Originally Posted by
1) so you now speak for Tolkein himself, you are his conduit from beyond the grave, you know his inner most thoughts and know exactly how he wanted his works to be made and interpreted post mortem? i like how you genuinely believe what you're saying is fact and that nobody anywhere has any right to question you because you in your infinite wisdom know exactly how things should be based on your wording here?, get your head out of your ass for more than 5 minutes and smell some fresh air, i think you have been living in your own delusion too long.
2) if there was anything to call out, i would agree with you, but so far all you have done is 'ha gottem' with the old 'if you disagree with this then you're a racist cunt' trope, which not only is a piss take of epic proportions, as it's a non arguement to begin with, but it actually just shows how little of a point you have to make and must resort to these base and very plain to see 'points'.
3) yes, he was fully on board with his works being adapted, no, he was not on board with them being taken by someone and 'moulded by the hands of the writers', he made it explicitly clear that if his works were not adapted as he wrote them then he would act upon that, as stated in his letter to the director and staff of the first project that looked to adapt his work, but again, keep hiding behind your little strawman and using your flawed opinion-turned-flawed logic as your main arguement point.
4) i'm assuming since you brought politics into the equation you're an American, because apparently it's all 'you people' are interested in and have made such a divisive topic it's turned into a 'us vs them' debacle, for your information and just so there's no confusion, i'm not American, and in terms of political alignment, using your fucked up scale of things i would fall in the 'centrist left' category, so once again, making an assumption about me and making yourself look like an ass, but keep it going, it's keeping me entertained at least.
5) yes, the same spielberg production that refused to put english subtitles when the characters spoke in spanish because they 'didn't want the power of English to overshadow the production', or the lead actress going on a media campaign criticising anybody in the US who didn't speak spanish fluently as a second language and calling all non spanish speaking Americans 'lazy', that 2021 west side story production, yes, you are correct, the one and the same, and frankly, i have never heard of this 'cinemascore' you mention before now, so i would have no idea how they would represent it when the places i looked at briefly showed the complete opposite, so obviously using different metrics for 'success'.
6) i never said it did poorly financially, i said if you remove the pre sale figures and only use the post release data, the almost vertical decline in revenue as a result of the tirade brie larson went on during the media tour along with other issues surrounding the film caused it to be the worst performing and most damaging film in the resurgent MCU era of films, but again you seem to dislike context as it doesn't mesh with what you're trying to peddle so you ignore it at best and twist what's been said to suit your needs at worst, and no, i'm not talking about the incident of brie larsen saying to 'white men' to stay away, i'm talking about other things she did during the media tour and afterwards when she made her stupid youtube channel.
7) i have seen the original trilogy, it's one of the few good things my dad did for me and made me watch them, i watched episode 3 on dvd as it was a present like i have stated, i also watched the first of this new trilogy as i was like everyone else curious to know what it was gonna be all about, i genuinely couldn't care about a spin off series for every tom, dick and harry who was a potential character of the main franchise, why is the backstory of obi wan important to me in the context of the movies? SPOILER: it isn't, it's just a nice extra if i'm interested in that sot of thing, same goes for the whole boba fett show, so again, the films themselves while they made money, they have permanently tarnished the reputation and i'm perfectly capable of reading reviews from multiple sources, finding the common denominator and putting the pieces together to come up with my own conclusion based on that, clearly you're unable to do so without consuming the content whole and spewing out some ridiculous trash about how it's the best thing ever or so it would seem.
8) when your franchises are sitting at a 2/10 for approval rating and you release a product that hits a 3, that's not success, that's just mediocre and barely worth writing home about, but i guess DC were so desperate they took a win where they could, and just in case it's unclear, most movie studios use financials as the PRIMARY metric for success, making this example i gave, as a result of the general woke sentiment surrounding it, a catastrophic failure, and as mentioned if not for covid and the amount of money needed to maintain the companies involved would have seen the previously greenlit project of a sequel either put on indefinite hiatus or cancelled, based on everything i read at the time, so again, you have no counter point to this it's just 'i liked it and it was a decent DC project so it wasn't all that bad right?'
9) again, i don't need to see every single piece of media to make a judgement about it, thanks to a few decades of life experience and consuming so much media in that time frame i can make and educated guess at how things will turn out, and so far i have only been wrong on a handful of occasions, which i think is a pretty damn good 'hit rate', and if that bothers you so much, then that's on you, nothing i can do to help you with your specific insecurity regarding that issue, i suggest seeking professional help if this becomes a trend.
10) see point 4 for an explanation as to why you're not only wrong, but again falling back on the old and tired 'ha gottem' playbook of comebacks, you have no point, you think you're so high and mighty and think that your utterly childish and basic 'arguements' make you look clever, when in reality it's just the same shit spewed ad nauseum by anyone defending the woke bullshit that has ruined franchises over and over and over again, it's fine if you want to be an apologist for this type of bullshit, but at least admit it to yourself and others so everyone knows where you stand, and here's a free piece of education for you, i used the words 'diversity hire' because that's EXACTLY what the producer who leaked the policy when he left the employ of Amazon called it, that's what they used to distinguish between the 'real' actors and the ones brought in to make sure they got their quota met, it's got nothing to whatsoever to do with my own personal feelings on the matter, nor is it a term i would personally use as i find the whole thing a racist mess and should be abolished in every job market, but again i can't wait to see what response you give as to why i'm somehow wrong and how you're right, do entertain me further with your tired and well used retorts.