See the front page for the live Q&A
See the front page for the live Q&A
Last edited by chaud; 2018-06-14 at 05:58 PM.
Would be great if someone asked or if they address the gross abuse of realm hopping by bots and farmers using groups in the premade group finder. Was so bad in earlier months of Legion, using WQ groups... and with WQs carrying over into BfA I find it beyond shocking that they have yet to sort it since WoD.
Clown fiesta starts in 6 minutes. Cant wait to listen to "Respectfully, go fuck yourself" answers from Ion.
Why, oh why, would they waste as much as a second on that goddamn blood troll question?
So are they going to answer anything we don't know answers too already?
lol "when is the right time for a patch to release?"
Usually when another big MMO announces a release date of an expansion or major patch :P
Ut oh.. flying not in 8.0 but similar to Legion... inc the rage.
flying later like in legion : great, we have to deal with spiral mountain AGAIN for months;p
Flying was known already, nothing surprising
PTR is up ?
Leveling through Draenor was designed to be done on the ground, so you don't need flying to level there today.
did this mean they remove flying in draenor ? i'm not on beta and dont want to, just need to know
100 horde and 100 alliance.... to unlock xrealm mythic... 100 alliance LOL THIS WILL TAKE LONGER THAN WAITING FOR NEXT TIER!
"The team is wary of devaluing the effort that goes into earning Pathfinder if they were to remove it right away."
Which pretty much means that we're going to have another Argus bullshit zone where you lose flying again, just not "right away". God dammit Ion! Pull the stick out of your ass about flying. How about not taking it away AT ALL once we get it? You ever consider that?
God I can't stand that guy.