He was on the way to bring the Ring to Elrond. This was after the battle and refusing to destroy the Ring, and after returning to Minas Anor and setting things up there (including him planting the seedling of the White Tree of Gondor). He was then ambushed while on his way to Rivendell, and died at the Gladden Fields in Rhovanion.
He already claimed the throne and "given it up". He was on the way to visit his wife and son and eventually Elrond when he was killed.
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
Yeah he lost his wife, his son. And sauron was being sneaky showing him the boats that carried forces from the east arriving but failed to show aragorn was also on those boats and other dark shit with the palanthir
I think the films overall kind of sell sauron a bit sort. He just kind of comes across as evil rather than a scheming deceiver
IMHO, It's not simply "taking liberties" that leads to large segments of an audience being unhappy with a particular piece of derived media. It often has more to do with whether it meets expectations (both those it sets itself, and those the audience sets) and whether or not it is a good piece of work on its own merits.
Andor wasn't a typical Star Wars story by any means... but it managed to clearly communicate what it was in the first few episodes, and delivered on its own implied promises brilliantly. And insofar as it used the Star Wars setting, it did so quite well. Deadpool and Wolverine, like the earlier Deadpool films, is trying very hard to communicate in advance that it is not a typical Marvel or Superhero movie - the audience will not be shocked by the fourth-wall breaking humor, or bits of over-the-top silliness which they enjoyed in previous films.
Shadows of Mordor clearly communicated what it was (a dark-ish, LotR-themed video game), and delivered (again, IMHO) a pretty fun game. (I haven't played the sequel.)
Rings of Power promised a LotR-themed fantasy epic telling a particular story. It delivered something that looked like the Jackson films, but did not feel like Jackson's work, much less Tolkien's. It seemed mostly uninterested in the story it told us it was going to be telling, in favor of parts of several different ones. It was, despite the noble efforts of the cast & crew, an often-incoherent mess that seems unlikely to have worked in any setting.
"For the present this country is headed in directions which can only carry ruin to it and will create a situation here dangerous to world peace. With few exceptions, the men who are running this Government are of a mentality that you and I cannot understand. Some of them are psychopathic cases and would ordinarily be receiving treatment somewhere. Others are exalted and in a frame of mind that knows no reason."
- U.S. Ambassador to Germany, George Messersmith, June 1933
So it is about taking liberties but only when a person doesn't like something. Rings of Power delivered what it promised. It is a LotR-themed fantasy epic that is telling a particular story. It never promised to be the Jackson films which received a lot of hate back in the day for taking liberties with the lore. Amazon even wanted Peter Jackson involved by the Tolkien Estate did not because they were still better over Jackson "butchering" the lore.
Yet people praise Jackson's work. Some of the people going after Rings of Power for not getting the spirit of Tolkien right praise Jackson's work. At least the first 3. In the end it for many it comes down to if they like something or not. A video game that they like gets a pass because they like it. A show that they don't like will be torn about even if some of those same complaints are present in the stuff they like.
It stops being about criticism and about the hate. You see it in plenty of threads here.
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
If people didn't complain about diablo 4 which you also defended for months it probably wouldn't of got all the major changes it recently got. You blindly defended it saying the same stuff that people are just haters and yet even the developers agreed it needed changes otherwise they wouldn't of completely changed how loot works etc. So maybe you're just a blind fan boy and the other people actually care and so they don't settle for mediocrity and continue to eat the slop with a big grin and thumbs up saying this shit tastes good!
So you have no argument and need to bring Diablo 4 into it. I never called Diablo 4 a perfect game. It just wasn't the worst thing ever that some people made it out to be. I don't blindly defend anything. You, and others, so often need to make that accusation because you can't counter what people say so you need to attack and villify the person behind the argument.
However you make an amusing point. If people that don't hate things are eating the slop with a big grin what does that make the people like yourself who hate watch/discuss? Eating the slop with a frown saying this stuff taste bad but I'll eat it anyway.
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
Denethor, steward of Gondor was jealous of the nameless warrior who showed up in Gondor when he was a youngster, as his father showed more attention to this nameless warrior than himself, the nameless warrior was Aragorn during his many travels to the East after leaving Rivendell to try and do what he could to aid the realms of man, after he became steward he swore to love his children and show them the affection his own father failed to show him, ironically he did exactly what his father did to him to Faramir, but that's a tangent, anyway basically he used the Palantir of minas tirith to challenge Sauron to duels of wits and while he was a young man, he won many of them, but years of use, and the ravages of time along with a deep-seated loathing of this nameless warrior from his past led him to grow more and more mentally weary, ultimately until he was driven to madness by Sauron during one of their Palantir duels.
with regards to the movie version, it was written that way apparently to show the absolute hopelessness facing humanity at the the battle of pellenor fields, and that short of divine intervention they were utterly lost, while they did the character a bit dirty in how he was represented, it worked in the context they were aiming to show in the movies.
