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  1. #1

    How much money do you spend on GW2 per month?

    Since I bought the game I just paid for the box, and haven't spent anything on MTX. However I took a long year or two hiatus and came back recently. There's now a ton of really interesting cosmetics, but most importantly I need to open up a few character slots. Having talked to a few other people playing the game, it seems like there are more "whales" than most other games I've played.

    So my question is, how much money do you personally spend on GW2? Per year/month? I think I'm going to buy a character slot and maybe a shared bank slot for now, then maybe check out a new wardrobe.

  2. #2
    Zero dollars.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    Nah nah, see... I live by one simple creed: You might catch more flies with honey, but to catch honeys you gotta be fly.

  3. #3
    I've bought gems with real money to buy LWS2 and LWS3, as well as 4 character slots, but that was probably the last time I did this.
    Quote Originally Posted by anaxie View Post
    Looking for Raid.
    They never found one though

  4. #4
    Years ago I bought gems a couple times, but got mad about (of all things) the chef outfit. The primitive market of the day did not adequately represent the outfits utter lack of dye channels and other oddities. I emailed asking about a return policy for such things and was told no returns, ever, for anything. So I never spent another dollar in the gem store, just converted gold.

    Meanwhile they changed outfits years ago and credited me for the chef outfit during that period, but I'm still a bitter old man and I'll shake my stick at them for years!

    There's also a psychological barrier for me with real money value for things. Looking at a mount and saying "is that worth $25" usually means "no".
    "I only feel two things Gary, nothing, and nothingness."

  5. #5
    Herald of the Titans Tikaru's Avatar
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    I've started playing GW2 around December of last year. I've spent money to buy both expansions. After that, I think I've spent about $100.

    I've bought gems to buy Living World Seasons 2 and 3, gems to get a couple outfits, and gems to convert to gold (stupid, I know).

  6. #6
    I am very ashamed to admit but I have probably spent $200-300 on GW2. It was never monthly but I got impatient a couple of times with crafting and just bought some cheap gold to speed things up. Crafting the bifrost only took about $100, the rest was just gold for random shit.

  7. #7
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    $10 on average. I don't have an issue with buying...some...of the stuff they put out. Most of the stuff I've bought has been non-cosmetic. I have the salvage tool, a couple unlimited gathering tools, bag/bank slots. and a few cosmetic things.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Svifnymr View Post
    Years ago I bought gems a couple times, but got mad about (of all things) the chef outfit. The primitive market of the day did not adequately represent the outfits utter lack of dye channels and other oddities. I emailed asking about a return policy for such things and was told no returns, ever, for anything. So I never spent another dollar in the gem store, just converted gold.

    Meanwhile they changed outfits years ago and credited me for the chef outfit during that period, but I'm still a bitter old man and I'll shake my stick at them for years!

    There's also a psychological barrier for me with real money value for things. Looking at a mount and saying "is that worth $25" usually means "no".
    Yeah, they used to have that no return policy. I remember I had purchased some Halloween kit and bugged it. They later fixed it and it eventually became an outfit. In their defense (not really but the explanation is still a lack of forethought) they didn't have a proper way to fix stuff/issue refunds for a few months after launch. They simply did have the tech (thats a half truth. for some stuff they did, some stuff they did, some stuff they couldn't properly verify without opening themselves up to scams/exploits). If you're assertive and persistant, support will open up to you.

    They are A LOT better now. They will even refund the difference of an item if you but it at full base then it goes on sale a few days later.

    I hate that shit they do with some prices. They'll just over or under the amount of gems per $10 or whatever. Like 1000 gems for something but gems come in you have to drop $20 instead of $10.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    $10 on average. I don't have an issue with buying...some...of the stuff they put out. Most of the stuff I've bought has been non-cosmetic. I have the salvage tool, a couple unlimited gathering tools, bag/bank slots. and a few cosmetic things.
    I've played since launch and never bought extra bag/bank slots, I'm such a cheapskate. I mostly used it on character slots back in the day.

    Yeah, they used to have that no return policy.
    I could see an undo for a few days, I'm certain they'd yank stuff from you if the card got declined. Or, as with the big change, just refund the item and let the person keep it. Maybe only do it once, but customer service is what it is.

    I hate that shit they do with some prices. They'll just over or under the amount of gems per $10 or whatever. Like 1000 gems for something but gems come in you have to drop $20 instead of $10.
    Yeah, not sure whether it's fully intentional, or just them not understanding their own system. They always liked doing 700gem stuff too. Just, bleh.
    "I only feel two things Gary, nothing, and nothingness."

  9. #9
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    When the game came out, declined cards (only possible with a charge back or the initial transaction never went through), your account got banned. They would have go back unban people accounts because or errors on the part of Digital River (payment service). They could do roll backs but that system was also half developed. Rollbacks today can see be messy. I've guildies who had their accounts restored to the wrong regions, gem store items not restored, to finding stuff they didn't have before.
    The code and tools available to devs / CS were a hot mess. It's also some older stuff is just lost to the game after they updated various parts of the game.

  10. #10
    Let's see (Proly 13ish K gems on myself, 5 on a friend, but I think the really worth ones costed below 5000 gems).

