I spoke to a Gm and they said make a thread to try and get the attention of a blue. (And i did, and this thread is to help advert it)
but thing is a blue has yet to talk about soulshards, and we are 1 year and a few months now of it not showing to other players, me and many others have made threads, comments, Q&A questions, and bug submissions. Yet nothing, still nothing.
blizzard dumb things down cause the casual playerbase is dumb and dogshit
Who cares about soul shards? If other people can't see it whats the big deal? The glyph was implemented to help YOU notice your own soul shards without the help of custom addons or UI. Even on my fire mage, I turned those annoying spinning balls off the second I was allowed too.
Now back to the original complaint. GM's are there to handle the day to day issues of normal players, the chance of them knowing about small bugs like this is small. However you need to post in the bug section of the official forums, where the blues/devs actually check. Trying to get the attention of a blue on mmo is like trying to catch a fish in the puddle on the side of the road.
They also removed fun from chat, everyone is scared to speak in public chat channels now because the reporting and silencing has gotten completely out of control, Im starting to think people out there have a addon that just reports everyone who speaks in public channels automatically.
Who cares about Transmog?
And ignoe you go this is pathetic.
again if you read my post i did not want to speak to a GM but people here complain saying it should have been the first thing i went to.
also AGAIN if you knew how to read you would know the point of this thread was to help get people onto the wow forum thread linked in the OP
stop complaining about things i have allready told you many times.
"If you knew how to read" while you're typing stuff like "and ignoe you go this is pathetic" English is strong with this one! The first thing you should have done was post in the bug section, not general. Second would be to contact a GM and see if they are aware of the issue, MMO champ and the general forum trolls are not gonna make your problems go away.
Who cares about transmog? A lot of people because it changes your appearance, it doesn't just add some floating balls. FYI if your mad that you can't make yourself green anymore, they sell green tinted glasses so you can switch out the rose tinted ones and stop living in the past since these things have been changed.
The launcher said the shop-maintenance would start at 5 o'clock and last to 10. But when logging in it says it started 2 o'clock and last till 7. Because you could still play if you were online at the time it started. I was gonna play few hours before I go to work. They just lied to me so I couldn't play! They just don't want me to have any fun!
Mostly World of Warcraft stuff
bored as AF