I don't think that is entirely true, the licensing seems to allow them to delve into other volumes if it supports the stuff they are explicitly licensed to use. On top of that, judging by the trailer, they can also allow additional materials to be used on a case-by-case basis. Hence we get the Two Trees and what looks to be the Oath of Feanor.
Books are niche fan bases lol, congrats on the dumbest shit I’ve read all day.
By your dumb logic then there's no reason to brand a show or film after an IP that already exists if an adaptation "can do whatever they want". You know they did that right? And it actually worked out well once upon a time. The original West Side Story is an Americanized version of Romeo and Juliet, it's an adaptation using American cultural norms, and doesn't at all attempt to present itself as Romeo and Juliet. They do it because the name has recognition and is popular. Whether it be WoT, LOTR, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Conan the Barbarian and many more. Peter Jackson at least tried to be faithful to the books with the LOTR films, and Warner Bros did an alright job adapting the Harry Potter books even though they could have easily added in some more subplot stuff to make the movies flow a little better with some of the side characters. The Percy Jackson films took a lot of creative liberties and paid the price for it at the box office, despite the books being relatively popular.
WoT should have been a slam dunk had the writers just stuck to the plot and not try to hamfist in subplots that were never in the books and not ruined Rand's coming out moment as the Dragon Reborn at the end of the first fucking season with their strong woman moment of Egwene and Nynaeve killing a horde of Trollocs when they can barely even so much as touch the True Source instead of Rand obliterating two of the Forsaken at the Eye of the World. Not to mention completely omitting Elayne meeting Rand for the first time in Camelyn and gutting out Mat's story arc involving the Shadar Logoth dagger and how it ties him to Padan Fain for pretty much the entire series. WoT has plenty of moments where the female characters are interesting and badass, it just doesn't happen until much later in the story. Rafe Judkins is a talentless hack who should be fired into the sun for that piss ass excuse for a show.
Feels like if they just released the latest trailer instead of those few utterly disastrously bad teaser trailers things probably would have gone a bit better.
And what makes you think that? I have no idea what was "disastrously bad" about any teasers they've released up to this point, but it's been clear for a while now that no one responding to this is interested in giving it a chance. It was basically doomed ever since the outrage merchants found out that they might be looking to hire someone whose job description involved dealing with nudity.
Actually, one group has made up their minds. The other group is "hey, saying it sucks before you've even seen a single episode is a little premature"
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I'll bet you that for every person you know that's read the Lord of the Rings I can find at least 50 that haven't but have seen the movies.
On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.
- H. L. Mencken
i'm genuinely curious, are there ever times in your life when you look at a product or service in your day to day, and think back to experiences you have had with similar things and judged the new thing as a result of past experiences?, because if not then you're literally the first person in human history to ever do this.
Based on past experience, and with the MANY examples of wokeness causing the downfall of franchises over the last 8-10 years now, it's not exactly hard to call out how badly this mess will perform regardless of how pretty and sparkly they try to dress it up as, a turd is a turd even if it's wrapped in gold, and blindly arguing with people to 'hey just wait and see, it might be good' is futile because based on past experience, the conclusion being made here is more likely than not the outcome that will come to pass, and yet you're still trying to peddle some hopium/copium levels of 'it won't be that bad surely'.
as to your second point, everybody i know who has seen the peter jackson trilogy has read the books in their entirety, so that's hundreds of people straight off the bat, if you expand that based on age you get an even bigger base of people who read the books before seeing the films, so sure, if you limit your search to people born in the last 15 years sure you're more likely to find people who have seen the films first then if interested enough have then gone on to read the books, but come on, now you're just skewing the results to favour your stance, not a great look honestly and the perfect politician style response.
that's entirely your own opinion, and yet the numbers are there and there have been countless examples now over the years, but you keep believing what you want to believe.
can you please explain how anybody here is 'ignorant', when not even the showrunners themselves know what they are doing?, meaning that by definition nobody can be ignorant of anything because there's no information available to educate oneself any better, unless you're using the word as synonym for being rude, in which case there's none of that either, so it doesn't work in either context, as for being narrow minded, i wasn't aware that using past experience to form a judgement about something that looks exactly like other failed projects using the exact same playbook was being 'close minded', if anything it's called 'using your better judgement', the only time you can even dare to call someone close minded in regard to this clusterfuck of a project is if they state they dislike it and after watching maintain the exact same arguements as prior to watching, and only then does the definition of that term stick, until then you're just mad that people are calling this mess exactly what it is appearing to be and aren't blindly praising this as the next big thing for gender politics and racial diversity set in a universe created with none of those things in mind.
