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    I am Murloc! Velshin's Avatar
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    Lord of the Rings TV Series Purchased by Amazon

    Hey, I am surprised no topic about this yet!

    I am really excited really loved the Hobbit series more than the first three movies (which still pretty good ones even though they ruined it compare to the books).

    Here is the source confirmation about this topic.

    WARNING, THREAD UPDATE (1st Sept 2022): With the premiere of this show tonight, we're going to end lots of this discussion which has taken over this thread. It's tiring and goes in circles, and, in many cases, entirely in bad faith.

    Do not post bad faith YT trash in this thread, whether it's from a YouTube channel with literally 4 subscribers (see above), or the Babylon Bee, a parody site engaged in culture war bullshit. This show is coming out tonight, and the time for these inane discussions of what a faithful adaptation is are done.

    Going forward, the discussion should be centered around what is actual shown in the aired media, which, again, is premiering tonight. And no, the existence of a black elf in a Tolkein adaptation is not permission to continue these previous discussions.

    Further continuation of these topics will be considered off-topic, derailing, and will be infracted.
    Last edited by eschatological; 2022-09-01 at 09:45 PM.

  2. #2
    Banned Doctor Amadeus's Avatar
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    Really, more dragons hobbits and dwarves LOL! Hit that GoTs ending while the iron is hot

  3. #3
    I am Murloc! Velshin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barrages View Post
    Are they actually making 5 seasons of what was covered in 3 long movies? Unless they deviate heavily from the source material, I can't imagine this being worth a shit. Not to mention, you're not going to get a much better cast than the Peter Jackson movies.
    Well the old three movies were deviate from the source material, they changed many things compare to the original Tolkien’s books.

  4. #4
    Would be cool if they did a tv series based on The Silmarillion but no matter what it is based on, it will probably have crappy writers and actors. I liked the Hobbit movies a lot. I liked them a lot more than the book. I liked the lord of the rings movies a lot. Only thing i hated about the lord of the rings movies was how emo-ish and androgynous the actor who played frodo baggins was. The guy who played sam wise was pretty annoying too.

  5. #5
    I'm sorry but did you just say you enjoyed The Hobbit more than The Lord of the Rings?

  6. #6
    I am Murloc! Velshin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helden View Post
    I'm sorry but did you just say you enjoyed The Hobbit more than The Lord of the Rings?
    Yes I did and it is my own opinion and my own taste problem with that buddy?

    The Hobbit for sure wasnt perfect but at least they stayed faithful for the most part to the source material books. The first movies cut and changed a lot of things from the source material. And the sound tracks were awesome memorable and iconic in the Hobbit.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Velshin View Post
    Yes I did and it is my own opinion and my own taste problem with that buddy?

    The Hobbit for sure wasnt perfect but at least they stayed faithful for the most part to the source material books. The first movies cut and changed a lot of things from the source material. And the sound tracks were awesome memorable and iconic in the Hobbit.
    No problem ofcourse, your welcome to your own opinion, just means i'll discount your opinion with regards to anything Tolkien related.

  8. #8
    I am Murloc! Velshin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brenz View Post
    You have bad opinion and taste.
    Good, because your words are holy and facts eh? Haha be my guest mister “I know what better for you and what is bad for you” wanna teach me how I rise my children too buddy? Please if you dont have anything meaningful to add to the thread be a good boy and leave will you? Thanks for your awesome insights and thanks for reading.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Yeah, you need to read the source material again.
    I did I am not saying the Hobbit is perfect but still less change and more faithful compare to the old lord of the rings movies.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Helden View Post
    No problem ofcourse, your welcome to your own opinion, just means i'll discount your opinion with regards to anything Tolkien related.
    And you think I care about you because?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Velshin View Post
    And you think I care about you because?
    Merely expressing my opinion, got a problem with that buddy?

  10. #10
    Hobbit movies were good if they were the extended versions. Especially the 3rd movie with the battle.

    Still have a problem with 3rd lotr movie how green ghosts superfast n supereasy changed things, took me out of the sense of danger...
    Last edited by mmocced9c7d33d; 2018-05-15 at 06:48 AM.

