1. #9861
    It sort of is fascinating to me that a show named "Rings of Power" doesn't get anything right about the rings of power and the creation thereof. Not even the order in which they were created. The second age is a mythological setting outlined only in a compressed historical narration. Why then would you choose to forego what little lore there is in favour of your own headcanon? Extremely baffling decisions wherever you look.
    The absolute state of Warcraft lore in 2021:
    Kyrians: We need to keep chucking people into the Maw because it's our job.
    Also Kyrians: Why is the Maw growing stronger despite all our efforts?

  2. #9862
    I am actually willing to bet this would have netted better if it was 3-4 movies rather than 5 seasons of TV. Over all where it starts and finishes is often decent. They do take some creative liberties and that is always going to be the case when going from page to screen. So that doesn't bother me so much outside of 1-2 glaring things like orc family values for example. TV just requires to much additional run time that often nets in a lot of nada going on or repeat and repeat again of things going on. It also breaks up the story a lot. The first week you get a huge chunk then you just get micro bites week to week that individually aren't that entertaining at times. I get it.. they spend a lot of money on these things to promote all the individual streaming services but.. it just doesn't feel as good in my opinion. Which ever one of these streaming services realize short series or movies are a viable path will ultimately end up making the superior content and being the winner. Not the one that manipulates run times and episode scheduling the best which currently seems to be the metric they tunnel on.

  3. #9863
    Ngl, that was hilarious (or pathetic ?) to see that random elf being hit by an arrow shot by the orcs who were hunting a horse. Total plot-convenient to happen, otherwise the rest of the story can't happen.

    Finally got to see E4 & 5... E4 was such a fucking slog I was about to sleep several times. All that shit involving harfoot is so painfully boring. Now there will be some sort of love story between female-Samwise-Gangee and the other dude ? C'mon, let me die already
    E5 was a bit better but nothing that happens feels organic. Everything is forced. They try to show Sauron is somewhat in control of anything while it seems he's just lucky everyone around him are morons. Everyone is teleporting to where they have to be for the plot to deliver.

    The only thing I'm barely interested anymore is the Dwarves story. Forget everything about Numenor - idc, nobody is likeable here, they can all die of aggressive diarrhea in the next episode for all i care

  4. #9864
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ophenia View Post
    . Everything is forced. They try to show Sauron is somewhat in control of anything while it seems he's just lucky everyone around him are morons. Everyone is teleporting to where they have to be for the plot to deliver.
    Yeah, that is something the show get a lot of shit, bad writers will make everyone else look dumber to make the character look intelligent or cunning, because they can't make one

  5. #9865
    The Insane Kathandira's Avatar
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    There will come a day when our forum members will realize that this Site is a room full of nerds, geeks, and dorks. Not typically the kind of folks with the best social skills. The key to sanity on this Site is not to engage with people who just want to argue. If one wants to simply talk about a show and what they enjoyed about it, they need to exhibit some self control and not reply to people who aim only to fight about insignificant nonsense.

    Life Lesson: How to get an annoying person to go away? You simply do not speak to them.

    Once they have no one to actually talk to, they leave.
    RIP Genn Greymane, Permabanned on 8.22.18

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  6. #9866
    Quote Originally Posted by Kathandira View Post
    The key to sanity on this Site is not to engage with people who just want to argue.
    And here lies the reason I simply haven't bothered to talk about S2 of this. Or really anything in this sub-forum, honestly. People here will try their hardest to drag you down into their pit of shit just to argue on a tiny little forum that dies more each day. There is simply no reason to try and have reasonable discussion on this site. The fact its "full of nerds, geeks, and dorks" is largely the problem. You get all the negatives that come with such labels concentrated in such a tiny space. Especially when you add the "gamer" label to all of that. Luckily, there are much bigger spaces available for discussion.

    But also because this...
    If one wants to simply talk about a show and what they enjoyed about it, they need to exhibit some self control and not reply to people who aim only to fight about insignificant nonsense.
    … is putting the blame on anyone that enjoys something. Its their fault for daring to reply back to someone that sought to attack their enjoyment? I don't think so.

    You can ignore people all you like, doesn't stop them replying to you, attacking you for daring to like something they don't. No matter how much they say they don't care if you liked something, they'll still make damn sure you know why they don't. Whether they've actually even watched it or not. How about these people respect opinions and actually let people like things without having to tell them they shouldn't because there is "character assassination" going on, or how they "destroyed" Tolkien because they adapted it for "modern audiences"? A phrase we all know has a very specific meaning, but helps them say it without getting infracted.

    Imagine a world where people simply moved on from the things they don't like and found things they do like... it'd be bliss.

  7. #9867
    Quote Originally Posted by Tuor View Post
    Adapting the whole book is insane, but Tokien always saw the Silmarillion has 4 main stories, The story of Beren and Luthien, the story of Tuor and the fall of Gondolin, the story of the sons of Hurin, and the story of Earendil.

