time to get rip roaring drunk. Only way I can be happy about this news in 2023.
good for those excited about this, but after Rings of Power (which I did not HATE by the way, make that clear, I thought it was just 'okay) I do not have faith in more movies from this franchise being done today' I don't care if its the same studio behind the original. That was 20+ years ago. Which in hindsight is depressing to know.
I may be just boomer yelling at clouds right now, but movies, more so big blockbuster movies today, (there are still a lot of good movies out there) are all horrible. Especially ones that cater to the braindead MCU crowd. I can only see this franchise being inserted with in jokes, modern day comparisons, one liners and quips, and dead ass dull lead characters disguised as interesting characters.