1. #8361
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    If Mrs. Yguado picked the writers and directors then how did things change when she was fired in 2019? Jennifers Salke replaced the former CEO in Februrary 2018 (He resigned in 2017). So your article from July 2018 indicates that things were picked when Mrs. Yguado, Head of Genre, at Amazon was still in control since she left Amazon in May 2019.
    she made the list, got replaced and Jennifer Solke picked the ones, its not hard to understand buddy.
    So your original, and continued, claims have no merit. Also if she didn't pick the writers and directors then she wasn't "spearheading" or "owning the rights". So again your original statement lacks merit.
    She literally did spearhead the project and won the rights for amazon, nothing is wrong but your lack of understanding.

    So they make a change based on one of the critiques of the show and that means they failed?.
    Yeah, one

    Yet I'm sure now that you know that knowledge you'll still think HotD was a success, right? It is strange how your justifications to hate on Rings of Power is only applied to Rings of Powe
    House of the dragon was definitely a success, and they had a harder time since the shadow of season 8 of game of thrones was there. The show-runner of rings of power got replaced because the show was dogshit, the showrunner fom HoTd could leve by any reason, but not because the show was bad.

    You are hard pretending a show this bad was a success just because amazon told you so.

  2. #8362
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    she made the list, got replaced and Jennifer Solke picked the ones, its not hard to understand buddy.
    They were picked prior to her leaving Amazon in 2019. You call tell the date correct? Your article is from over a year before she left the company in May of 2019. Either way your original, and current claim, is bogus. As you are now saying Sharon Yguado didn't have much ownership or control over the project if the CEO was the real one making the decisions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    The show-runner of rings of power got replaced because the show was dogshit
    The showrunners of Rings of Power have yet to be replaced. The only one pretending here is yourself. You'll out right lie and make up facts in order to call Rings of Power a failure. Lmao.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
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  3. #8363
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    They were picked prior to her leaving Amazon in 2019. You call tell the date correct? Your article is from over a year before she left the company in May of 2019. Either way your original, and current claim, is bogus.
    Again, they were picked by Solke, and the original script was changed. she was fired from her position and left, her "mainting execut producer" don't mean she had any power over it.
    As you are now saying Sharon Yguado didn't have much ownership or control over the project if the CEO was the real one making the decisions.
    kinda hard to have control over a project when you are fired from the position that control those projects

    The showrunners of Rings of Power have yet to be replaced. The only one pretending here is yourself. You'll out right lie and make up facts in order to call Rings of Power a failure. Lmao.
    A sorry, they will just take a "backseat", they will remain as producers and will not do shit

    And how is not a failure? because amazon told you so

  4. #8364
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Again, they were picked by Solke, and the original script was changed. she was fired from her position and left, her "mainting execut producer" don't mean she had any power over it. kinda hard to have control over a project when you are fired from the position that control those projects
    In 2018 when the one you said had control over the project was not yet fired. It is clear you can't actually tell dates as 2018, when the show runners were picked based on your article happens before 2019 when Sharon Yguado left amazon.

    A sorry, they will just take a "backseat", they will remain as producers and will not do shit And how is not a failure? because amazon told you so
    It is only a rumor they will take a backseat. There is no evidence of it so it is not yet true. There is also a difference between producer and show runner. If House of the Dragon losing a co-runner (who also directed episodes) is not a sign of failure then why would Amazon making rumored changes to show runners be a sign of failure? Your own logic dictates that Rings of Power is not a failure for these things yet you ignore even your own statements because you a personal block on calling it a success.

    You've also took Amazon's word when talking about book sales so you are just deflecting with "because amazon told you so" line. You again display that you won't accept things if it contradicts your hate but will when it supports any argument you make.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
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  5. #8365
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    In 2018 when the one you said had control over the project was not yet fired. It is clear you can't actually tell dates as 2018, when the show runners were picked based on your article happens before 2019 when Sharon Yguado left amazon.
    She was already replaced by Jeniffer Solke

    It is only a rumor they will take a backseat. There is no evidence of it so it is not yet true.
    They literally told us the show ill be run by an all female team, brought over from wheel of time and the witcher. Stop using other showrunner leaving to support your argument, house of the dragon was good, rings of power wasn't, he could have left by any reasons but it was not by the show performance.