    Any of these 4 main stories have small versions on the Silmarillion and larger versions, Cristopher Tolkien finished at least 2 of these stories, the story of Tuor and the fall of Gondolin and the story of the sons of Hurin. At least these 2 are easely adaptable to the screen.
    Silmarillion could work as anthology serie with reccuring characters over episodes when it makes sense and multiparters for the more fleshed out story arcs.
    Modern gaming apologist: I once tasted diarrhea so shit is fine.

    "People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an excercise of power, are barbarians" - George Lucas 1988

  8. #9868
    Quote Originally Posted by Wilian View Post
    Silmarillion could work as anthology serie with reccuring characters over episodes when it makes sense and multiparters for the more fleshed out story arcs.
    It doesn't even have to be some kind of special format. While yes The Silmarillion is quite segmented, there is a lot of overlap as well - the titular Silmaril for example keep showing up in various stories. They're a key part of the story of Beren and Luthien and of the story of Eärendil as well, for example. As well as others. Not to mention that Morgoth remains an overarching villain for most of it, too. So it's not like there's no thread running through things, and given the immortality of elves it's not even the case that you need to change all the characters as the story moves over thousands of years.

    This could totally be adapted in a more "conventional" format with very few changes. People tend to overstate the difficulty of adapting books like this - it's not that hard. In fact it's usually easier to adapt things that move at a big level, with large narratives that summarize a lot, than it is to adapt books that move at a very small level, with lots of single-character focused inner monologue and so on. Those tend to be the tricky ones, because there's not a lot to work with for the big screen.

  9. #9869
    Over 9000! ringpriest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tuor View Post
    Same, even being a great Tolkien fan i have zero opinion on the show because i haven't watched it yet, but i'm reading the coments.
    I'm a lifelong Tolkien fan. I watched the first season, liked some of the music. I and not and will not be watching the second season (though I am listening to the season 2 soundtrack).
    "In today’s America, conservatives who actually want to conserve are as rare as liberals who actually want to liberate. The once-significant language of an earlier era has had the meaning sucked right out of it, the better to serve as camouflage for a kleptocratic feeding frenzy in which both establishment parties participate with equal abandon" (Taking a break from the criminal, incompetent liars at the NSA, to bring you the above political observation, from The Archdruid Report.)

  10. #9870
    The Insane Kathandira's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by En Sabah Nur View Post
    And here lies the reason I simply haven't bothered to talk about S2 of this. Or really anything in this sub-forum, honestly. People here will try their hardest to drag you down into their pit of shit just to argue on a tiny little forum that dies more each day. There is simply no reason to try and have reasonable discussion on this site. The fact its "full of nerds, geeks, and dorks" is largely the problem. You get all the negatives that come with such labels concentrated in such a tiny space. Especially when you add the "gamer" label to all of that. Luckily, there are much bigger spaces available for discussion.

    But also because this...

    … is putting the blame on anyone that enjoys something. Its their fault for daring to reply back to someone that sought to attack their enjoyment? I don't think so.

    You can ignore people all you like, doesn't stop them replying to you, attacking you for daring to like something they don't. No matter how much they say they don't care if you liked something, they'll still make damn sure you know why they don't. Whether they've actually even watched it or not. How about these people respect opinions and actually let people like things without having to tell them they shouldn't because there is "character assassination" going on, or how they "destroyed" Tolkien because they adapted it for "modern audiences"? A phrase we all know has a very specific meaning, but helps them say it without getting infracted.

    Imagine a world where people simply moved on from the things they don't like and found things they do like... it'd be bliss.
    I hear you, and understand that the onus really doesn't deserve to be placed on the poster. My comment is moresoe pointed at the veterans on this site. Those who should know better by now. A new member will learn to bear the fire and flames on this site on their accord.
    RIP Genn Greymane, Permabanned on 8.22.18

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  11. #9871
    And so I couldn't watch it in full. God, this is the most bland and boring series I've ever seen in my life. The packing of the series made me fall asleep several times, this is the first series where nothing happened on screen for more than an hour, slow lifeless conversations. Even in the nightmare of my childhood, the series Muñeca Brava, which my sister and mother forced me to watch, there is more action and drama than here.

  12. #9872
    The Lightbringer Tuor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ringpriest View Post
    I'm a lifelong Tolkien fan. I watched the first season, liked some of the music. I and not and will not be watching the second season (though I am listening to the season 2 soundtrack).
    That bad? Hopefully i don't have amazon streaming service. And i'm not planing on subsciving just for a show.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Wilian View Post
    Silmarillion could work as anthology serie with reccuring characters over episodes when it makes sense and multiparters for the more fleshed out story arcs.
    Sadly no one has the movie or TV rights for an adaptation to the screen, i hope this changes.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    This could totally be adapted in a more "conventional" format with very few changes. People tend to overstate the difficulty of adapting books like this - it's not that hard. In fact it's usually easier to adapt things that move at a big level, with large narratives that summarize a lot, than it is to adapt books that move at a very small level, with lots of single-character focused inner monologue and so on. Those tend to be the tricky ones, because there's not a lot to work with for the big screen.
    The dificulty of adapting the Silmarillion is on how condensed the story is, i don't see them making a movie of it, perhaps a series, but not a movie.

