1. #8841
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    See here is the problem, none of those are true measures of success. They just measure what you personally like. All those things can and do vary wildly between successful shows.
    It's like you ignored the first phrase.

    "AS A VIEWER" (caps to help your faltering vision).

  2. #8842
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fabinas View Post
    It's like you ignored the first phrase.

    "AS A VIEWER" (caps to help your faltering vision).
    because it's not relevant. "As a viewer" you are measuring what you enjoy, not if the show is a success. Success is not the word you should be using.

  3. #8843
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dhrizzle View Post
    It's hardly loads of people though, not like when you were pretending 80٪ of the minutes viewed came from the first two episodes alone. It's what, less than 25% to the lowest point with almost a complete recovery for the finale?
    ITs a lot of people, yes. And mind you, this is not 'viewers" but "minutes watched", if they actually count on viewers it would show worse.

    Again, niesel chart in the months showed they had a huge drop, in US only, let alone in the rest of the fucking world, that they do not count.

    There's no allegory.
    You are blindly and on purpose ignoring the blatantly allegory that did not exist in the book.

    They were resentful because Elves were unsleeping, unaging, untiring. Distrust had been allowed to fester for four generations since Elves were banned from Numenor and now a she-Elf has the ear of the Queen.

    no, buzz off, you can't salvage this shit with this spin, if numenorian hate and resent elves WHY THE FUCK THEY WOULD HIRE ELVES, this is moronic and clearly an allegory to immigration, you need to be, again, blind to not see how on the nose they were.

    Oh yeah it totally does but you just can't explain it.
    What there is to explain?

    ITs not secret that some sjw like to claim orcs in lord of the rings(and even in other medias, yeah, i play dnd as well) are "clearly" a sign of racism toward poc, therefore, in this show, they made sure to make the orcs pale white, using KKK hoods, disgusting..

    In fact, all the evil people of the southlands were white. Not gonna even mention how it was "poetic" a white dude saying the black elf they should "forget the past" or whatever.

    and as i explained the concern wasn't about Elves coming to take over jobs anyway.
    Explained you mean the shit you made up? because it literally is about the jobs, it is what they chose to focus on, its what they choose to rally behind, it is what they said on the screen

    They deliberated use that as an excuse ,despite not being in the books neither making sense to the actual problem.

    Instead of inventing quotes that don't match what is being shown wouldn't it make more sense to watch the series and criticise what actually occurs on screen?
    rich coming from you making shit about what the numenorians in the show feels, when its literally showed it was because elves gonna steal their jerbs.

    ah yes, some people and the showrunenrs themselves, like to call their work shakesperian, its like what you did prior, make some up nonense and rpetend it does make sense.

    "oooh, they feel resent and anxiety towards elves immortality, we choose to reflect that sentiment by making then afraid of loosing jobs"

    so meta

  4. #8844
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    ITs a lot of people, yes. And mind you, this is not 'viewers" but "minutes watched", if they actually count on viewers it would show worse. Again, niesel chart in the months showed they had a huge drop, in US only, let alone in the rest of the fucking world, that they do not count.
    Nielsen numbers assume 2+ people so it has a minimum number of viewers attached to its statistics. The lowest Rings of Power got was 966 million minutes streamed for a week. It recovered to with 100 of the premiere weekend for the final week. I'm not sure why you are still trying to tear these statistics apart. You can't seem to make up your mind on believing them or not. One post you believe them and another post you call them wrong.

    Even if you ignore the minimum of two people someone has to be watching all of those minutes streamed, right? So it wouldn't be "worse" then what the streaming shows. Are you seriously going to argue that all of those minutes streamed were by people who started the episode on their TV but walked out of the room? Lmao.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
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  5. #8845
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    See here is the problem, none of those are true measures of success. They just measure what you personally like. All those things can and do vary wildly between successful shows.
    Those are measures of quality, if the show is bad, good or neutral.

