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Thats why they should have attempt a self contained story, that have no relation whatsoever with the actual story they are talking about.
Which is basically what they try to do, but they shove the second age and distort the canon events.
If they made a self-contained story about some elves overseeing a group of humans, that were going to be attacked by goblins, because a kid found a magic dark sword in old castle left by morgoth followers, and save then, it would be a better story.
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For your first question, yes. We are forever doomed to rehash things that work(and most of time, ruin then), because they don't want to risk new stuff, because when they do, they rather do their own shit instead of actually adapting then, they fail, and they don't touch the ip again.
For the Second, i dunno, i don't think they did everything, there is a lot of good ips, books and fantasies out there for then to adapt or ruin. Not many have the same power as lord of the rings and harry potter.
For the third, they are already targeting video games, and doing their own thing. they did with warcraft, fucking all to do with the real story, they did with halo, they kinda did with the witcher, Last of Us, resident evil remakes.
D&D is one of the few movies that work, because they had the same intent, make a self-contained story in the universe, a good, simple and enjoyable story, they use elements of the Forgotten realms, they even use some established characters, like the fat red dragon, they use the places there, but its a new story, they were able to do their own thing, without shitting in the establish lore, something people can't do to save their lives