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i'm glad you find that funny, personally i don't, i don't enjoy seeing things i grew up with taken by some upstart that thinks they are hotter than the sun with delusions of grandeur take a shit all over beloved franchises and products just to try and be 'the next big thing', but if you enjoy this sort of thing more power to you kiddo.
On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.
- H. L. Mencken
All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.
It’s pretty telling that you’re unable to provide any examples of such ruined franchises. Again, unless you’re making up your own definition, there are absolutely no negatives to “wokeness”.
And hey, if it was ever I doubt that you didn’t know what you were talking about we have this quote right here:
A universe without racial diversity in mind? Tell me you don’t know jack shit about Tolkien’s writings without telling me you don’t know jack shit about Tolkien’s writings. A world filled with various sorts of humans, elves, dwarves, hobbits, gnomes, and other beings isn’t “racially diverse”? Really? Ooooh yeah, what you meant was “certain skin colors don’t belong in this fantasy world filled with such abundance of racial diversity”. You still wondering who I’m referring to when I say “ignorant and narrow-minded”?
You’ll have to elaborate on what you mean by “gender politics” since it’s pretty much a meaningless term tossed about by guys who feel threatened by women not sticking to their traditional gender roles. That being said, I guess you’ve conveniently forgotten about the character of Eowyn whose narrative centers around opposing gender norms.
You claim you grew up with these stories but apparently you don’t know a thing about them. A universe without gender politics or racial diversity in mind? Fuck off and maybe go read the books again…
Last edited by Adamas102; 2022-07-18 at 06:24 AM.
actually, no i'm not, because everybody i went through school with read the books as part of the curriculum, alongside that the films released a few years into my secondary school years, meaning that alongside HAVING to read the books, they also saw the films as they were the biggest blockbuster movies of that time period, and in my year group alone that's 230 students, everybody who i know who is older than me has read the books, as the PJ trilogy didn't exist at that point so no, i wasn't 'lying' and to even try to use that as a comeback makes you look even more desperate than you already were previously.
On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.
- H. L. Mencken
oh, you want to be a pedantic fuck now?, ok then lets dance, since you seem incapable of distinguishing context, i used the terms i did in DIRECT RELATION to this steaming pile of shit they call 'the rings of power', 'gender politics' is having Galadriel become warrior goddess of middle earth because all of her established lore and story means nothing am i right?, i said 'racial diversity' with regards to the absolutely fucking moronic casting involved in the show with absolutely no basis in the overarching themes created by Tolkein for those fictional races he created, it has nothing to do with the utter moronic strawman arguement you're trying to peddle but nice try.
and since it's clear you're mentally indoctrinated into the woke brigade, here's a few examples of 'wokeness' that have ruined a franchise or straight up killed the potential for one to exist to begin with:
captain marvel
men in black: international
charlies angels 2019 reboot
ghostbusters 2016 reboot
star wars 'fuck you' trilogy
terminator dark fate (this has almost single handedly killed the terminator franchise from ever getting another movie release)
harley quinn: birds of prey
batwoman TV series
the 355
west side story 2021
this is just a 'small' list of shows/movies/projects that have failed both commercially and critically due to the stereotypical 'woke' hallmarks of pushing gender politics where it doesn't exit, adding racial diversity when it's not there, among other stereotypes based on the projects as a whole.
so mr pedantic fuck, wanna keep going or is this enough for you?
if you feel so inclined in future to make an ass of yourself, try and at least make it interesting.