1. #1141
    Legendary! TirielWoW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Polyxo View Post
    What are we supposed to be mad about?
    Well, you know, they're brown.

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  2. #1142
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    So is good taste;

    Those "plenty of people" weren't enough to keep Marvel from bankruptcy.
    I didn't say I understood why people like Liefeld. I only know that they do. Most of those early Image guys I find baffling nowadays.

    Let's consider an actual good comic produced in the nineties: The Sandman. Was that good enough to keep the industry from crashing? There were tonnes of great stuff produced in the 90s.

    Lots of things weren't great back then but comic quality is simply relative. I don't like 90s Marvel but its failures were business related.

  3. #1143
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    while yes the big bucks come from else where the comic industry has been over a billion a year since 2015 and has been on the rise since every year but 2017 since atleast 2012.

    And what share of that is manga and related products?
    "It is every citizen's final duty to go into the tanks, and become one with all the people."

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  4. #1144
    Quote Originally Posted by Ivanstone View Post
    Let's consider an actual good comic produced in the nineties: The Sandman.
    I never mentioned DC. And I certainly didn't collect as many of those or any other publisher.

  5. #1145
    I guess this is now a general discussion thread about anything you like...

  6. #1146
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAmbient View Post
    I guess this is now a general discussion thread about anything you like...
    It's a change of pace from all the racism talk.
    Just a "wait and see" until September.

  7. #1147
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAmbient View Post
    I guess this is now a general discussion thread about anything you like...
    Sometimes you just fall down the analogy hole. We got two separate threads were we have people whining about conspiracies ruining their entertainment.

  8. #1148
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang View Post
    And what share of that is manga and related products?
    about 200M slightly less then what floppies made alone.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  9. #1149
    I'm watching "the Two Towers" extended version...just because.

  10. #1150
    Titan Orby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    I'm watching "the Two Towers" extended version...just because.

    Extended Edition is the only way I watch LotR now
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  11. #1151
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orby View Post
    Extended Edition is the only way I watch LotR now
    Makes me laugh that the original versions of the films would be deemed too long by today's cinema goers since they are over 2.5 hours. God forbid the extended versions actually were what released in theaters initially.

  12. #1152
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rennadrel View Post
    Makes me laugh that the original versions of the films would be deemed too long by today's cinema goers since they are over 2.5 hours.
    Maybe if they were in the cinema a full extended edition may still be, but at home I feel happy. One disc is like 1 movie, basically with all the extended editions together its basically 6 movies lol
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  13. #1153
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rennadrel View Post
    Makes me laugh that the original versions of the films would be deemed too long by today's cinema goers since they are over 2.5 hours. God forbid the extended versions actually were what released in theaters initially.
    it was what fucked up the most in the warcraft movie, it was butchered to fit one hour/cinema standard

  14. #1154
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Interesting that I read this and thought you were talking about yourself and others like you. My only surprise was that you didn't fit the word "agenda" in there somewhere.
    Well considering I'm not some narrow-minded idiot who thinks that every single thing about my meaningless existence needs to be represented all the time irregardless of what the original creators intents were, I'd say you are pretty wrong in that respect. Then again, I'm also not the bigot trying to rewrite another man's work which was based off European folklore and mythology with stuff that never existed in it in the first place.

    But hey, I don't mind pointing out all the things that are clearly wrong just with how they are trying to portray Galadrial if you think I have an actual issue with all the other things that are factually inaccurate to the lore. Let's start with how they should have cast an older woman to play her instead of someone in their early 20's. Or the fact that she isn't a warrior, even though she is a leader. She doesn't need to fight to prove that she holds power, and it was one of the reasons why I loved Cate Blanchette's performance. Not to mention how bad the costumes and armor look. Then we have the actor who is supposedly playing Elrond, again, too young. When you consider that an elf's lifespan in Middle Earth is about 10,000 years, even during the time period that this show is set in, Galadrial and Elrond are both over 6000 years old, which would put them in middle age, not babyface younglings.
    Last edited by Rennadrel; 2022-02-24 at 05:46 PM.

