1. #1

    How to properly count your macros

    Recently I realize I gain to much weight for my taste (around 15kg in last 2 years), I want to go back to my old weight which was 70, under normal circumstance I don't have a problem with nutrition as I gain enough knowledge to know how to calculate my macros but because of the job I current have I have small problems with calculating a healthy kcal deficit

    My goal is to lose 15kg till next year by this time, I'm not in a big rush as I want to build a decent build, the issue is my job, I consume around 800-1000 kcal at work on average per day, then I plan to have a 3days/week gym membership with a full body workout pull/push/pull, how should I calculate my macros so I'm in a healthy deficit?

    Base on my stats 31y/170cm/85kg, IIFYM put me on 2238kcal, assuming I burn around 200/300kcal at gym+what I do at work+day to day stuff no way in hell 2238 is enough, at least in my opinion

  2. #2

    Just put your stats in there, where it says activity level you take lightly active if you go to the gym 3x a week and walk around outside of that at for example work, if you do a office/sitting job and you go like 3x to the gym each week you're still Sedentary and not lightly active.

    Where it says goal you choose weight loss -20% and calorie deficit -20% and then on the right it will say your BMR, TDEE and then below that your daily kcal and macros and below those how much you will lose each week, aim around 0.5kg of weight loss a week if your goal is to also lose a minimum of muscle while cutting.

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