even if we say we say the timeline is convoluted there is still seemingly a gap of hundreds if not thousands of years, it’s still many generations.
And again, no it’s not implied they are his directly biological kids.
No, nowhere does it mention them Being bred with each other to make orcs.Both races were corrupted and breed with each other to produce the orcs.
Neither do most of Jackson/Rop orcs.And again, no, it would not, because Adar do not share any of orcs characteristics that tolkien described.
you can keep trying I ignore it but Tolkien him self published there origin in the two towers. He may have wanted to change it he may have flipped flopped on that change writing in one note that they were human and then in a later one that they were from both humans and elves but the canon origin from both Tolkien and his son is that they were from elves.that is only true because his son published silmarilion with the origin he chosed, is not Tolkien himself, by any means of canonicity, their origin is set unknown(and will stay forever unknown cause he died before finishing it) but strongly suggest human ancestry, because again, immortal orcs, and their twisted and corrupted souls going to Mando would be problematic for his universe.
the timeline places them as coming from slime, being mindless beast, being corrupted elves, being from humans, being from elves and humans, according to his unpublished notes and there chapters lay out. The latest origin before his death still invoked elves.It was his later notes, mind you, the "timeline" put the elven origin as the early ones, that were scraped to give place to the one that they came from men, just because he died before he finished doesn't mean isn't as vallid(or more) than the others.
and again the only published origin by both him and his son has them come from elves.
Azog is nothing like Tolkien described, either in his Mongol like description or the one you are giving here. He is taller then an elves, his men are about the same size making him not an rare exception he has the same proportions as a man with no elongated arms. And he obviously doesn’t have dark skin. At best he might have jagged teeth.I say they would look more like azog from the hobit or the ones in the show itself.
Because tolkien description of orcs is again, smaller than men(only a few rare ones could stand to men height), thus way smaller than elves, jagged teeth, crooked, long arms, etc, not of that is "elvish"(so, yeah, Jacksons orcs are more orcs than Adar).
So ya Jackson’s orcs are nothing like Tolkiens even using your go to orc and go to description.