    What measures success is how much people liked, how many people went crazy about(talking online mostly), and depending on the format, how many people paid to watch. Cause many bad movies/music get a fuckton of success if they check those.

    I gonna be bold and say next to no one paid to watch this shit, and the ones who did was before knowing it was a dumpsterfire, most people who watched, where the ones who already had prime anyway

    Audience did not liked, it received lower scores in both rotten tomatoes and imdb, only critics paid by amazon rated high, obviously, and there was still the controversy of amazon erasing the critics and putting then on hold.

    Online engagement was only to shit on it, and even that was low, we did a comparison to hashtags on twitter and isntagram on rings of power and house of the dragon , RoP was on the lower end, and again, most where to mock with memes.

    This screams failure, regardless if they made to a lame top 15th in the 15h position.

  6. #8846
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    ITs a lot of people, yes. And mind you, this is not 'viewers" but "minutes watched", if they actually count on viewers it would show worse.

    Again, niesel chart in the months showed they had a huge drop, in US only, let alone in the rest of the fucking world, that they do not count.
    "Niesel chart in the months showed they had a huge drop..." what does that even mean?

    You are blindly and on purpose ignoring the blatantly allegory that did not exist in the book.
    Because it doesn't exist in the series either.

    Yes I get it, some influencer showed you a South Park meme and that's where your knowledge of this begins and ends.

    no, buzz off, you can't salvage this shit with this spin, if numenorian hate and resent elves WHY THE FUCK THEY WOULD HIRE ELVES, this is moronic and clearly an allegory to immigration, you need to be, again, blind to not see how on the nose they were.
    They wouldn't hire Elves. In the series nobody talked about jobs, that's something someone told you and you're just following blindly. What the Numenoreans were being pushed towards fearing was competition for their trade from beings that are objectively superior.

    What there is to explain?

    ITs not secret that some sjw like to claim orcs in lord of the rings(and even in other medias, yeah, i play dnd as well) are "clearly" a sign of racism toward poc, therefore, in this show, they made sure to make the orcs pale white, using KKK hoods, disgusting..

    In fact, all the evil people of the southlands were white. Not gonna even mention how it was "poetic" a white dude saying the black elf they should "forget the past" or whatever.
    WTF dude, is this what the SJW boogie man is up to these days? I don't know if you're spending too much time on YouTube or Twitch or TikTok but you gotta lay off the influencers for a while.

    Explained you mean the shit you made up? because it literally is about the jobs, it is what they chose to focus on, its what they choose to rally behind, it is what they said on the screen

    They deliberated use that as an excuse ,despite not being in the books neither making sense to the actual problem.
    It's not about jobs, no-one mentions jobs, you're regurgitating a meme and getting upset because it doesn't match reality.

    rich coming from you making shit about what the numenorians in the show feels, when its literally showed it was because elves gonna steal their jerbs.
    You think the wealthy elites of Numenor cut contact with the Elves four generations prior because they were worried they were gonna South Park meme?

    ah yes, some people and the showrunenrs themselves, like to call their work shakesperian, its like what you did prior, make some up nonense and rpetend it does make sense.

    "oooh, they feel resent and anxiety towards elves immortality, we choose to reflect that sentiment by making then afraid of loosing jobs"

    so meta
    I don't think I've seen anything rot brains as quickly as RoP hate.

  7. #8847
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    This screams failure, regardless if they made to a lame top 15th in the 15h position.
    And yet it isn't seen as a failure by Amazon. It broke records for Amazon Studios. It reached top 15 streaming. It streamed 9 billion minutes. Just because you didn't like the show and keep trying to find ways for it to fail, including lies, doesn't mean it actually is. Why are you fighting so hard against its success? Why is the only option that it is a failure and you can't handle anything else?
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  8. #8848
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Those are measures of quality, if the show is bad, good or neutral.

    This is all that needs to be said, the rest is a straw man I'm not gonna bother with. Quality doesn't always = success and sometimes bad = success.

  9. #8849
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    When i am comparing what success means to the industry and what success means to me, sorry, you don't get to tell me what word i will use.

