1. #8821
    Quote Originally Posted by Dhrizzle View Post
    Amazon said they were happy with its performance which is the main thing really, though people are taking that to mean it was really a failure and they're only carrying on with it because huge corporations love throwing away profits.

    Sounds pretty standard practice for online tribalism nowadays. Especially poor little statistics, being abused like some crackhouse whore.

    Still doesn't give me clarity though, from either side honestly.

    Eh, back to apathy i guess.
    To add context only two shows in the top 15 were non-Neflix. @Fencers who actually works in the industry says that's something Amazon should be very happy about.
    Fair enough, in-house producing of proper quality is no mean feat.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    The woke stuff is a non-issue. Its problems are in its production and execution, simple as that. Poor pacing, poor script, poor planning in general.

    Amazon has an internal method of defining what a successful show looks like to them. From what little we know of the subject, their internal gauges involve tracking the first show that new Prime Video subscribers watch. This is what they attribute the subs towards; they correlate the new user to 'subbing' to watch that show. This is unique to Amazon, and there's articles out there that try and analyze why they use this method over other known metrics. So if the Amazon exec says it's successful, it's probably going to be in context of the show being one of their top first-watched shows. If they're touting millions/billions of minutes watched, then I could see that being true too, since they already have plenty of Prime subscribers who would be interested in a 'new Lord of the Rings' series and give it a go. It banked on being a highly anticipated sequel to a movie franchise that has high demand.

    As for how Prime Video actually operates, they don't really care much about 'winning' against other streaming platforms either. Nielsen ratings are what people are touting here to compare the series to other shows and use as a metric for success (or failure), Amazon generally doesn't care. It's fairly well acknowledged that Prime Video is a loss-leader. Prime Video exists to promote people staying subbed to Prime, which in turn builds more incentive to buy more stuff online. That's where the real money comes from. Come for the free shipping, stay for the free streaming.
    Makes sense, though it also builds the idea that Amazon's regard for the show mught not really be related to either its quality or its succes as a piece of art.

    And yeah i heard that it had far more issues than a little wokeness.
    This is a signature of an ailing giant, boundless in pride, wit and strength.
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    Furthermore, I consider that Carthage Slam must be destroyed.

  2. #8822
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Why is "wokeness" an issue?
    Gonna disconnect this question from ROP for a sec to answer.

    It is the perception of any politically-motivated elements that are being added at the cost of quality or substance for the overall story.

    Sometimes it's a BS excuse and non issue, sometimes it is a substantial problem that is widely being recognized. Even though I haven't watched it, I'll throw out Velma as an example where they went so far out of their say to send a message that they seemed to alienate the original audience that the franchise was made for.

    As for how this applies to Rings of Power, it's purely subjective. Some people still hang on to this as a problem. I personally never had issue with it, but I would still recognize it being a contentious issue that exists.
    Last edited by Triceron; 2023-02-07 at 06:04 PM.

  3. #8823
    Quote Originally Posted by Fabinas View Post
    For me as a viewer it was a trainwreck and an abomination. However, it's not the first time that corporate execs use statistics and metrics that frame their products as successful, while the public hates them. Hell, even hateposting in social media or hateviewing is counted as "engagement" and adds to their success.

    Let this serve as a warning to all of us.
    I wanted to quote it - to say it again!

    Guess what guys. The *exact engagement* media companies care about, the "engagement" Fencers is posting about - INTERNET hits. So yeah, every single 'angry tweet' anyone posts online, across social media, is COUNTING TOWARDS that ENGAGEMENT that the companies ACTUALLY care about.

    If you really want an IP's "online engagement" effected in a way media companies care about - you really will have to stop hate posting. =D Every post shitting on an IP is still a +1 for online engagement.

    You can however, keep watching, apparently.

    Oh - But don't FINISH the series - if you want your hate to count to Netflix (at least) cancelling something.
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  4. #8824
    Quote Originally Posted by loras View Post
    Makes sense, though it also builds the idea that Amazon's regard for the show mught not really be related to either its quality or its succes as a piece of art.
    I find it hard to grasp what Amazon execs actually want out of this. It's not exactly being recognized as a piece of art, either by the critics, the fandom, or the award academies that Amazon seems to want to appeal to. I personally find this series quite soulless, with the Elrond/Durin arc, (and maybe the Harfoots), being the exception.

