How can people complain about “being true to the source”? Afaik, for the second age, there is next to nothing wrote about it.
How can people complain about “being true to the source”? Afaik, for the second age, there is next to nothing wrote about it.
Because people don't care. They just want something to be outraged about.
This idea that nudity is somehow a bridge too far in stories about war, death, and destruction is adorable.
Hell, for all we know, all this handwringing could be over a single scene of a rowdy bar/inn where someone happens to have their top off... I assume they'd have to hire the appropriate people for this sort of thing regardless of how brief or extensive the scenes are, if for nothing else than to avoid getting their asses sued if something goes wrong.
It's more than LOTR is very much not focused on sex and nudity from the onset. Now that was probably a legacy of its writers being very Christian, but still, having serving wenches with their tops off or scenes in brothels would be a bit weird for this kind of intentionally idealistic and larger-than-life setting, as if Star Wars suddenly had naked Twi'leks doing lap dances or Han boinking Leia on screen. LOTR is not Game of Thrones and should never try to be.
It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built -Kreia
The internet: where to every action is opposed an unequal overreaction.
Does LOTR even have sex scenes? I'm genuinely asking cause 2017 was when I last read the books and I can't recall nothing of the sort. Hell, I don't even think the Silmarillion has sex or nudity.
I am just readying myself for the faint hint of the outrage tubers and angry man children when they put a strong female lead or PoC on screen. You know people are gonna lose their shit.
I learned my lesson after the Last Jedi and Captain Marvel. So I will be discussing my thoughts on this show with my friends, family and co-workers... people with actual brain cells. I'll probably share my thoughts once on here and leave it at that.
Last edited by Orby; 2020-10-11 at 01:31 PM.
No sex scenes no, though there a few cases of nudity in both the LotR and the Silmarillion, but none of the nudity is sexual. In the LotR the hobbits end up naked for a bit early in the story after escaping the barrow-downs and having lost their clothes and pack horses, and in the story of Húrin an elf that insults and later ambushes Túrin (human), when overpowered is disrobed and made to flee naked through the woods to teach him a lesson. Later Nienor loses her memory through a dragons spell and then runs off into the wild, casting off her clothes, and is later found naked on a hilltop in a storm, but is quickly covered.
I get Amazon may not want to keep it as puritanical as Tolkien made his stories, but I hope they don't go too far with things and keep the flavor of it still more or less Tolkienesque. Of course people have widely different ideas of how much one is allowed to change before it ruins the whole thing, but trying to force in a bunch of sex and gore where it doesn't make sense to make it more like GoT would just be stupid (though I'd happily see them play up those bits that are supposed to be gruesome, like Sauron using Celebrimbor's body as a banner, the Numenoreans adopting slavery and later human sacrifice, etc.
The story of Tar-Ancalimë (which very likely will feature in the show) would be my hopeful guess what this casting call relates to, but hopefully not by turning the mass wedding feast into an orgy or anything silly like that.
Last edited by Uthan; 2020-10-11 at 02:25 PM.
Well yeah but this isn't supposed to be like this.
Nudity and gore work in a setting like GoT because it was written like that. Tolkien's universe wasn't. It's supposed to be a fairy tail. It's not supposed to be extremely mature but also not childish. It's supposed to be just epic. Middle Earth's universe is what Warcraft's universe could've been if it had better writing and consistency for example.
- - - Updated - - -
Everytime I think of nudity in tv/movies I think of exposed boobs and vagina and penis. Not sure if I'd call the actor/actress being covered up or being naked without exposing stuff to the viewer actual "nudity" though. That'd be like cutting someones head of off-screen and calling it gore even tho we never see it.
The most racy scenario I can think is the story of Turin Turambar in the Silmarilion, where he meets a woman named Niniel and they marry and are "together"....and that is about as descriptive as it gets for Tolkien and sex.
The scandalous (by Tolkiens standards) part of the story is that Niniel is actually his long lost sister, and after she realizes it she kills herself.
Last edited by Hoeth; 2020-10-11 at 02:42 PM.
Yeah, pretty much the whole issue with this casting call I guess in that it's so vague (unless there's more details somewhere I've missed) that it could be interpreted as pretty much anything. I'd assume and hope that it probably just means there'll be some boobs and butts shown in a tasteful manner at certain points in the story where emphasizing that aspect of character relations make sense.
This is being dishonest.
At best, you can accuse people of excessive criticism on very little information.
But were it as people are thinking it will be, then it's a legitimate criticism, because these stories have barely any scenes involving explicit nudity or sex, and adding such content, especially to a level that fair outweighs that source material in which is based, is just decharacterizing what the story is meant to be about.
I mean, we already know that it's going to be woke garbage based on the fact that it's not set in the period of Middle Earth that we know, and it's Amazon. So you can pretty much be assured that none of the franchises races will follow canon, and none of the story will be canon to the Silmarillion. It'll be even worse for being faithful to the franchise itself than the Wheel of Time series will be (which based on the casting list, isn't).
The show "Emily in Paris" which was just added to Netflix lists nudity as a warning in the parental guidance notes at the top of every episode. It's 10 episodes long, there was one 10 second scene in one episode where they were filming an in-show commercial that had a naked woman as part of it. They only show the woman from behind as she's walking along a bridge, and from fairly far away, but that was enough to get every episode labelled with nudity (I think Netflix just uses the same labels for a whole series though).
Last edited by Nellise; 2020-10-11 at 04:19 PM.
Nice try to plug some youtube stream.
Pity...would of liked to have seen the sequence of events leading to Numenor getting sunk. Ar-Pharazon had to be a real sonuvabitch.
Probably just as well that the story of Beren and Luthien are from the prior age.
I love lord of the rings but I think this version of it is going to be a really lame renaissance fair version of it. Nobody is ever going to do it better than Peter Jackson because he made it dark. Wish they would let Peter Jackson do The Silmarillion.
That's because Netflix is run by a bunch of thin skinned wimps who get offended at the concept of seeing a woman's bare butt. Which is ironic considering they have no problems with pedo bait and sexualizing little girls. It's funny how these corporations try to act like the morality police while they flip flop on other issues relating to morality, there's zero consistency.