- - - Updated - - -
1) all the arguments have been made ad nauseum, you and the other white knight brigade members have driven people mad by your circlejerks and terrible strawman, if you want to read the very much legitimate arguments why this show is one of, if not THE worst creation using the name of this beloved work then by all means, go back a few hundred pages and re read those arguments that you have flagrantly ignored and demeaned over the last couple of years on repeat.
2) if you didn't make it so easy to 'vilify' you and the other white knight brigade members, It wouldn't happen, but then what about you and the rest of the gang who were slinging around the ists/isms when I and others rightfully called out the racist hiring of black actors for roles and characters that not only didn't exist in the lore, but would never exist due to pure biology, or the myriad other characters that simply didn't exist and are pure fabrication of these hack showrunners, and calling them out for being utterly moronic and terrible, what about all that name calling earlier on by you and others?
3) I couldn't even bring myself to 'hate watch' this absolute dumpsterfire of a production, primarily because that entire first 2 episode release was some of the dumbest most generic fantasy trash I have ever seen, and that really set the tone for just hope bastardised this mess was going to be, and I had ZERO desire to waste any of my time on it, just for the record I made sure to watch that abomination of a release on a pirate website because you can get fucked if you think I'm gonna support the dipshits making this slop.
you Americans like to bitch and whine about cultural appropriation, this entire project is a prime example of that, yet when it's called out you come back with the same asinine strawman arguments, the only reason I'm even here is because I love this work, and as it is something I grew up with I will happily defend it against the woke cunts ruining every single franchise they touch trying to appeal to some imaginary audience who don't care about the shows and movies being made, they only care about the message being peddled, that's what your culture is exporting to the world, celebrating mediocrity, and bastardising anything they can get their hands in the misguided notion they can make money from it.
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power | Season 2 – SDCC Trailer | Prime Video
Prime Video
Jul 26, 2024
Beware the promise of gifts. The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power returns August 29 on Prime Video.
About The Rings of Power Season 2: Sauron has returned. Cast out by Galadriel, without army or ally, the rising Dark Lord must now rely on his own cunning to rebuild his strength and oversee the creation of the Rings of Power, which will allow him to bind all the peoples of Middle-earth to his sinister will. Building on Season 1’s epic scope and ambition, Season 2 of Amazon’s The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power plunges even its most beloved and vulnerable characters into a rising tide of darkness, challenging each to find their place in a world that is increasingly on the brink of calamity. Elves and dwarves, orcs and men, wizards and Harfoots… as friendships are strained and kingdoms begin to fracture, the forces of good will struggle ever more valiantly to hold on to what matters to them most of all… each other.
Not a fan of such long trailers, they always show too much, but it looks fine (I'm sure someone will tell me I'm wrong). And coming earlier than I'd expected. I shall be watching. Gotta put that Prime sub to use, right?
you just gotta love that transition at 3:40
It looks worse than the first season, 3 minutes of trailer, full of re-used lines from the original trilogy, like when Elrond say "i need your axe!" fuck off
The story is a fucking mess, it was already fucked when they decided to skip Anathar and all the rings to go directly to the elven rings and NOW they want to make that storyline
It is literally like watching a bad fantasy show with characters named after the tolkien ones, making worse. Hopefully they don't go their way to make the 5 seasons and cancel this one with wheel of time
I'm pretty OK with this.
the only thing I was remotely interested in this was the Elrond, Disa and Durin stuff, the dwarf stuff was great, (also the set design, make up and the costumes) everything else other than that was an ache to get through. (also soundtrack was great that I actually have it on my playlist)
I am debating if I wanna stomach season 2. It might be like Witcher Seaosn 2 where I would give it a shot and quit half way, and never return to it again. I just dont wanna get to the point where I am hate watching.
Last edited by Orby; 2024-08-14 at 03:33 PM.
I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW
Unsubbed since January 2021, now a Warcraft fan from a distance
I am probably NOT watching this. Same as Rafe's WoT.
If i EVER cave in (because of overwhelming positive acceptance), it will definitely will not be through official channels.