1. #9461
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    I don't need a moral high horse, my dude. I just sit on my "well-adjusted human adult that moves on from things they dislike" horse
    Your post really doesn't read like such a well-adjusted human adult tbh.
    Insulting posters you clearly dislike because they talk about a topic you claim has no discussion.

    This post has lots of anger in it. Maybe it's better if you move on instead of talking about posters you dislike? As you said you do...
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  2. #9462
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Lemme guess, you think swearing denotes anger?

    I'm calm as a cucumber. Its all just vocabulary.
    Swearing? No, poor guess, or poor assumption.

    I think throwing insults towards others does though. Especially in the manner you did.
    However, you can convey anger both without swearing and without insulting people. Or it could be frustration... I can go with that.

    But alright, lets say you aren't angry. You still clearly dislike these posters and even this discussion. So why not move on as you said you do as a well-adjusted human adult? If someone moves on, they don't throw insults at them. Just fyi.
    Error 404 - Signature not found

  3. #9463
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Nah, I look down on the people .
    Then you're not as well adjusted as you may think you are.

    You still clearly dislike these posters and even this discussion. So why not move on as you said you do as a well-adjusted human adult?
    When did I ever call myself a well-adjusted human adult who moves on from things I dislike? I'm here for the drama, drawn to the shitposting, wasting my time the way I please and being unabashed about it.

    I'm not gonna believe people calling themselves mature and well adjusted when they're actively participating in shitposting in a MMO gaming subforum for movies months after the series discussion has ended. You can't bullshit a bullshitter.
    Last edited by Triceron; 2023-05-06 at 05:17 PM.

  4. #9464
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    You assume me looking down on a few people means I'm not well-adjusted. You assume incorrectly.
    No, looking down on people is simply not being mature.

    Claiming you move on from things you dislike while engaging in arguments with people saying or doing things you dislike is not well adjusted. If you really claim to move on, then not engaging in shitposting would be the reasonable thing to do.
    Last edited by Triceron; 2023-05-06 at 05:35 PM.

  5. #9465
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    One of the worst and most unnecessary changes in the show for sure. One because its less interesting than the actual lore. And two because it creates all types of continuity problems. For instance, if mithril is overflowing with the light of the Silmarils, then why did Frodo even need Eärendil's Star in the first place? And how was Shelob able to attack him when she's weak to this light? Maybe they'll try to fix this by saying Mithril can be depleted. But seems like an awful corner to write yourself into.
    It isn't a corner at all. It is an old legend that was used to try an convince them to do something. It doesn't have to be true at all yet all of you are taking it as 100% true. It is strange since Tolkien himself relied on that as well for some of his work. The books are in-universe things that contain different interpretations and inaccuracies because of that.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  6. #9466
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    Ahh. So you get a free pass to do the same. You can call others on a high horse and head behind it being your subjective opinion. You can shit post and attack others. But the moment someone calls you out for doing the same you throw a tantrum. Lol.

    We don't know the prompts the user put in to get those results. All AI generative content is inherently biased because it generates based on prompts given.OpenAI has even said that bias that the system shows are bugs and not features as a way to spin flaws in the "learning" of their AI. Do you not know how this stuff works? These admissions are irrelevant because it is just another way to justify and continue the hate of the show by people that can't move on.
    Keep on actually rephrasing my own posts as a "gotcha answer", lol.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    I don't need a moral high horse, my dude. I just sit on my "well-adjusted human adult that moves on from things they dislike" horse I've barely thought about RoP since it finished, except when I see a bit of news about it (or see some very late TV ads that appeared, for some reason, after it had finished). I don't live in the thread devoted to something I fervently hate. I check to see what new discussion may have happened a couple times a week. Despite Syegfryed apparently thinking I'm here more avidly than the "haters." A label he now seems to attribute to himself, and everyone else like yourself. Daft cunt still doesn't seem to understand that he's been on ignore for months now, though.

    But funny that you post this then accuse rhorle of shitposting right after.

    There is no discussion here. Crying about what is, and isn't, subjective/objective isn't a discussion related to Rings of Power. One guy posting shit from an AI bot is barely even related to discussion about Rings of Power, except for the previously mentioned haters that just cannot let go. It is utterly pathetic. How miserable must your lives be?
    You whine about the use of AI, then posts about adults who move from things they don't like.

    Irrelevant answer.

    And yet you keep responding to this and other threads offering nothing on the discussion, except your obvious and blatant hate about the people who post on them.


