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  1. #21
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucius View Post
    This month? 150 eur at least... But I just started playing again and there's so much stuff I want. .Won't happen next month though, I promise.
    Next month is their anniversary sale. Guard your wallet.

  2. #22
    For the game only and stopped playing due to lack of things to do.
    Love the classes and the world design, the guild halls are awesome too.
    I just rather pay for content releases instead of cosmetic releases.
    Quote Originally Posted by munkeyinorbit View Post
    Blizzard do what the players want all the time.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    Next month is their anniversary sale. Guard your wallet.
    Shieeetttttt, I was gonna buy a few things this weekend but forgot. Guess I'll hope for some shared inventory slots to go on sale during the anniversary, because I really want to unlock a few more so I can store all my harvesting tools/endless salvage kit there for easy transfer between characters.

  4. #24
    Per month it prob amounts to 10 bucks or less for me but it depends. Had to get the blue kangaroo skin for my rabbit as the rabbit is ugly as hell. Also needed to buy gold for my griffon. Other than that I usually buy keys or different packages.

  5. #25
    So far I've spent $20 bucks on games for bank tabs and inventory tabs on a character. I still have some gems left over I think. I didn't realize that Inventory tabs were character only so I'll be more careful with that in the future. No monthly fee though means I have no issue spending a little bit every month.

  6. #26
    max 10$ otherwise zero

  7. #27
    Playing since 3 month now - arround 500€ per month for catching up with gear and fashion wars

  8. #28
    I hold back and then start spending in 100$+ splurges. I need to rein it in.
    Last edited by Tenjen; 2018-09-04 at 07:22 AM.

  9. #29
    If this game had a sub I'd be playing it. Instead they milk you dry.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Coffeh View Post
    If this game had a sub I'd be playing it. Instead they milk you dry.
    Except they don't.
    Quote Originally Posted by anaxie View Post
    Looking for Raid.
    They never found one though

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    Only shit I disagree with is lootbox mount skins.
    I think they stopped doing these after huge backlash, most of the skins are on direct sale now.
    Quote Originally Posted by anaxie View Post
    Looking for Raid.
    They never found one though

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    One thing next. Remove the gem cost on LS. You shouldn't be punished for taking a break or quitting and wanting to see the story when you come back.
    Yeah, I agree, that paywall for story content and new maps sucks both for new and for returning players, even if it's relatively cheap. If anything, they should at least include LWS2 into Heart of Thorns purchase and LWS3 into Path of Fire.
    Quote Originally Posted by anaxie View Post
    Looking for Raid.
    They never found one though

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    Alright fair game there is a specific option now.
    Yeah, the newer additions are random for 400 gems or specific for 1200 gems.

    One thing next. Remove the gem cost on LS. You shouldn't be punished for taking a break or quitting and wanting to see the story when you come back.
    I can understand that they want money for stuff, but... eh. I don't think this is where to make it. At the least they should age-out older LS seasons or just charge a little bit. I have them all from logins, and certainly don't feel slighted if someone else gets it for free.

    I don't think they're really mandatory though. The zones still have some population though.
    "I only feel two things Gary, nothing, and nothingness."

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    Alright fair game there is a specific option now.

    One thing next. Remove the gem cost on LS. You shouldn't be punished for taking a break or quitting and wanting to see the story when you come back.

    Tbh if PoF ever goes 50% off again I might take a peek but for now just got other games that are my focus.
    IMO it's fine. If you have the game in any capacity, literally all you need to do is log in to unlock the episode while it's live. That's 3 full months to simply log in, get it unlocked, and then log out. It's a "reward" for active players, and unlike S1 they've kept the episodes around so you can replay them for folks who missed content or want to replay it.

    It's a fine way to sell content that was originally never intended to stick around outside of its shelf life and it's another monetization tool that's not exploitative. It would be great if they were free, but I can't begrudge Anet for monetizing the content for lapsed/new players while giving that same content away for free to any players that log in. Even when I wasn't playing during HoT it was still painfully easy to log in once a quarter to unlock the LS episode and then go back to not touching the game.

  15. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    I mean yeah 200 gems per episode is cheap but still...
    It is cheap. The story content alone is at least 1-3 hours depending on the episode, which is definitely worth the roughly $2.50 it costs. Tack onto that achievements and related zone content? That's a bloody steal.

    There's more value packed into that even if you just do the story and zone completion (no achieves, no farming etc.) than there is with pretty much any similar DLC I can think of off the top of my head.

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Svifnymr View Post
    I can understand that they want money for stuff, but... eh. I don't think this is where to make it. At the least they should age-out older LS seasons or just charge a little bit. I have them all from logins, and certainly don't feel slighted if someone else gets it for free.

    I don't think they're really mandatory though. The zones still have some population though.
    I don't think it's for the money but rather to get people to log in. Still, there are better ways like rather rewarding people than penalizing them.

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Gray_Matter View Post
    I don't think it's for the money but rather to get people to log in. Still, there are better ways like rather rewarding people than penalizing them.
    Well, the free content is the reward. It's a super low-effort ask for any current player - you have 3 full months to install/log in for 10 seconds and log back out. Even during the near year of HoT where I wasn't playing the game because I hated the expansion so much I still managed to log in to get every single LS episode without issue.

    And there are already other rewards for logging in...the daily rewards : P

  18. #38
    I just got back into the game about 2 weeks ago, bought on when it released. leveled one character to 80 then bought both xpacs last week they were on sale for $75.00 for both. Since I got 2 boosts and a character slot, now Im going to buy 3 more character slots so I can make the remaining 3 classes I don't have since I have a bunch of Birth day boosts available and can pretty much bump all my new characters to at least 50.

  19. #39
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    How are liking the new xpacs?

    Make sure you unlock gliding and you first mount on your level 80 so you can have them while leveling your alts.

    HMU if you're looking for a guild (NA)

  20. #40
    Haven't spent a cent besides Xpacs to be honest. I usually grind when I really want something, but then again, I've always been more of a casual player when it comes to GW2.

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