...That there was a black Captain America in the comics before? Granted it wasn't Sam, but the idea of there being a black Captain America is not a new original idea that was created by the MCU.
Again, this is what we're all getting at - You wouldn't expect, nor want, a white man to don the cowl of the Black Panther because of how horribly abominable that would be to pretty much everything about the Black Panther and his backstory. In the same vein, then, why should it not be okay for us to be upset about them casting a black man with a modern haircut to play a Tolkien elf, and the first female dwarf we've seen on screen not to sport a beard, to say nothing about what they're doing to Elrond and Galadriel.
That's the problem we have with this - they're not respecting the lore, and they're ticking boxes just to make themselves look forward thinking. If they wanted to tell a story about a racial diverse sect of Middle Earth, then they had the entireity of the Esterlings, a criminally underused portion of Tolkien's lore, to work with, and I would have been all for it.
But what Amazon's doing with The Lord of the Rings IP is just as disrespectful to the source material, and Tolkien's work, as what they did with the Wheel of Time.