1. #1641

    I know, right? Such awful imagery. How could they even think of committing that to film?

    Like...what do you even think you're criticizing here? You disagree with their costume design choices? Tough shit, I guess.

  2. #1642
    Quote Originally Posted by quras View Post
    What I can find in a quick search is Amazon has the rights to:
    The Fellowship of the Ring
    The Two Towers
    The Return of the King
    The appendices
    The Hobbit

    Thats not Scraps.
    They have access to all the canon of course. From my understanding their agreement doesn't allow them to to touch on any scenes that were already depicted in the LotR or Hobbit trilogies. Hence why RoP is mostly limited to the story of the Second Age.

    And because of that, I don't think the series will end with Last Alliance of Elves and Men. At least not a climatic battle. Should it even get renewed that far.

  3. #1643
    Quote Originally Posted by s_bushido View Post

    I know, right? Such awful imagery. How could they even think of committing that to film?

    Like...what do you even think you're criticizing here? You disagree with their costume design choices? Tough shit, I guess.
    Probably that it looks like everyone else is wearing PJs with foam attachments just doesn't look good not sure if the color scheme or base design is to blame. Granted that's a still but it just looks off in that still.

  4. #1644
    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    Probably that it looks like everyone else is wearing PJs with foam attachments just doesn't look good not sure if the color scheme or base design is to blame. Granted that's a still but it just looks off in that still.
    ALso the beer gut on the guys, found it pretty amusing myself.
    Quote Originally Posted by Xarim View Post
    It's a strange and illogical world where not wanting your 10 year old daughter looking at female-identifying pre-op penises at the YMCA could feasibly be considered transphobic.

  5. #1645
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    I'm serious. The color palette is extremely washed out. The costumes and set design are bland. The trailer music is boring the voiceovers bland. The lore has been trashed. "Elves have forests to protect. Dwarves have mines. Men have fields"... who thought that this was good?
    It literally looks just like the original trilogy. Trailer music is always bland. And there's nothing wrong with that "lore", that's literally describing the races. Seriously, the amount of nitpicking on this show is absolutely insane. Is it going to be the 2nd coming? Probably not, but it looks fine.

  6. #1646
    Quote Originally Posted by infinitemeridian View Post
    It literally looks just like the original trilogy. Trailer music is always bland. And there's nothing wrong with that "lore", that's literally describing the races. Seriously, the amount of nitpicking on this show is absolutely insane. Is it going to be the 2nd coming? Probably not, but it looks fine.
    We can rest easy now that we know that the show has horses, elves, run-of-the-mill hollywood colour grading and sweeping vistas. It's just like Peter Jackson's trilogy!
    The absolute state of Warcraft lore in 2021:
    Kyrians: We need to keep chucking people into the Maw because it's our job.
    Also Kyrians: Why is the Maw growing stronger despite all our efforts?

  7. #1647
    The Lightbringer uuuhname's Avatar
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    I'm sure this is dripping in sarcasm but really, is that not what you people want?

  8. #1648
    Quote Originally Posted by infinitemeridian View Post
    It literally looks just like the original trilogy. Trailer music is always bland. And there's nothing wrong with that "lore", that's literally describing the races. Seriously, the amount of nitpicking on this show is absolutely insane. Is it going to be the 2nd coming? Probably not, but it looks fine.
    The color scheme in the original trilogy is intentionally washed out and faded in areas where the dark is winning notice how the Shire is completely vibrant and green and after the ring is destroyed the land in general has regained it's vibrance in the few scenes of it we see.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by bledgor View Post
    ALso the beer gut on the guys, found it pretty amusing myself.
    I think that's just a really badly cut attempt at chain armor that is far too form fitting to work as chainmail.

  9. #1649
    Just a random tought. Would they theoretically be able to adapt bits of LotR that were left out of the Jackson trilogy?

    Chiefly thinking of the Epilogue of Sam's last journey together with Legolas and Gimli, but perhaps a Tom Bombadil cameo could also be a thing?

    Given the Rings of Power theme, it could be a fitting and conclusive ending to have such an epilogue concluding past their destruction, following the ultimate ring bearer.
    Last edited by Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang; 2022-07-15 at 08:09 PM.
    "It is every citizen's final duty to go into the tanks, and become one with all the people."

    ~ Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang, "Ethics for Tomorrow"

  10. #1650
    Not much of a contribution to this thread, but here's my take.

    I consider myself to be a big fan of Tolkien's fantasy world, but not a mega-know-every-bit-of-lore fan. I definitely have spent more time than a casual fan listening to lore videos on YouTube while at work.

    I have decided to go into this with an open mind and try to enjoy it. I will not nitpick if I can avoid doing so. Hopefully I am pleasantly surprised by the show.

    I get people's concerns after WoT and later GoT seasons. (Having read both of those series as well)

    I am on the other side of things when it comes to something like Homelander. I haven't read the comics but have been told areas where the show is completely different. Other than the season 3 finale, I throughly enjoyed it.

    I hope my non expert level knowledge of the extended Tolkien works allows me to have a fun experience with the Amazon show.
    Bandwagon sports fans can eat a bag of http://www.ddir.com/ .

  11. #1651
    Scarab Lord Frontenac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dwightyo39 View Post
    Not much of a contribution to this thread, but here's my take.