  13. #9873
    Quote Originally Posted by Tuor View Post
    The dificulty of adapting the Silmarillion is on how condensed the story is, i don't see them making a movie of it, perhaps a series, but not a movie.
    Sure, I suppose that makes sense. But it's not impossible to make a movie out of it. You'd have to get creative and it wouldn't cover everything, but it could be done and it wouldn't even be particularly difficult. Even easier if it's multiple movies. It's not like LotR was a single movie, either. A Silmarillion trilogy? Fairly comfortable project. Probably not a great financial project, but creatively? No problem.

  14. #9874
    Quote Originally Posted by ringpriest View Post
    I'm a lifelong Tolkien fan. I watched the first season, liked some of the music. I and not and will not be watching the second season (though I am listening to the season 2 soundtrack).
    I didn't think about listening to the OST, but I did come across the Tom Bombadil song in the ending credits of one ep, and it's actually really good. I'll check out the rest of the OST.

  15. #9875
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tuor View Post
    That bad? Hopefully i don't have amazon streaming service. And i'm not planing on subsciving just for a show.
    Anything you heard that is bad, its actually much worse, if you don't straight up turn your brain off to watch you will be constantly hammered with shit

    First season was genuinely CW levels of nonsense and plotholes, like when 300 horses and 300 men together with resources fit in three small ships and how they ride for a day and arrived at the place they already said they would get in three, and i think it would take even more considering the maps.

    This is alsos omething the show doesn't care about, since characters basically teleport where they need to go.

    I recoomend watching Season 1 at least, just for the hell of it, with the intention of going to see a comedy, because if you do, you will get some good laughs as how stupid Guyladriel is, how the hobbits are deranged lunatics who not just abandon their people to die, but also can sabotage then, for the same goal, all of this after singing how they don't leave people behind. If that shit isn't satire i don't know what it is.

    Sadly no one has the movie or TV rights for an adaptation to the screen, i hope this changes.
    Nope, lets prey to god this never happens, if they did this shit with only the appendices, i can't think how worse it would be with the full book.

  16. #9876
    The Lightbringer Tuor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post

    Nope, lets prey to god this never happens, if they did this shit with only the appendices, i can't think how worse it would be with the full book.
    I think the full adaptation of the Silmarillion might not generate much interest to the general public, but the 4 main stories might, and they all have long versitions besides the shorter ones that come on the silmarillion.

  17. #9877
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    This is alsos omething the show doesn't care about, since characters basically teleport where they need to go.

    I recoomend watching Season 1 at least, just for the hell of it, with the intention of going to see a comedy, because if you do, you will get some good laughs as how stupid Guyladriel is, how the hobbits are deranged lunatics who not just abandon their people to die, but also can sabotage then, for the same goal, all of this after singing how they don't leave people behind. If that shit isn't satire i don't know what it is.
    Haha yeah the Harfoot always bothered me with that nonsense. We leave no one behind ! Until someone is behind, then we can abandon them because fuck'em. They even make the list of the other hobbits they've abandoned along the way in one episode, like wtf. We don't abandon anyone, but let's remember the hundreds of guys who couldn't follow us and who are probably dead now

    The best teleport example I've ever seen in any media was when Adar took the key in S01 and fled on a horse, followed by Galadriel... And he's stopped by Halbrand coming from the other direction. Halbrand who happened to be just behind Galadriel when they left. Like where tf do you come from bro ?

  18. #9878
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ophenia View Post
    Haha yeah the Harfoot always bothered me with that nonsense. We leave no one behind ! Until someone is behind, then we can abandon them because fuck'em. They even make the list of the other hobbits they've abandoned along the way in one episode, like wtf. We don't abandon anyone, but let's remember the hundreds of guys who couldn't follow us and who are probably dead now
    "No man left behind" is a common military phrase. It originates from the Roman Legions if not earlier. Yet they still left people behind when they had to. It implies the Harfoots help until they can't or it endangers the group.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  19. #9879
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    "No man left behind" is a common military phrase. It originates from the Roman Legions if not earlier. Yet they still left people behind when they had to. It implies the Harfoots help until they can't or it endangers the group.
    In practice it didn't mean shit in S01. The rest of the tribe basically left the injured ones behind on purpose, then didn't even try to wait a single second, despite not being in any sort of danger at any time. They just put them at the back and told them "good luck heh" then did their procession normally

  20. #9880
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ophenia View Post
    In practice it didn't mean shit in S01. The rest of the tribe basically left the injured ones behind on purpose, then didn't even try to wait a single second, despite not being in any sort of danger at any time. They just put them at the back and told them "good luck heh" then did their procession normally
    They didn't just put them at the back. Nori broke the law. There is an implied history of "issues". An exception was made to give them some mercy. We don't know how often that happens or if Harfoots are normally super strict. Take their wheels and leave them seems to be the capital punishment in their society.


    That link gives a "academic" take on Harfoots with some real world examples of nomadic cultures .
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

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