    + Gathering tools
    + Living stories
    + expansions for Bank (1) + Backpack (2)
    + 2 Outfits, 1 Glider skin
    + Exploration of Waypoints
    + Cooper Salvager

    Gifted Gathering tools, cooper salvager and outfit to a friend.

    I think that, what was really worth it:

    + Cooper Salvager
    + Gathering tools
    + Living story

    Everything else is optional, outfits may very well not be used later on, when you get some nice looking gear yourself (bcoz u can actually mix parts gloves/helm etc.)
    Outfits stays the same - well you can paint it a bit, but that's it.

    Well, if you play/farm a lot on alts you could get yourself at least 3 extra shared inv slots (so that you can easily swap perma gathering tools), mby some bank/inventory slots for extra space, but that's it.

    Most of it is really cosmetic, again apart from living story chapters, salvager and gathering tools I don't see anything in there that gives you any advantage whatsoever. That's about 5000 gems, you may very well get some gems for gold. Atm you can proly farm like 20 gold per hour, so that will take some time, but eventually you'll get there without spending any money whatsoever, otherwise it will double the cost of the game + xpacs.

    Also, i think that Way points exploration was actually a waste of money, mainly bcoz of the mounts now, it doesn't take long to get somewhere. Don't get me wrong it takes you to certain places you would otherwise waste time to get, but yeah bcoz of mounts the distance is no longer that big so yeah. Don't get it
    Last edited by mmoc6e15011d1f; 2018-06-20 at 03:36 AM.

  11. #11
    The Lightbringer
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    Probably spent an extre 60 on gems in total since the game was released(not counting ce editions of expansions)

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    The code and tools available to devs / CS were a hot mess. It's also some older stuff is just lost to the game after they updated various parts of the game.
    I remember when they were rebuilding Lions Arch and found out they didn't have the lion statue, so they had to reproduce it from pictures or something.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Taurendi View Post
    Also, i think that Way points exploration was actually a waste of money, mainly bcoz of the mounts now, it doesn't take long to get somewhere. Don't get me wrong it takes you to certain places you would otherwise waste time to get, but yeah bcoz of mounts the distance is no longer that big so yeah. Don't get it
    This is one of those things that I never bought because I think it should be an account unlock, not per character. Buying extra bag slots for every Alt I have is not going to happen, so picking "favorites" isn't worth the investment. Unlocking waypoints on all my alts for a reasonable fee, maybe. But grabbing it for a new alt or something, meh.
    "I only feel two things Gary, nothing, and nothingness."

  13. #13
    outside of sub games i don't think i've ever spent money on a monthly basis on any game.

    they'd have to go all SWTOR with the cash shop but instead of putting up bad reskins they'd have to put awesome new stuff every month for that to happen i think.

    would be neat if they had a sub with some nifty rewards and a monthly gem stipend like some other games though. as long as it's not made mandatory.

  14. #14
    When actively playing, bits here and there. Haven't played really until recently but enjoying the hell outta the game again. Should probably drop some cash and pick up something like one of those neverending harvesting tools or something since I haven't really bothered with harvesting in ages.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    When actively playing, bits here and there. Haven't played really until recently but enjoying the hell outta the game again. Should probably drop some cash and pick up something like one of those neverending harvesting tools or something since I haven't really bothered with harvesting in ages.
    I think one of the best additions they came up with was the shared bag slots. Though I only have the two default ones from expac's, it's great for a copper salvage kit and a mystic salvage kit. Shared among all the alts, no need for individual kits anymore.

    I have too many alts to bother spending money on the eternal tools.
    "I only feel two things Gary, nothing, and nothingness."

  16. #16
    The Lightbringer Shakadam's Avatar
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    Good question, I don't think there's any account history to check is there?

    I've bought a bunch of gems over the years. I'd estimate somewhere around 200€ maybe, not counting the price of the base game + expansions.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by ro9ue View Post
    Since I bought the game I just paid for the box, and haven't spent anything on MTX. However I took a long year or two hiatus and came back recently. There's now a ton of really interesting cosmetics, but most importantly I need to open up a few character slots. Having talked to a few other people playing the game, it seems like there are more "whales" than most other games I've played.

    So my question is, how much money do you personally spend on GW2? Per year/month? I think I'm going to buy a character slot and maybe a shared bank slot for now, then maybe check out a new wardrobe.
    Eh, I don't spend regularly. I unlocked the story chapters and picked up a bank tab or two. Oh, and salvage-o-mats are the greatest investment. Beyond that? Maybe when something comes along and catches my eye.

  18. #18
    Welp, the endless harvesting tools (or at least one version of each of them) were on sale yesterday and I picked them up. Damn they're kinda handy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flarelaine View Post
    Eh, I don't spend regularly. I unlocked the story chapters and picked up a bank tab or two. Oh, and salvage-o-mats are the greatest investment. Beyond that? Maybe when something comes along and catches my eye.
    Oh damn...I was considering spending my leftover gems on another character slot but that salvage-o-mat sounds bloody great. That'll easily free up a half dozen inventory slots since I tend to carry around tons of salvage kits to deal with the endless loot drops : D

  19. #19
    honestly zero only because the barrier to returning for me is that I simply missed too much over the past several years

  20. #20
    This month? 150 eur at least... But I just started playing again and there's so much stuff I want. .Won't happen next month though, I promise.

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