  7. #9467
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Nah, I look down on the people that cannot help themselves but continue to spread hate for a media property

    >omg those people who can't move on from this thread
    >also, doesn't move on from this thread

    Pure gold

    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    Neither is telling people to stop doing what they want to do here. That's not discussion either and it's just crying about other people crying. If you're gonna shitpost, at least get off your high horse and admit that we're all doing the same thing you're accusing anyone here of. We're all shitposting, we're all actively avoiding any actual discussion if the topic.

    Just like I pointed out with Rhorle, neither of you two have actually particpated in an actual topic discussion here in months, because there isn't anything to discuss. And here we all are still. You could at least stop lying to yourself about being well adjusted and actually moving on from things you don't like. You wouldn't be here if this were actually true since you would have realized this thread has literally no real discussion value left to it. It's a trainwreck that you're being drawn to
    No, here is the thing

    From the first time in weeks we had relevant stuff to discuss about, with the AI and they doing a second age show, or, pointing the flaws of the show

    The moment we have an actual discussion, this dude comes from to say shit about the discussion, saying people are just haters that can't move on. Trying to make people stop from talking about, The irony is *chef kiss*

  8. #9468
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    From the first time in weeks we had relevant stuff to discuss about, with the AI and they doing a second age show, or, pointing the flaws of the show
    AI isn't relevant to the show at all. There are plenty of people in this thread that can't move on from something they hate and it is silly to deny. It isn't irony when we've had examples of people moving the goal posts repeatedly to a new explanation of why the show is a failure or coming up with new ways to denigrate the show.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  9. #9469
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    The AI thing is kind of annoying.
    Today on MMOC: spaghetti monk discovered chatgpt

  10. #9470
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    As someone who doesn't like these changes, here's how I interpret it - these showrunners are trying to improve on Tolkien, and they aren't on his level, so it sucks. And then there's of course my sentiment that these are all pretty complex topics and Tolkien's stories are much simpler, so if you want to do something modern, make your own show and stop trying to complicate the classics.
    Tolkien had those same themes that you say is complicating the classics. It is hilarious though that you've come full circle in your hate that you criticize Tolkien unknowingly just because you need to find any reason to hate Rings of Power.

    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  11. #9471
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Yeah, now I'm done. Before I actually insult someone and get myself a ban.
    What are you actually mad about? You already made multiple replies after that and moved on.

    Guess you don't move on things you dislike after all. For someone who doesn't want to do a back and forth over having their hypocritical bullshit exposed, you're still responding quite a bit. And getting pretty heated.

    Yeah, prolly best to calm down before you resort to insults; that's not what a well-adjusted adult should do.
    Last edited by Triceron; 2023-05-07 at 03:58 AM.

  12. #9472
    Quote Originally Posted by kenn9530 View Post

    Again opinions dont matter. Only total numbers matter.

    That sure sounds like an opinion of yours…..
    Will gladly disregard then as not mattering.

  13. #9473
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hansworst View Post
    The AI thing is kind of annoying.
    Today on MMOC: spaghetti monk discovered chatgpt
    Why? AI at the present stage can range from hilariously funny to deeply concerning. Even if it's creative side is still derivative, it may even be more interesting than a untalented human creation.

    I find those post quite refreshing. Plus, it seems smarter than many shitposters here.

  14. #9474
    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    I find it fascinating that the AI is coming up with some similar themes to the showrunners - let's update this for 2023, so we need to make the female character more prominent, and change the nature of orcs as part of a storyline about modern day environmentalism. It's coming pretty close to what the showrunners actually did

    As someone who doesn't like these changes, here's how I interpret it - these showrunners are trying to improve on Tolkien, and they aren't on his level, so it sucks. And then there's of course my sentiment that these are all pretty complex topics and Tolkien's stories are much simpler, so if you want to do something modern, make your own show and stop trying to complicate the classics.
    I think it's all down to execution.

    Even with this chatGPT answer, it sounds fine on paper. And might actually work if the series was executed well. Execution is the biggest factor here.

    Just like if chatGPT said "Let's have a LOTR where Gimli is comical and Legolas is a Gary Stu" it'd sound like a terrible premise, and an insult to Tolkien's work. But that's pretty much what PJ's movies gave us, and it was fantastic because he executed it well. The performances were good, the onscreen chemistry was good, the script and writing was good, and it was very entertaining. It wasn't a weak point of the films, it became one of its strengths.

    There's a mountain of difference between stuff on paper and what ends up on the screen.
    Last edited by Triceron; 2023-05-07 at 10:12 AM.

