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  1. #1

    Blizz removing fun from everything

    So blizz has a history of removing fun, and making toys super long durations, now this is a pet untouched for YEARS that I used for RP. one that allowed you to customize your mounts! This was something really awesome, and now fucking look


    This is warframe with disgusting oozling, there was a debuff that reduced nature resist (still there) and it made you, and your mount dark green, however this only slightly changes your colour now its pathetic, i really hate when blizz removes these fun things that effect the game in no fucking way.

    before it would make you super dark green....

    Contacted Gm and bassicly got told "tough luck, try to get the attention of a Dev"

    they got back to me by page 2 and i posted it here but people seemed to miss it so i added it to OP.

    So help getting peoples attention by posting here
    Last edited by FelPlague; 2018-07-25 at 12:51 PM.

  2. #2
    Or, just hear me out, it got reduced due to something else getting changed. You really need to stop and think that it's a giant conspiracy to remove fun

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by hazzlehoof View Post
    Or, just hear me out, it got reduced due to something else getting changed. You really need to stop and think that it's a giant conspiracy to remove fun
    It has been 8 expansions since this got added. I highly doubt something changed that DRASTICLY reduced how much it colours your charecter.

  4. #4
    No fun allowed.

    The oozelings made a lot of posts about being used for nothing but people's enjoyment and blizzard just gave in, weak!

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by InfectHerGadget View Post
    No fun allowed.

    The oozelings made a lot of posts about being used for nothing but people's enjoyment and blizzard just gave in, weak!
    Now they are only used to make yourself weaker by lowering nature resist! (Idk if it works anymore, i feel maybe i would have to test it)

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    It has been 8 expansions since this got added. I highly doubt something changed that DRASTICLY reduced how much it colours your charecter.
    What drastically? Do you think that a very minor change to the way visual effects are applied, the way pets cast effects, a shift in the spell index, an alteration to active auras, or one of a thousand things couldn't cause this extremely minor and unimportant bug?

    Post a bug report on the forums or tweet it.

  7. #7
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    I don’t get blizzard in toys and things like this. Like why?

  8. #8
    There is a (conspiracy?) theory that it is because of the new mount you get from getting X amounts of mounts.
    It's just a recolored firebird, a green one. Problem was, ppl already "had" one of those if they had the original color and the Oozeling.
    So, they nerfed the oozeling to make the new mount have a unique color. I don't know the legitimacy of this claim, but it might be something they'd do...

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    What drastically? Do you think that a very minor change to the way visual effects are applied, the way pets cast effects, a shift in the spell index, an alteration to active auras, or one of a thousand things couldn't cause this extremely minor and unimportant bug?
    The pet still casts the exact same thing, and shadow form was not effected, and minor and unimportant? It is a huge thing to allow customization. I love how one minute you hate on blizz, next your defending them removing something fun.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Zorgulon View Post
    There is a (conspiracy?) theory that it is because of the new mount you get from getting X amounts of mounts.
    It's just a recolored firebird, a green one. Problem was, ppl already "had" one of those if they had the original color and the Oozeling.
    So, they nerfed the oozeling to make the new mount have a unique color. I don't know the legitimacy of this claim, but it might be something they'd do...
    They allready had a green firehawk, but maybe i dont liek to beleive those kinda things but it makes sense, the red fire hawks could become pretty much replicas of the green ones with this pet, the green ones becoming super dark if you use the pet.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    What drastically? Do you think that a very minor change to the way visual effects are applied, the way pets cast effects, a shift in the spell index, an alteration to active auras, or one of a thousand things couldn't cause this extremely minor and unimportant bug?

    Post a bug report on the forums or tweet it.

    Blizzard even stated in the last Q&A with changes these things happen when they're writing code over the top of 8 games worth of work. Some changes can bring up bugs that were not prevalent before because there was something else taking authority over it prior. So when that's gone the original bug pops up, there's been a lot of work of spell effects so doesn't seem too surprising.
    I would say submit a bug report or tweet it as @Hitei previously mentioned.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Zorgulon View Post
    There is a (conspiracy?) theory that it is because of the new mount you get from getting X amounts of mounts.
    It's just a recolored firebird, a green one. Problem was, ppl already "had" one of those if they had the original color and the Oozeling.
    So, they nerfed the oozeling to make the new mount have a unique color. I don't know the legitimacy of this claim, but it might be something they'd do...
    Sounds possible indeed!

  13. #13
    The Undying Lochton's Avatar
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    Or, maybe it isn't meant to turn you into such a dark colour? Or maybe there was complaints about it? Or maybe the big bingo, a bug? I mean, it isn't about removing fun, it was a side effect of a pet aura effect, and your taint is still there so I guess it is more about changing the strength of it.
    FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..

  14. #14
    yea... this removed all the fun from WoW, it is going to die now... dead game. Without fun. No more goals in life of world of warcraft.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Gehco View Post
    Or, maybe it isn't meant to turn you into such a dark colour? Or maybe there was complaints about it? Or maybe the big bingo, a bug? I mean, it isn't about removing fun, it was a side effect of a pet aura effect, and your taint is still there so I guess it is more about changing the strength of it.
    it has been that way since vanilla so i doubt it was not inteded.
    Why the fuck would people complain about it?

  16. #16
    They took away the shinies from my Uuna pet too

  17. #17
    Wow i love how i can be both a wow fanboi and an "overly wow hater" this is really relevating for me on the community.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    The pet still casts the exact same thing, and shadow form was not effected, and minor and unimportant? It is a huge thing to allow customization. I love how one minute you hate on blizz, next your defending them removing something fun.
    Wow, you mean it's almost like I don't judge based on whether it's Blizzard or not, but whether I think the change is good, bad, or a complete non-issue.

    I would love to know how you know the pet still casts the exact same thing. Do you have the server-side code for the effect and how it is triggered? Casted? Applied? How the player accepts externally applied auras and spells? How perpetual visual effects are applied? The individual IDs for all of that? Literally one misplaced digit when adding in the thousands of new effects and flags in BfA could have triggered this.

  19. #19
    The Undying Lochton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    it has been that way since vanilla so i doubt it was not inteded.
    Why the fuck would people complain about it?
    Well, then it could be a bug?

    And why would people complain about it? Some people complain about various things on everyday basis from spell effects to sound effects of the battle pets.
    FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    Wow i love how i can be both a wow fanboi and an "overly wow hater" this is really relevating for me on the community.
    You've been here long enough to know this should not come as a surprise on MMO-Champ.

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