Also if she didn't pick the writers and directors then she wasn't "spearheading" or "owning the rights". So again your original statement lacks merit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    It ws an absolute failure, and thats why they are trying to change so much for season 2 like you, full of copium, saying "now they will stick to the lore, more battles, blablabla
    So they make a change based on one of the critiques of the show and that means they failed? They are not changing that much that doesn't happen with any show. The only major shake up so far is the Adar actor and two directors. Using this metric you also think that HotD is a failure because one of the co-showrunners is not returning for Season 2. Yet I'm sure now that you know that knowledge you'll still think HotD was a success, right? It is strange how your justifications to hate on Rings of Power is only applied to Rings of Power.
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