  15. #9475
    Banned Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    I find it fascinating that the AI is coming up with some similar themes to the showrunners, - let's update this for 2023, so we need to make the female character more prominent, and change the nature of orcs as part of a storyline about modern day environmentalism. It's coming pretty close to what the showrunners actually did
    I think that its more because the AI is actually searching for what you asked for, and the only material the machine could find about that was actually shit from the show, so they try to rationalize with what they got with it, with is tbf the base of the AI.

    As someone who doesn't like these changes, here's how I interpret it - these showrunners are trying to improve on Tolkien
    Nah, there is 3 theories: 1. They want to do their OWN shit, and jus use tolkien as ground so they can make their own legacy, so they can "it was our ideas, our story", same shit with wheel of time, 2. They were just genuinely bad, and though this was good enough, 3. they indeed rip off from that book that was already a lord of the rings rip off lol
    Last edited by Syegfryed; 2023-05-07 at 12:29 PM.

  16. #9476
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Nah, there is 3 theories: 1. They want to do their OWN shit, and jus use tolkien as ground so they can make their own legacy, so they can "it was our ideas, our story", same shit with wheel of time, 2. They were just genuinely bad, and though this was good enough, 3. they indeed rip off from that book that was already a lord of the rings rip off lol
    From all the interviews with the writers, actors, and show runners, it's definitely the first two to some degree (depends on the individual), but it really is they think they can improve the source material or think Tolkien needs to be improved upon (or 'fixed for a modern audience with modern sensibilities'). It's not a hypothesis, they've outright stated it in some cases.

    It's really not that uncommon with showrunners and writers in Hollywood and similar places, as many do think they are above not only their audience but also the material they may be adapting. Often boils down to hubris as many of these people lead insulated lives with no world experience outside of their own bubbles, which leads to extreme narrow-mindedness and being supremely out of touch with reality. All one needs to do is watch an awards show for these types of people to see, as they're proud of how elite and exclusive they perceive themselves to be.

    When it comes down to it, this series should've been an extreeeemely easy win. The only explanation that makes sense is hubris and incompetence... unless they're going the cultist route and destroying everything for the sake of their beliefs. Could be all of the above, there's a bunch of weird and twisted cults with these people.
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    “It's not an endlessly expanding list of rights — the 'right' to education, the 'right' to health care, the 'right' to food and housing. That's not freedom, that's dependency. Those aren't rights, those are the rations of slavery — hay and a barn for human cattle.”
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  17. #9477
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    Quote Originally Posted by exochaft View Post
    Often boils down to hubris as many of these people lead insulated lives with no world experience outside of their own bubbles, which leads to extreme narrow-mindedness and being supremely out of touch with reality. All one needs to do is watch an awards show for these types of people to see, as they're proud of how elite and exclusive they perceive themselves to be.
    Is your dislike of the show that strong that you need to insult an entire profession just because they do things you don't personally like? You are living in a far bigger bubble then those you accuse. The thing with art is that you either like it or you don't. The Tolkien Estate didn't like the Jackson interpretation of Tolkien but they seem to like the Rings of Power version. They have a seat at the table and some measure of input on the creative direction.

    To you Amazon, and their crew, is destroying Tolkien out of hubris and incompetence. To the heirs of Tolkien Peter Jackson did that. Even Tolkien himself, in letters, stated he was fine with adaptations changing things as long as they kept the spirit of the work. So is it really the creatives that are the problem or the supposed fans that get mega-levels of insulted when something isn't done exactly how they think it should be done?
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  18. #9478
    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    I don’t necessarily agree that it’s an easy win because the source material is thinly developed, basically a broad sketch, and needs filling in. Also there’s the problem of the rights - they are missing important pieces because their rights are incomplete, leading to the nonsensical “you can’t use real lore, but you can make stuff up” approach.
    Which loops back to my original gripe with this show before it even became a thing and I was in this threads discussions 400 pages ago. If they can't tell a proper LotR story, but still have all this talent behind the show as it was very pretty looking, why didn't they just not piss everyone off and create their own fantasy story?

    And I ask that question rhetorically because we all know the answer: brand recognition, marketing and sales. Which leaves the taste in my mouth this whole thing was more of the same corporate moneygrubbing. Which always attracts counterarguments like "of course they want money, entertainment is a business" which begs the question, where is the line drawn? Are we as audience doomed to forever relive the same IPs over and over again, because nobody wants to come up with new things when the goal is to just make money off what we already have? Has every fantasy IP we will ever see already been made? When will they start targeting videogame fantasy IPs like Elder Scrolls, Warcraft, Warhammer and just do their own things with the lore?