    You've also took Amazon's word when talking about book sales so you are just deflecting with "because amazon told you so" line. You again display that you won't accept things if it contradicts your hate but will when it supports any argument you make.
    Basically: the (not paid)critics say the show was bad, the audience say was bad, people only talk bout to make fun of it, 0 engagement online, no actual fandom, Objectively bad story that makes a mockery of the tolkien lore and Don't get nominated to win any prize.

    All of this doesn't matter, what matter is that one of the amazon clowns said it was a success

  6. #8366
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    She was already replaced by Jeniffer Solke
    Sharon Yquado left Amazon in 2019. If she was "replaced" already in 2018 then she wasn't that important to the project. She was just a lower level running things while the CEO made the big calls. It still points out that your original claim is bogus.

    They literally told us the show ill be run by an all female team, brought over from wheel of time and the witcher. Stop using other showrunner leaving to support your argument, house of the dragon was good, rings of power wasn't, he could have left by any reasons but it was not by the show performance.
    3 directors being female with only 2 males being replaced is not the show being run by an all female team. There are still male producers and writers.

    I'm using the a showrunner leaving HotD because you claim a showrunner being replaced or "reduction in role" is a sign of a failure. So then a show runner leaving the show has to be a sign of failure as well, right? It shows how you lie and have no consistency to your logic. You arbitrary apply it only based on your personal taste on a show. The same things happening to House of the Dragon isn't a sign of failure because you like the show. The same things happening to Rings of power is a sign of failure because you hate the show.
    Last edited by rhorle; 2022-12-29 at 11:31 PM.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
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  7. #8367
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    Sharon Yquado left Amazon in 2019. If she was "replaced" already in 2018 then she wasn't that important to the project. She was just a lower level running things while the CEO made the big calls. It still points out that your original claim is bogus.
    She spearhead the project, got the ights for amazon, made a list of writers, got replaced, and someone took creative control over it. Again, tis not hard to get.

    I'm using the a showrunner leaving HotD because you claim a showrunner being replaced or "reduction in role" is a sign of a failure.
    When your show is dogshit, yes, its big sign of it, especially when its TWO, showunners, not just one.

  8. #8368
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    She spearhead the project, got the ights for amazon, made a list of writers, got replaced, and someone took creative control over it. Again, tis not hard to get.
    She didn't leave until after the showrunners were picked. It isn't that hard to get but you don't understand that the article you provide as "proof" happened before she left amazon. Wikipedia says the writing room for the show began mid-February 2019. Sharon Yguado left Amazon in May of 2019 and her wikipedia page indicates she picked the writers and producers.

    Your claim has always been bogus and a twisting of the facts to fit your narrative of hate.

    "A writers' room for the series had begun work in Santa Monica by mid-February 2019" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lo..._Power#Writing

    "She acted as the point creative executive on the project and was responsible for selecting and approving the writers and producers on the show."
    " In May, 2019, she left Amazon and stayed an executive producer on the show." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharon_Tal_Yguado

    When your show is dogshit, yes, its big sign of it, especially when its TWO, showunners, not just one.
    So then HotD was bad because they lost a showrunner who was also a director. There is no evidence that both showrunners on Rings of Power have been replaced or have had their role reduced. Again you desperately try to make a rumor reality just to further your own hate. You don't care about facts only your hate and whatever you can use to try and justify it.
    Last edited by rhorle; 2022-12-30 at 01:24 AM.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  9. #8369
    Rings Of Power Turned 1 Awesome Tolkien Character Into An Idiot

    The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power has significantly changed many details from J.R.R. Tolkien's works, but the alterations made to Gil-galad's character are certainly among the worst. The High King was only in Lord of the Rings for a brief scene, but his rule is prominent throughout The Silmarillion. For this reason, viewers were eager to see the character finally portrayed on screen in The Rings of Power - but many were disappointed to see someone completely unrecognizable.

    In The Silmarillion, Gil-galad is described as the wise and immensely strong High King of the Elves in Middle-earth. He came from important parentage, but that wasn't all that made him worthy of the position. Gil-galad was an excellent military leader, and he bravely fought alongside his soldiers against the likes of Morgoth and Sauron. Additionally, he was one of the few Elven leaders who distrusted Sauron when he was disguised as Annatar. All of this is in stark contrast to what has been seen so far in The Rings of Power, where Gil-galad is nothing more than a clueless politician.