  11. #11
    I am Murloc! Velshin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helden View Post
    Merely expressing my opinion, got a problem with that buddy?
    No but I find it funny that you think I care about you discounting my opinion about Tolkiens stuff. The topic is just about Amazon getting LotR to make it a tv series. Your opinion about my own taste? Is irrelevant got the picture now? Good thanks for reading mister “I have better taste and opinion than you”

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ser Arthur Dayne View Post
    Hobbit movies were good if they were the extended versions. Especially the 3rd movie with the battle.
    I totally agree the third one is the best one indeed! The only thing I didnt like how easily and fast Smough died.

  12. #12
    I am cautiously optimistic . I really liked the movies. LotR more so than The Hobbit ones but liked them all.

  13. #13
    I suppose they saved monies for 3rd movie effects n then cinema version cut out so much good stuff from battle, like elfs shooting arrows at dworfs n dw0rf counter measure would have been sweet on the big screen n would jave pulled a larger crowd..

  14. #14
    I am Murloc! Velshin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Do you mean Smaug? Are you sure you read the source material?
    Yup spelling taboo sorry too much Dark Souls for me

    My opinion is maybe from the minority but I disliked what they did with Saruman in the movies. I prefered his book version where he died in the Shire (only his physical form because his spirit lingers if I remember correctly).

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Velshin View Post
    I am really excited really loved the Hobbit series more than the first three movies (which still pretty good ones even though they ruined it compare to the books).
    What? You complain about the LotR movies deviating from source material, then praise a childrens book of roughly 300 pages stretched into 3 full movies.
    They inserted a pointless love story that didn't happen in the book and made an entire movie about a war that the main protagonist doesn't experience in the book because he blacks out almost immediately.

    You have every right to your opinion but it certainly doesn't align with my own. In my opinion the Hobbit story should at most have been 2 movies and the 3 that came to be are all far inferior to the original trilogy which were and still are masterpieces.

    I'm not excited for this as I have no faith that the TV series will live up to the original movie trilogy, but I'd be happy to be proven wrong.
    Quote Originally Posted by AZSolii View Post
    "yes, let's piss him off because he loves his long hair. Let us twirl our evil mustaches amidst the background music of honky-tonk pianos! GENIUS!"
    Quote Originally Posted by Culexus View Post
    Yes i hate those sneaky account thieves that come to my house and steal my computer in order to steal some wow money! Those bastards! *shakes fist*

  16. #16
    Me and my dad are huge fans of anything tolkien so i guess i will have to steal my brothers amazon account again to watch this!!

  17. #17
    I am Murloc! Velshin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unlimited Power View Post
    What? You complain about the LotR movies deviating from source material, then praise a childrens book of roughly 300 pages stretched into 3 full movies.
    They inserted a pointless love story that didn't happen in the book and made an entire movie about a war that the main protagonist doesn't experience in the book because he blacks out almost immediately.

    You have every right to your opinion but it certainly doesn't align with my own. In my opinion the Hobbit story should at most have been 2 movies and the 3 that came to be are all far inferior to the original trilogy which were and still are masterpieces.

    I'm not excited for this as I have no faith that the TV series will live up to the original movie trilogy, but I'd be happy to be proven wrong.
    First of all I didnt complain I just said I prefer the Hobbit overall but that doesnt mean I dislike the first three movies. In the entire six movies are my favorite movies of all time but between the two? I prefer the Hobbit that is all.

  18. #18
    I am Murloc! Kuja's Avatar
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    I remember reading about this a long time ago. So awesome! LOTR is the best movie trilogy, no doubt about it. So can't wait! Also can't wait for Witcher tv series.

    Though would be super weird if it's the same story; ring goes to Mordor and that's it. It can't be made totally different, and actors not being the same would be so weird.

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  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Nihilist74 View Post
    Would be cool if they did a tv series based on The Silmarillion but no matter what it is based on, it will probably have crappy writers and actors. I liked the Hobbit movies a lot. I liked them a lot more than the book. I liked the lord of the rings movies a lot. Only thing i hated about the lord of the rings movies was how emo-ish and androgynous the actor who played frodo baggins was. The guy who played sam wise was pretty annoying too.
    there will probably never be a Silmarillion movie or show. Tolkeins estate has stated over and over they will never release the rights for it.

  20. #20
    Great, more fools desecrating Tolkien's legacy

    Here's to hoping it never gets popularized

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