they have defined a pretty clear canon with the 3 LoTR novels and the hobbit just like Lucas did with his first 6 movies, even selling those rights and withholding others as they are the main canon story’s.
Rather the Silmarillion is part of that or is it’s own canon like the EU was or rather some story’s of it are canon and other aren’t is all up what the estate has said even if I don’t know what that stance is.
And that’s what makes this definition of canon meaningless.but because many people consider it to be.
many people would likely consider what Jackson did canon many others won’t and say just the word for word novels are, many may take one story from the Silmarillion and apply it while saying other story’s don’t fit, many may say only what Tolkien wrote is canon and things added by his son aren’t, many may say that only what he published is canon and scattered notes don’t count or story’s that didn’t make it into the Silmarillion should count, and while not likely right now many may look at say shadow of modor down the line and say that should be canon because they like it.
If you are saying Canon is what “many” want it to be then canon is every thing and nothing because there are endless groups of “many” wanting different things.
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Literally no one talking about canon is talking about RoP.