    I haven't seen the D&D movie, but coincidentally as its in cinemas right now, is also proving my point. Though I have heard it was very good and more a celebration of D&D so nobody think I'm dissing it please.
    Last edited by Al Gorefiend; 2023-05-08 at 10:45 PM.

  19. #9479
    Banned Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    I don’t necessarily agree that it’s an easy win because the source material is thinly developed, basically a broad sketch, and needs filling in. Also there’s the problem of the rights - they are missing important pieces because their rights are incomplete, leading to the nonsensical “you can’t use real lore, but you can make stuff up” approach.
    Thats why they should have attempt a self contained story, that have no relation whatsoever with the actual story they are talking about.

    Which is basically what they try to do, but they shove the second age and distort the canon events.

    If they made a self-contained story about some elves overseeing a group of humans, that were going to be attacked by goblins, because a kid found a magic dark sword in old castle left by morgoth followers, and save then, it would be a better story.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Al Gorefiend View Post
    Are we as audience doomed to forever relive the same IPs over and over again, because nobody wants to come up with new things when the goal is to just make money off what we already have? Has every fantasy IP we will ever see already been made? When will they start targeting videogame fantasy IPs like Elder Scrolls, Warcraft, Warhammer and just do their own things with the lore?

    I haven't seen the D&D movie, but coincidentally as its in cinemas right now, is also proving my point. Though I have heard it was very good and more a celebration of D&D so nobody think I'm dissing it please.
    For your first question, yes. We are forever doomed to rehash things that work(and most of time, ruin then), because they don't want to risk new stuff, because when they do, they rather do their own shit instead of actually adapting then, they fail, and they don't touch the ip again.

    For the Second, i dunno, i don't think they did everything, there is a lot of good ips, books and fantasies out there for then to adapt or ruin. Not many have the same power as lord of the rings and harry potter.

    For the third, they are already targeting video games, and doing their own thing. they did with warcraft, fucking all to do with the real story, they did with halo, they kinda did with the witcher, Last of Us, resident evil remakes.

    D&D is one of the few movies that work, because they had the same intent, make a self-contained story in the universe, a good, simple and enjoyable story, they use elements of the Forgotten realms, they even use some established characters, like the fat red dragon, they use the places there, but its a new story, they were able to do their own thing, without shitting in the establish lore, something people can't do to save their lives

  20. #9480
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Thats why they should have attempt a self contained story, that have no relation whatsoever with the actual story they are talking about.

    Which is basically what they try to do, but they shove the second age and distort the canon events.

    If they made a self-contained story about some elves overseeing a group of humans, that were going to be attacked by goblins, because a kid found a magic dark sword in old castle left by morgoth followers, and save then, it would be a better story.

    - - - Updated - - -

    For your first question, yes. We are forever doomed to rehash things that work(and most of time, ruin then), because they don't want to risk new stuff, because when they do, they rather do their own shit instead of actually adapting then, they fail, and they don't touch the ip again.

    For the Second, i dunno, i don't think they did everything, there is a lot of good ips, books and fantasies out there for then to adapt or ruin. Not many have the same power as lord of the rings and harry potter.

    For the third, they are already targeting video games, and doing their own thing. they did with warcraft, fucking all to do with the real story, they did with halo, they kinda did with the witcher, Last of Us, resident evil remakes.

    D&D is one of the few movies that work, because they had the same intent, make a self-contained story in the universe, a good, simple and enjoyable story, they use elements of the Forgotten realms, they even use some established characters, like the fat red dragon, they use the places there, but its a new story, they were able to do their own thing, without shitting in the establish lore, something people can't do to save their lives
    You hit it on the head with that last paragraph. Like you said it was just a silly story about a group of people existing within a fictional world. They didn't try to tell epic stories about the history of the world like Rings of Power & Warcraft. People already knew the lore and backstory to these, so they were able to conceptualize a headcanon and set their expectations of the show based on how cool they made it sound in their head. This leaves those movies highly vulnerable to scrutiny and nitpicking because the bar is set to the absolute max when you're creating a world for diehard fans of a fantasy, most times the diehards know the lore BETTER than the writers, so when its wrong its instantly terrible.

    With the D&D movie its just a band of people who aren't making history or lore of events. Had the Warcraft movie been about a group of 5 people going through an epic quest chain, complete with game references, comedy and cameos of famous NPCs, people would have LOVED. IT. Instead they choose a story all the fans knew about and read, fantastically told it incorrectly or changed things around, and somehow made it a joyless, unsatisfying movie. I haven't watched it since it first came out in theaters, I just remember it being not colorful, dark, no memorable action scenes and melancholy in a boring way.

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