  5. #8825
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    I find it hard to grasp what Amazon execs actually want out of this. It's not exactly being recognized as a piece of art, either by the critics, the fandom, or the award academies that Amazon seems to want to appeal to. I personally find this series quite soulless, with the Elrond/Durin arc, (and maybe the Harfoots), being the exception.
    well Bezos wanted a Game of Thrones and his son(?) told him to not fuck it up with this IP.

    We need to know what the son thinks about it!
    Error 404 - Signature not found

  6. #8826
    Quote Originally Posted by Kumorii View Post
    well Bezos wanted a Game of Thrones and his son(?) told him to not fuck it up with this IP.

    We need to know what the son thinks about it!
    They're the only ones who would be able to define it as a success, after all!

  7. #8827
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Koriani View Post
    I wanted to quote it - to say it again!

    Guess what guys. The *exact engagement* media companies care about, the "engagement" Fencers is posting about - INTERNET hits. So yeah, every single 'angry tweet' anyone posts online, across social media, is COUNTING TOWARDS that ENGAGEMENT that the companies ACTUALLY care about.

    If you really want an IP's "online engagement" effected in a way media companies care about - you really will have to stop hate posting. =D Every post shitting on an IP is still a +1 for online engagement.

    You can however, keep watching, apparently.

    Oh - But don't FINISH the series - if you want your hate to count to Netflix (at least) cancelling something.
    People shitting on the show in the internet, sadly for then, didn't give enough engagement to be impactful, but yes, hate watching does.

    A good thing of hatewatching, is that some people do, so they can warn others to not fall in this same trap

    And seeing how viewes drop after the premiere, a lot of people didn't finish it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    As for how this applies to Rings of Power, it's purely subjective. Some people still hang on to this as a problem. I personally never had issue with it, but I would still recognize it being a contentious issue that exists.
    It isn't rly subjective, its just so bad that even that they didn't manage to get right.

    The idea that humans are mad about elves, and think just because one of then appear their kingdom, is enough to make then riot, thinking they would steal their jobs, is bogus and an allegory to the people that immigration would do that as well

    You also have the very, very white pale works, using hoods like an infamous racist groups.

    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    I find it hard to grasp what Amazon execs actually want out of this. It's not exactly being recognized as a piece of art, either by the critics, the fandom, or the award academies that Amazon seems to want to appeal to. I personally find this series quite soulless, with the Elrond/Durin arc, (and maybe the Harfoots), being the exception.
    they said they needed a big hit, a Game of thrones-like fever, obviously they didn't succeed on it

  8. #8828
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    It isn't rly subjective, its just so bad that even that they didn't manage to get right.

    The idea that humans are mad about elves, and think just because one of then appear their kingdom, is enough to make then riot, thinking they would steal their jobs, is bogus and an allegory to the people that immigration would do that as well
    It's bad because it didn't even make sense for the story they wanted to tell. It doesn't immediately equate to being bad because it's a woke thing. The mere association of this as being woke is subjective.

  9. #8829
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    And seeing how viewes drop after the premiere, a lot of people didn't finish it.
    How did viewes drop off after the Premier?

    The idea that humans are mad about elves, and think just because one of then appear their kingdom, is enough to make then riot, thinking they would steal their jobs, is bogus and an allegory to the people that immigration would do that as well

    You also have the very, very white pale works, using hoods like an infamous racist groups.
    Ah man that's pathetic. Numenoreans are resentful of the perceived superiority of immortal magical people and some people wear hoods - "It'S aN aLlEgOrY fOr PoLiTiCs"

  10. #8830
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dhrizzle View Post
    How did viewes drop off after the Premier?
    Lets see how much Amazon talk about minutes watched on other episodes... oh wait they don't, they just talk about the premiere.

    And with niselsen numbers, each week RoP decreased in the week, only got barely up again in the battle episode, you can search some pages back to find it.

    Ah man that's pathetic. Numenoreans are resentful of the perceived superiority of immortal magical people and some people wear hoods - "It'S aN aLlEgOrY fOr PoLiTiCs"
    Pathetic is what they did, and i didn't say it was an allegory for politics, i said it was an allegory, period, you take that with what you want, but you need to be blind to not see it.