    Doing so, means you didn't understand the comparison. So, shoo, now, i'm done with you.

  10. #8850
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fabinas View Post
    When i am comparing what success means to the industry and what success means to me, sorry, you don't get to tell me what word i will use.

    Doing so, means you didn't understand the comparison. So, shoo, now, i'm done with you.
    You can freely use any word incorrectly all you want.

  11. #8851
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    This is all that needs to be said, the rest is a straw man I'm not gonna bother with. Quality doesn't always = success and sometimes bad = success.
    did you suffer an aneurism or something, because that's EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID in his post, did you not read past the first line?, are you having an issue with your eyesight?, genuinely curious because that's precisely what he said, he said multiple 'bad' things have been massively successful and some stuff that's considered high quality hasn't always got the success it deserves, what exactly are you trying to get at here by just repeating what he said in fewer words?

  12. #8852
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    Sure, Amazon is gonna find a way to claim success because they can hide their losses easily inside their core delivery business, but it’s foolish to the point of ridiculousness to care how they spin it. The point of engagement is to monetize it. I don’t see how they monetize this.
    They don't sell ads on their service. Engagement in the way you keep using it isn't important as it is to a service that does sell ads. As that is what companies look for when purchasing a timeslot. Amazon doesn't need to hide any losses from the show. It broke internal records for Prime Video. It made top 15 streaming. It has award nominations. It has been stated to have more than paid off the investment.

    You are another that is having trouble accepting that the show could be a success. Why? Why are you so desperate to continually claim the show is a failure?
    Last edited by rhorle; 2023-02-08 at 11:36 PM.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
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  13. #8853
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    Quote Originally Posted by rogoth View Post
    did you suffer an aneurism or something, because that's EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID in his post, did you not read past the first line?, are you having an issue with your eyesight?, genuinely curious because that's precisely what he said, he said multiple 'bad' things have been massively successful and some stuff that's considered high quality hasn't always got the success it deserves, what exactly are you trying to get at here by just repeating what he said in fewer words?
    ? Did you? maybe read the whole convo again? I'm agreeing with @Syegfryed 's first statment, hence the "thats all that needs to be said".....

  14. #8854
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    ? Did you? maybe read the whole convo again? I'm agreeing with @Syegfryed 's first statment, hence the "thats all that needs to be said".....
    no i got that part fine, my query was why did you just repeat what he said but used less words to do so then proceed to call it a 'strawman' when you're both saying the exact same thing, i don't get it.

  15. #8855
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    Quote Originally Posted by rogoth View Post
    no i got that part fine, my query was why did you just repeat what he said but used less words to do so then proceed to call it a 'strawman' when you're both saying the exact same thing, i don't get it.
    We are not saying the same thing. I have made no real critique about this show and by all means I can see it's a success. That is not what he thinks.

    I gonna be bold and say next to no one paid to watch this shit, and the ones who did was before knowing it was a dumpsterfire, most people who watched, where the ones who already had prime anyway

    Audience did not liked, it received lower scores in both rotten tomatoes and imdb, only critics paid by amazon rated high, obviously, and there was still the controversy of amazon erasing the critics and putting then on hold.

    Online engagement was only to shit on it, and even that was low, we did a comparison to hashtags on twitter and isntagram on rings of power and house of the dragon , RoP was on the lower end, and again, most where to mock with memes.

    This screams failure, regardless if they made to a lame top 15th in the 15h position.

    None of that had anything to do with what I said Hence it's a strawman he is arguing... not me.... I don't agree with everything he is saying, just the first statement.

  16. #8856
    Quote Originally Posted by rogoth View Post
    no i got that part fine, my query was why did you just repeat what he said but used less words to do so then proceed to call it a 'strawman' when you're both saying the exact same thing, i don't get it.
    He said the rest was strawman, meaning he didn't think the rest of what was talked about was very relevant.

    That's how I understand their conversation, at least.
    Last edited by Triceron; 2023-02-08 at 11:50 PM.