    I consider myself to be a big fan of Tolkien's fantasy world, but not a mega-know-every-bit-of-lore fan. I definitely have spent more time than a casual fan listening to lore videos on YouTube while at work.

    I have decided to go into this with an open mind and try to enjoy it. I will not nitpick if I can avoid doing so. Hopefully I am pleasantly surprised by the show.

    I get people's concerns after WoT and later GoT seasons. (Having read both of those series as well)

    I am on the other side of things when it comes to something like Homelander. I haven't read the comics but have been told areas where the show is completely different. Other than the season 3 finale, I throughly enjoyed it.

    I hope my non expert level knowledge of the extended Tolkien works allows me to have a fun experience with the Amazon show.
    Oh, it will be an asset. Don't listen to these self-appointed gatekeepers and make your own mind.
    "Je vous répondrai par la bouche de mes canons!"

  12. #1652
    More lord of the rings material doesnt have to be a bad thing.

    Would be nice if someone came along and took Harry Potter out of JK Rowlings hands as her creative juices have clearly run dry.

    And like Lord of the rings and Harry Potter, the strength is in the worlds they have created and the characters.

    Someone with fresh ideas can do a lot with strong universes/characters. And it can be interesting seeing different takes

  13. #1653
    Scarab Lord Frontenac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quras View Post
    What I can find in a quick search is Amazon has the rights to:
    The Fellowship of the Ring
    The Two Towers
    The Return of the King
    The appendices
    The Hobbit

    Thats not Scraps.
    It is scraps when you want to make a show about the Second Age: From The Lord of the Rings, you get some accounts from Aragorn, Elrond or Gandalf and a few short lines in the appendices covering hundreds of years, and from The Hobbit, nothing at all.

    But lets face it: all we know about the Second Age is sketchy at best. Even if we look at Akkalabêth, in The Silmarillion, it is not much. Especially if the show's story begins after the Downfall of Númenor. You could find more information in the Book of Lost Tales or Unfinished Tales, but even then it is rather sketchy and even contradictory (especially concerning Galadriel, where she was, when and where she met Celeborn and who the heck was even Celeborn?). But the Tolkien Estate didn't give them the rights to use these sources. Which means that it gives much leeway to the creators of the show. So of course it will be different from what we know (or think we know) about that time period and what the characters were doing. We should not consider this an adaptation, but treat the show as its own thing, on its own merits. Maybe it will be good, maybe it will suck. But whatever it is, contrary to what some have said, it won't destroy Tolkien's work. The books will remain there, unsullied, for everyone to enjoy.
    "Je vous répondrai par la bouche de mes canons!"

  14. #1654
    Quote Originally Posted by Frontenac View Post
    Oh, it will be an asset. Don't listen to these self-appointed gatekeepers and make your own mind.
    Couldn't one say the same thing about those people who push the series without any knowledge of it beyond what those who aren't in favor of it have?

  15. #1655
    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    Couldn't one say the same thing about those people who push the series without any knowledge of it beyond what those who aren't in favor of it have?
    Ah, the most compelling of arguments: "No u."

  16. #1656
    Quote Originally Posted by kenn9530 View Post
    Its like someone cant do some basic research or math, in its first week it had 1.6 billion minutes viewed over 3 episode thats well over 10 million average, by now that number is far higher that has watched the show, not many shows even reach that high in viewer numbers over thier whole lifespan, wheel of time has been out decades it has a niche fanbase and is very likely far smaller than 6 million, also book sales does not make everyone a fan.

    Every LOTR sales are a small number compared to what would can get watching a film or tv series, books are not that popular, not even tv series or movie has to be the next big thing and the fantasy genre as a whole is difficult to get a large audience, only a handful of shows gets fairly large numbers.

    Not everything is written in a book so adaptations have to happen so you are the one with no logic here, every single film/tv series is an adaptation to something as its never 100% to its source material.

    Its guaranteed everyone here claiming its shit will still watch it all because you have nothing better to do and just want to moan about it more because you feel it doesnt fit the tolkien vision which can never happen in the first place, if you expect something you will always be dissapointed.
    Lol 90 million books sold worldwide is a “niche” fan base. You seemed to have left out the fact the show shed viewers big time every week.

  17. #1657
    Quote Originally Posted by s_bushido View Post
    Ah, the most compelling of arguments: "No u."
    Explain how it wouldn't apply? Both groups are making up their mind on limited material.

  18. #1658
    My only hope is that if LOTR turns out to be a the woke fiasco that its looking like it might, that Blizzard takes a good long look at what it does to a popular franchise. Pandering to a misguided extremist minority is honestly completely insane.

  19. #1659
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    Explain how it wouldn't apply? Both groups are making up their mind on limited material.
    Nope, one group already made their mind up. The other group still waits for actual release.

  20. #1660
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ClassicPeon View Post
    My only hope is that if LOTR turns out to be a the woke fiasco that its looking like it might, that Blizzard takes a good long look at what it does to a popular franchise. Pandering to a misguided extremist minority is honestly completely insane.
    Your hoping that blizzard will remove black people and fighting women from wow then? Or is there some other “woke fiasco” on display in the little material we’ve seen so far?
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

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