    Numenorians are a race of super-humans, they being receitful to elves because their immortality have fuck to do with 'their gonna steal our jerbs"

    And the orcs, nothing to say, you just need to watch it

  11. #8831
    Quote Originally Posted by Dhrizzle View Post
    This is the key word, not jobs, but immortality was what drove the Numenoreans. Making it jobs is literally because of US politics and fucking stupid.

    Even within just the context of the show, the Elf/Galadriel just wanted to leave the island, while the HUMAN (aka Halbrand/Sauron) was the one taking/looking for a job.
    Last edited by bledgor; 2023-02-08 at 08:33 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Xarim View Post
    It's a strange and illogical world where not wanting your 10 year old daughter looking at female-identifying pre-op penises at the YMCA could feasibly be considered transphobic.

  12. #8832
    Herald of the Titans rogoth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dhrizzle View Post
    How did viewes drop off after the Premier?

    Ah man that's pathetic. Numenoreans are resentful of the perceived superiority of immortal magical people and some people wear hoods - "It'S aN aLlEgOrY fOr PoLiTiCs"
    all the ratings data showed that after the premiere millions of people quit watching the show, and in fact the double episode premier saw a 40% reduction in viewership from e1 to e2 alone, and as mentioned both by myself and others, there were plenty of reports showing that more people left the show after that first episode aired than have watched all 8 episodes in total, meaning the show lost more viewers than it kept hold of by the end, dunno about you but i find that to be pretty significant.

    'THEY TOOK ER JERBS!' was an actual plot point of the show, actual allegory to the dumbass American xenophobia towards any immigration but particularly Latino/Muslim immigration that's been increasing massively in recent years, yet another example of the moronic showrunners/department head 'this show must represent what the modern world looks like today' bullshit, there's dozens of examples of pathetic and moronic allegory in this show, and you decided to try and ridicule one of the most prominent ones, not exactly a smart choice there friend.

  13. #8833
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Lets see how much Amazon talk about minutes watched on other episodes... oh wait they don't, they just talk about the premiere.

    And with niselsen numbers, each week RoP decreased in the week, only got barely up again in the battle episode, you can search some pages back to find it.
    I did search, best comparison was posted by @rhorle,

    Episodes 1 and 2 were 1,235m minutes. Episode 8 was 1,137m minutes. The low point for the show was episode 6 at 966m minutes.
    I just don't see how that fits your narrative.

    Pathetic is what they did, and i didn't say it was an allegory for politics, i said it was an allegory, period, you take that with what you want, but you need to be blind to not see it.

    Numenorians are a race of super-humans, they being receitful to elves because their immortality have fuck to do with 'their gonna steal our jerbs"
    Ah sorry you didn't say it was an allegory about politics, you said it was about politics and an allegory. But Numenoreans being resentful of a race made superior through the will of the Creator isn't allegorical of anything even if it is expressed through anxiety over their greater craftsmanship. Closest historic parallel is probably the Luddites but I'm guessing no influencers could make a South Park meme about that.

    And the orcs, nothing to say, you just need to watch it
    Brilliant argument, well done.

    Quote Originally Posted by bledgor View Post
    This is the key word, not jobs, but immortality was what drove the Numenoreans. Making it jobs is literally because of US politics and fucking stupid.
    It's bugger all to do with US politics.

    Even within just the context of the show, the Elf/Galadriel just wanted to leave the island, while the HUMAN (aka Halbrand/Sauron) was the one taking/looking for a job.
    Gosh, that would only make sense if there was some sort of pre-existing resentment about the Elves among the Numenoreans...

  14. #8834
    As a LotR enjoyer I liked watching it. As a Tolkien enjoyer it lacked in certain areas.
    I never went into this expecting to get the Sirmarillion in T.V. form so maybe that helped.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aydinx2
    People who don't buy the deluxe edition should be permanently banned. I'm sick of playing with poor people.

  15. #8835
    Quote Originally Posted by Dhrizzle View Post
    It's bugger all to do with US politics.
    Sure and the moon is made of cheese.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dhrizzle View Post
    Gosh, that would only make sense if there was some sort of pre-existing resentment about the Elves among the Numenoreans...
    ABOUT THEM BEING IMMORTAL, NOT TAKING THEIR FUCKING JOBS. You know what back to ignoring you, you seem to ignore reality anyways.
    Quote Originally Posted by Xarim View Post
    It's a strange and illogical world where not wanting your 10 year old daughter looking at female-identifying pre-op penises at the YMCA could feasibly be considered transphobic.