    So far in The Rings of Power, Gil-galad has been nothing like his intelligent and cool book counterpart. Instead, he is portrayed as the typical politician – requiring his underlings to write his speeches for him and misleading people into thinking everything is okay. This is especially seen in his relationship with elves, who should have been considered among the most highly respected in Middle-earth. The High King is threatening, condescending, and deceitful toward the legendary elves of Lord of the Rings, like Galadriel and Elrond, effectively making him come across as a downright jerk.

    hard to imagine that such a person would one day unite the forces of Elves and Men and sacrifice himself on the battlefield for the cause of taking Sauron and his One Ring down. It's also difficult to imagine that if these things were to happen in future seasons of Rings of Power, audiences would even care. Gil-galad would need to make major changes in season 2 to live up to his canon legacy.

  10. #8370
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Rings Of Power Turned 1 Awesome Tolkien Character Into An Idiot

    The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power has significantly changed many details from J.R.R. Tolkien's works, but the alterations made to Gil-galad's character are certainly among the worst. The High King was only in Lord of the Rings for a brief scene, but his rule is prominent throughout The Silmarillion. For this reason, viewers were eager to see the character finally portrayed on screen in The Rings of Power - but many were disappointed to see someone completely unrecognizable.

    In The Silmarillion, Gil-galad is described as the wise and immensely strong High King of the Elves in Middle-earth. He came from important parentage, but that wasn't all that made him worthy of the position. Gil-galad was an excellent military leader, and he bravely fought alongside his soldiers against the likes of Morgoth and Sauron. Additionally, he was one of the few Elven leaders who distrusted Sauron when he was disguised as Annatar. All of this is in stark contrast to what has been seen so far in The Rings of Power, where Gil-galad is nothing more than a clueless politician.

    So far in The Rings of Power, Gil-galad has been nothing like his intelligent and cool book counterpart. Instead, he is portrayed as the typical politician – requiring his underlings to write his speeches for him and misleading people into thinking everything is okay. This is especially seen in his relationship with elves, who should have been considered among the most highly respected in Middle-earth. The High King is threatening, condescending, and deceitful toward the legendary elves of Lord of the Rings, like Galadriel and Elrond, effectively making him come across as a downright jerk.

    hard to imagine that such a person would one day unite the forces of Elves and Men and sacrifice himself on the battlefield for the cause of taking Sauron and his One Ring down. It's also difficult to imagine that if these things were to happen in future seasons of Rings of Power, audiences would even care. Gil-galad would need to make major changes in season 2 to live up to his canon legacy.
    For some reason it's only those who want to dislike the show that sees stuff like this, I wonder why!

  11. #8371
    Quote Originally Posted by Askyl View Post
    For some reason it's only those who want to dislike the show that sees stuff like this, I wonder why!
    For some reason it's only those who want to like the show that never sees stuff like this. I don't wonder why...because they refuse to read the source material!

  12. #8372
    One's personal opinion is better worded by others. That so many agree with it is telling.

  13. #8373
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    For some reason it's only those who want to like the show that never sees stuff like this. I don't wonder why...because they refuse to read the source material!
    Why are you seeking out negative information for something you don't like? Why not just move on to something you do like? It is always strange how people dislike something but make it their life to surround themselves with that which they hate.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
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  14. #8374
    Titan Orby's Avatar
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    I been dwelling over which was worse and I think its safe to say given some time has passed I have come to the conclusion that Rings of Power is better than Wheel of Time, i'll give Rings of Power credit there wasnt enough source material to really run a strong story with the Rings of Power, a lot of stuff in the The Silmarillion is more notes than story, so they had to fill in gaps and make their own story even if the source material that they do use counters a lot of the notes of The Silmarillion. Its not like Hoibbit or Lord of the Rings where theres a full story there.