  17. #8857
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    Agreed. It wasn’t that it was woke - it was just bad. Everything around Galadriel was a mess, especially Gil-Galad. The casting choices were mostly terrible. The plot was totally inconsistent with the lore. It sucked.

    - - - Updated - - -

    So your argument is that if the industry decides to use nonsensical stats, it doesn’t matter?

    Dr. Evil voice: Riiiiigggghhhht.

    At the end of the day what matters is earning money. The stats are a proxy for that. If they don’t work, people stop using them.

    And I would argue that using engagement for RoP, when a large portion of the feedback is negative and a lot of engagement was guaranteed the moment you sunk a billion into a valuable ip and gave it away for free, is pretty dumb.

    Sure, Amazon is gonna find a way to claim success because they can hide their losses easily inside their core delivery business, but it’s foolish to the point of ridiculousness to care how they spin it.

    The point of engagement is to monetize it. I don’t see how they monetize this.
    I make no argument. I state a fact.

    You're trying to argue facts.

  18. #8858
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    None of that had anything to do with what I said Hence it's a strawman he is arguing... not me.... I don't agree with everything he is saying, just the first statement.
    That is not a strawman since im not arguing against you?? lol

    Im saying what makes a show successful, and saying rings of power didn't check any of those boxes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dhrizzle View Post
    "Niesel chart in the months showed they had a huge drop..." what does that even mean?
    Dropping from 2/3rd place to 7th in the top 10? then disappearing entirely later?
    Yes I get it, some influencer showed you a South Park meme and that's where your knowledge of this begins and ends.
    What south park meme are you even talking about?

    its literally in the show, rings of power, the dude complaining about elves telling their jobs, and this is something xenophobe people, more common in US think about immigration

    you don't need to watch a cartoon to see the allegory, just to use your brain

    They wouldn't hire Elves. In the series nobody talked about jobs, that's something someone told you and you're just following blindly. What the Numenoreans were being pushed towards fearing was competition for their trade from beings that are objectively superior.

    Oh, so you didn't watch the show, that explain a lot. The dude literally say that in the rally. go watch it and then come back, i heard it is a success.

    WTF dude, is this what the SJW boogie man is up to these days? I don't know if you're spending too much time on YouTube or Twitch or TikTok but you gotta lay off the influencers for a while.

    So this is how you are going to escape ? cause you didn't adressed shit from what i said.

    make a quick search and you will see many people claiming orcs are an indication of racism towards POC, hell, they evens aid that about the blue people from avatar.

  19. #8859
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Oh, so you didn't watch the show, that explain a lot. The dude literally say that in the rally. go watch it and then come back, i heard it is a success.
    The line is "Elf workers taking your trades". It could really go either way based both arguments. That line is specifically referencing Halbrand who tried to steal his way into being able to practice a trade on Numenor. It can either be about taking their literal job offering a craft that non-elves can't compete with. Which would put them out of business but not be the same as "taking their jobs".

    If the view on the show fits a xenophobic viewpoint then it fits perfectly with what Tolkien had of the Numenoreans. As they were split between elf-friend and elf-foe. That is what we see with the scene as the speaker ends with "I say, the Queen's either blind or an Elf lover. Just like her father". It really was just a simple display of a political faction on the island raising its pitch forks. Since we know Sauron was involved it makes the scene more acceptable because he was clearly exerting influence or "his plan".

    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Dropping from 2/3rd place to 7th in the top 10? then disappearing entirely later?
    Most shows start to drop and disappear after they stop release new content.
    Last edited by rhorle; 2023-02-09 at 04:32 AM.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
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  20. #8860
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    The line is "Elf workers taking your trades". It could really go either way based both arguments. That line is specifically referencing Halbrand.
    no it wasn't, Halbrand is not the one who does not age and don't get tired.

    Numenorians, who are stronger and live for far longer, would not fear a southlander.
    Last edited by Syegfryed; 2023-02-09 at 07:27 AM.

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