So if all corporations band together as a cartel and will only pay slave wages, people who obtain slave wages are deserving because they willingly agreed to that price.
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Uh, yes you did, you seem to have problem with any and all authority figures that have the power to actually enforce any laws, Mr Anarchy.
"My successes are my own, but my failures are due to extremist leftist liberals" - Party of Personal Responsibility
Prediction for the future
"My successes are my own, but my failures are due to extremist leftist liberals" - Party of Personal Responsibility
Prediction for the future
"My successes are my own, but my failures are due to extremist leftist liberals" - Party of Personal Responsibility
Prediction for the future
So? The UK taking steps to prevent people being paid slave wages is a good thing. You just don't think it is, obviously.
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Right, because starting a corporation doesn't take money. It can work purely on a special type of energy/currency only found in Machismo's Anarchic Paradise.
"My successes are my own, but my failures are due to extremist leftist liberals" - Party of Personal Responsibility
Prediction for the future
Of course it takes money, you do have access to it, do you not?
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Yes, you are justifying their actions, because you want to do the same thing.
Read those last two sentences... that is exactly what you want to do. You just want different individuals to do it.
"My successes are my own, but my failures are due to extremist leftist liberals" - Party of Personal Responsibility
Prediction for the future
It seems consistent with progressive values. Their entire philosophy is built around envy of those who have more and Feeling unable to achieve desired levels of affluence based on their own merits. They’ve masked their thievery behind the idea what they’ve stolen was somehow theirs to begin with, and that any theft is justified so long as a sufficient number of people are a party to it.
Working for slave wages.
Who will give you a loan if you don't have any property to guarantee you can return the loan? Loansharks?
So you are basically saying, if one is born into your Anarchic Paradise without a single cent/inheritance, they have to work for slave order to somehow earn enough money to start their corporation to break the cycle of slave wages.
Or somehow find someone who's willing to throw away money to someone without any mortgages or guarantors.
"My successes are my own, but my failures are due to extremist leftist liberals" - Party of Personal Responsibility
Prediction for the future
Our resident fairy tale anarchist is unreal.
It's like he can't imagine a world where people are born without a silver spoon in their mouths, and somehow they can magically get rich by "working" for entities that have a collective agreement to not pay enough for people to reach a point to break that cartel.
"My successes are my own, but my failures are due to extremist leftist liberals" - Party of Personal Responsibility
Prediction for the future
Then work elsewhere.
Buy property, work on someone else's property. You are whining about something that millions of people manage to do just fine every single year.
And since you still haven't figured out that I'm not an anarchist, then you are simply being a moron on purpose. You do not understand the definitions of words.
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That's simply untrue. You can get rich by working, and plenty of people have done it.
I'm saying you want to use a gun to force others to give you more things. You whine when corporations do it, yet you want to do the same fucking thing. Yes, you are a corporatist.
So, to deal with your last question... people... individuals... got it.
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You don't know what words mean, you really should do something about that.
I already said, your world is a world that people have the freedom to pay slave wages. There's no difference switching employers.
Because of the regulations you hate. Not in spite of.
Nah, you do not understand supporting a world where everyone has the freedom to do anything is anarchism. Textbook anarchism.
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Sorry, it's that you are out of touch of reality.
"My successes are my own, but my failures are due to extremist leftist liberals" - Party of Personal Responsibility
Prediction for the future
And you are free to not work for those wages, meaning you are not a slave by definition. Words seem to be tripping you up these days.
You want those regulations, not me. You are the one who is acting like a corporatist, not me.
I never said everyone should have the freedom to do anything, you seem to be missing one key part of that equation. People should be free to do what they want, so long as they do not harm others. That is objectively not anarchy. As far as harming others, you are the only one of us that seems intent on harming others.
So you can magically guarantee, that in your anarchic world there will be at least be one reasonable employer to work for, within accessible distance.
Please explain how.
Exactly, the regulations that prevent corporations from paying slave wages, you want to remove. I don't.
Paying slave wages is causing harm, but you don't seem to object that. Anarchism is what you support.
"My successes are my own, but my failures are due to extremist leftist liberals" - Party of Personal Responsibility
Prediction for the future
Once again, not an anarchist. Until you figure that part out, you cannot be helped. You simply do not understand what words mean, so the blockage is on your end. Your willful ignorance is not my problem. You are operating on ignorance, and blaming me for not agreeing with you.
How is that causing harm? You willfully agreed to a wage, and decided that's what you are worth. They agreed that's how much your efforts were worth. Are they forcing you to work there?