    Meanwhile Wheel of Time hasn't got the same excuse, they literally had source material and a detailed novel and for 75% of the show chose to ignore it and make up their own.
    Last edited by Orby; 2023-01-03 at 04:18 PM.
    I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW

    Unsubbed since January 2021, now a Warcraft fan from a distance

  15. #8375
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    Why are you seeking out negative information for something you don't like? Why not just move on to something you do like? It is always strange how people dislike something but make it their life to surround themselves with that which they hate.
    It's also strange that you care so much about what people like or don't like. Why gatekeep?

  16. #8376
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    It's also strange that you care so much about what people like or don't like. Why gatekeep?
    Kinda funny when it comes from the 2nd highest poster. Being more than 2x from no.3.

    "Your life is surrounding hating this show".
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  17. #8377
    Quote Originally Posted by Orby View Post
    i'll give Rings of Power credit there wasnt enough source material to really run a strong story with the Rings of Power, a lot of stuff in the The Silmarillion is more notes than story, so they had to fill in gaps and make their own story even if the source material that they do use counters a lot of the notes of The Silmarillion. Its not like Hoibbit or Lord of the Rings where theres a full story there.
    That isn't really 'to its credit' since they deliberately chose a timeline that wasn't well fleshed out for a TV series, that spans thousands of years, and decided to condense that story into whatever they presented for Rings of Power. There's plenty of smaller chunk storylines they could tackle instead of the breadth of the Rings of Power. Something like the upcoming animated Rohan series might work better for adaptation.

    Also the Silmarillion is material they absolutely do not have rights to, so for them to even be filling in the gaps for it is just taking the story as we know it from the books and tossing it right out. And that kind of questions who this series is really being made for. Even with all the creative liberties that PJ's LOTR took, they were all purposeful to smooth out the story in a way that would be more palettable for a movie-going audience, while what we see in RoP involves plenty of nonsensical plot additions that do not serve the overall 'creation of the Rings of Power' plot at all.

    The first season of RoP was just a convoluted mess. They could have taken out entire POV arcs out and the story they chose could have been told in a much more concise way. And there's really no reason to involve sweeping changes to the book narrative, which already outlined the major plot points for what happens in the creation of the Rings. Instead they chose to make RoP into "The Misadventures of Galadriel in the Second Age"
    Last edited by Triceron; 2023-01-03 at 05:52 PM.

  18. #8378
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    Cept I don't hate the show? lol
    Oh no, I'm talking about rhorle complaining that the life of a poster with 1/5th of his is apparently "all about hating the show".
    The lack of self-reflection and awareness is apparent...but I think most of us already knew that.

    I think we can all conclude that rhorles life is all about defending the show; following the same logic.
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  19. #8379
    Quote Originally Posted by Kumorii View Post
    Oh no, I'm talking about rhorle complaining that the life of a poster with 1/5th of his is apparently "all about hating the show".
    The lack of self-reflection and awareness is apparent...but I think most of us already knew that.

    I think we can all conclude that rhorles life is all about defending the show following the same logic.
    Yeah, I misread, my bad.

    He goes on about being civil but turns around and attacks anyone for expressing opinion, even though he practically refuses to ever discuss opinions himself. To date I don't think he's outright even said if he enjoyed the show or not. He's not interested in actual discussion.

  20. #8380
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    Yeah, I misread, my bad.

    He goes on about being civil but turns around and attacks anyone for expressing opinion, even though he practically refuses to ever discuss opinions himself. To date I don't think he's outright even said if he enjoyed the show or not. He's not interested in actual discussion.
    oh absolutely, it's all about "Putting someone in their place" or "correcting someone's opinion" which is a bizarre obsession to surround ones life with. I never understood the mentality that goes behind "trying to disprove" someone elses opinion, like so many posters do in this thread, or the forum overall.

    Had a conversation with a collegue who like RoP where I liked HotD and she didn't like HotD that much. We had no problems whatsoever talking about certain scenes we liked and disliked and for what reason. As an example, the final scene I thought was brilliant; with Aemond and his reaction. Where she thought it was an odd reaction. We both interpret the scene differently based on our own personalities and experiences.

    Yet, here, as soon as you voice something it's all about fine combing the statement, maybe even find a detail that was wrong and that somehow exposes your entire opinion as fake. I only see this behavior online. It's not about sharing views, it's about proving another's view as being false.

    This obviously goes both ways, but at least here, I see the "disproving haters" being more prevalent.
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