  16. #8836
    Quote Originally Posted by bledgor View Post
    Sure and the moon is made of cheese.
    No it isn't.

    ABOUT THEM BEING IMMORTAL, NOT TAKING THEIR FUCKING JOBS. You know what back to ignoring you, you seem to ignore reality anyways.
    They're illustrating a general anxiety about the superiority of Elves and their immortality plays into that. Try thinking beyond a South Park meme next time.

  17. #8837
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dhrizzle View Post
    I just don't see how that fits your narrative.
    Do you know that 966 is lower than 1235 right? literally confirming "my narrative" that viewers drop after premiere.

    Ah sorry you didn't say it was an allegory about politics, you said it was about politics and an allegory. But Numenoreans being resentful of a race made superior through the will of the Creator isn't allegorical of anything even if it is expressed through anxiety over their greater craftsmanship. Closest historic parallel is probably the Luddites but I'm guessing no influencers could make a South Park meme about that.
    The actual lore isn't allegory

    What they did in the show was.

    You are literally ignoring that the show didn't focus on the numenorian being resentful about the elves immortality, they were mad because they were going to steal their jobs, again, allegory to immigration, cause its the exactly same argument people use.
    Brilliant argument, well done.
    Yeah, it doesn't need arguments, the show spoken volumes already.
    that would only make sense if there was some sort of pre-existing resentment about the Elves among the Numenoreans...
    Yeah, countless of elves already stole the numenorian jobs, it made perfectly sense for the guy to have resentment.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Dhrizzle View Post
    They're illustrating a general anxiety about the superiority of Elves and their immortality plays into that.

    "We chose to demonstrate that the numenorians feel general axientity by the superiority of the elves and their immortality by ignoring totally that bit and making then afraid of loosing jobs"

    What a joke, You only missed to say it was "shakespearean "

  18. #8838
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Do you know that 966 is lower than 1235 right? literally confirming "my narrative" that viewers drop after premiere.
    And 1137 is higher than 966. So it dropped a bit and risen again.

  19. #8839
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Do you know that 966 is lower than 1235 right? literally confirming "my narrative" that viewers drop after premiere.
    You said it dropped so a lot of people didn't finish it. With the finale being around a 95 difference from the premiere it indicates a lot of people did finish it. It is funny how the last few days you were claiming the show lost 8 billion minutes after the premier. Now you recognize the truth but are still trying to twist it to be a bad thing. Do you ever stop moving goal posts?
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  20. #8840
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Do you know that 966 is lower than 1235 right? literally confirming "my narrative" that viewers drop after premiere.
    It's hardly loads of people though, not like when you were pretending 80٪ of the minutes viewed came from the first two episodes alone. It's what, less than 25% to the lowest point with almost a complete recovery for the finale?

    The actual lore isn't allegory

    What they did in the show was.
    There's no allegory.

    You are literally ignoring that the show didn't focus on the numenorian being resentful about the elves immortality, they were mad because they were going to steal their jobs, again, allegory to immigration, cause its the exactly same argument people use.
    They were resentful because Elves were unsleeping, unaging, untiring. Distrust had been allowed to fester for four generations since Elves were banned from Numenor and now a she-Elf has the ear of the Queen. The agitator might have used the threat of the Elves taking their trade (not their jobs but as there isn't a "they took our trade" meme I'm not surprised you missed that) to rile up the crowd but from watching the show it clearly isn't the only issue affecting Numenor with the Elves as Elendil explains later in the episode.

    Yeah, it doesn't need arguments, the show spoken volumes already.
    Oh yeah it totally does but you just can't explain it.

    Yeah, countless of elves already stole the numenorian jobs, it made perfectly sense for the guy to have resentment.
    Now if that was the case then you could say it bears some resemblence to modern politics but, as you sarcastically pointed out, Elven migration to Numenor wasn't a thing, and as i explained the concern wasn't about Elves coming to take over jobs anyway.

    "We chose to demonstrate that the numenorians feel general axientity by the superiority of the elves and their immortality by ignoring totally that bit and making then afraid of loosing jobs"
    Instead of inventing quotes that don't match what is being shown wouldn't it make more sense to watch the series and criticise what actually occurs on screen?

    What a joke, You only missed to say it was "shakespearean "
    Last edited by Dhrizzle; 2023-02-08 at 05:13 PM.

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