  15. #1155
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    it was what fucked up the most in the warcraft movie, it was butchered to fit one hour/cinema standard
    The warcraft movie made the mistake of fitting the entirety of the first war of Warcraft into one movie, which was always going to be a fail. That shit needs a 10 episode series more a 1 hour 30 minute movie :P
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  16. #1156
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orby View Post
    The warcraft movie made the mistake of fitting the entirety of the first war of Warcraft into one movie, which was always going to be a fail. That shit needs a 10 episode series more a 1 hour 30 minute movie :P
    the movie amde a lot of mistakes, but it was possible if they didn't add shit like garona and lothar romance and of course, cutting almost a hour of movie

  17. #1157
    Blizzard missed the forest for the trees when they ordered that the Warcraft movie start with the First War. A movie with a budget of hundreds of millions behind it needs to cater to casual audiences, or else they're you're not going to make a profit. Blizzard got too caught up with their years of backstory lore and thought that they needed to start with WC1, when the First War has little appeal to casual audiences. From a casual's perspective, a WC1 movie would just be a retread of the "humans vs invading Orcish armies" story that LotR did (except with 3D CGI and a plot that wasn't written by Tolkien), and would thus be compared unfavorably. The First War isn't even what is unique about Warcraft. WC3 is what was unique about Warcraft. The story of an Orc reforming his society, or a human prince descending into evil and becoming a necromantic overlord would have been far more unique. Plus, the movie would aesthetically be more interesting to audiences.

  18. #1158
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    Blizzard missed the forest for the trees when they ordered that the Warcraft movie start with the First War. A movie with a budget of hundreds of millions behind it needs to cater to casual audiences, or else they're you're not going to make a profit. Blizzard got too caught up with their years of backstory lore and thought that they needed to start with WC1, when the First War has little appeal to casual audiences. From a casual's perspective, a WC1 movie would just be a retread of the "humans vs invading Orcish armies" story that LotR did (except with 3D CGI and a plot that wasn't written by Tolkien), and would thus be compared unfavorably. The First War isn't even what is unique about Warcraft. WC3 is what was unique about Warcraft. The story of an Orc reforming his society, or a human prince descending into evil and becoming a necromantic overlord would have been far more unique. Plus, the movie would aesthetically be more interesting to audiences.
    the theme and the first war was fine if they didn't butchered most lore bits, add new shit, and cut a lot of was done to fit one hour movie.

    It baffles me how the movie tried to be a warlords of draenor movie, with the forstwolves being the only good orcs and durotan doing everything, when he is a nobody, and Orgrin was supposed to be the guy who defeat blackhand and assume the horde in a better light.

    Undoubtedly the first war would be better as a series, but it could have worked if theytried a little hard

  19. #1159
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    the movie amde a lot of mistakes, but it was possible if they didn't add shit like garona and lothar romance and of course, cutting almost a hour of movie
    If they wanted to do the first war that could have perfectly fit into a movie they should have cut the fat and base it off of the Last Guardian novel by Jeff Grubb, which is more self contained retelling of the first war, while offering a horror look at the orcs coming. Of course you would then cut out all the orc sympathy side of thing, but to be honest the first movie should have portrayed the orcs as these scary monsters from another world and leave the good orc side until the next movie.

    The movies biggest mistake was trying to squeeze too much into one movie.
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  20. #1160
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    lets try this again, as a basic rule as long as the character’s story isn’t tied to there race.

    I couldn't care less about character Descriptions unless they tie into the story of the character.
    When it comes to stuff like Tolkien, a character's story tends to be very tied to their race.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dellis0991 View Post
    As a black man I wish they could've added a story based on the people Far Harad and shed some light on the their rebellion against Sauron, hell they could've given a name to the Haradrim that lead the rebellion and the 2 Blue wizards. Whoever wrote script and cast the roles ignored a gold mine of possible stories that could've been a hit. But I'll be fair and reserve my judgement until after I see a few episodes.
    I had the exact same thoughts. If they wanted diversity so much, well, it already existed in the books. It might be a plausible idea for the heroes to run into some Haradrim or Easterling rebels fleeing from their brethren who still serve evil. But they had to start blackfacing Dwarves and Elves instead.

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