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  1. #21
    Stood in the Fire
    5+ Year Old Account
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    Mar 2018
    I really like it that your character doesn't get the full picture. In the tiragarde sound you have decent questline as Horde finding out that the Alliance is mass producing azerite ammo and bombs. They are even so cruel and force children to work for it.

    You don't really get the info that it's a kul'tiran fraction that's anti-alliance and the villains there. It paints a false picture and that's great.

  2. #22
    7+ Year Old Account
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    At the same time, this type of storytelling can be tailored to the appropriate faction.
    The Horde are intruders on Kul Tiras just as the Alliance are intruders on Zandalar.
    There are the initial quest lines that take you to the first outpost, which I found sort of fun, and I wish they continued them so there would be a quest chain for each one, then another chain for "enhancing" them (as opposed to purchasing something, running a mission, then just like, going there and done).

    So, I guess I see your point, but I don't want Horde to experience the entirety of Kul Tiras because, well, they have no place there.
    Horde don't care about Jaina's mom or the big evil bitch and her mining company or whatever.
    Just like Alliance don't care about Rastakhan and the drama; they are removed from it purposefully because those stories belong to specific groups.
    The only thing I would be in favor of is just expanding on the oppo faction interaction a bit more per zone outside of the "war campaign" and more zone-oriented to, well, orient you to the zone (more so than just the intro zone outpost war campaign quest).

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Azurenys View Post
    PS. Don't bum yourself out, we as Alliance have barely any clue why we are clearing the first RAID of the expansion lmao...

    That's simple... because Brann deemed it so. Where he goes we, the Alliance, blindly follow. xD

  4. #24
    Reforged Gone Wrong The Stormbringer's Avatar
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    ...location, location!
    You have to roll an alt to find out what's happening on the other side, that's about it. Whatever side you're on, you don't know the full depth of things on the other faction. Much like how even back in Wrath, the Alliance wouldn't have known what was going on with all the spiders and undead around the Horde base in Borean Tundra, and the Horde wouldn't have known what was up with all the Vrykul attacking the Alliance base in Howling Fjord.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Ahndrumon View Post
    I've tried leveling an alliance character, but the need to go through every dungeon, including mythic only SoB to see the storyline, is ridiculous. There are no groups in the group finder doing normal mythic SoB and I have no desire to do m+ on an under geared alliance alt.
    I agree mate, but you can probably find the Final Vid, of Jaina's story online somewhere.

  6. #26
    ally and horde in horde zone share THIS :

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Ahndrumon View Post
    Yeah. But it's ridiculous that the alliance has to go through that when the horde doesn't have to do a single dungeon except 1 normal for the vol'jin story.
    Oh i totally agree with you, we have to jump through hoops to find out what happens, and I hated having to go into a mythic only to get it.

  8. #28
    In both cases it's trying to encourage players to play both factions.

  9. #29
    I've done every single quest in every zone. My take away from it was:

    - Why is it the Horde areas have dinosaurs and people living in huts - you know caveman type, or ancient type Mayan structures from like bronze age or pre-bronze age, and the Alliance have these huge manors and castles and towns with walls and real paved roads, etc. If the ally were that much more civilized, there really shouldn't be a horde, as I would expect some modern weapons to come from all that civilization.
    - Quests are beyond boring. Kill xxx, get xxx, go see xxx, and always 2-3 quests pop from 1 go kill 10 dogs quest. I honestly don't think I can take another xpac with the same crap. I will most likely quiet the game.
    - There needs to be alternatives to quests to gain reps, or reps need to STOP being so fundamental to the game.
    - Zones aren't balanced with mining nodes. Ally areas have way more and better nodes. Way easier to get too. Way more without mobs near.
    - Both storylines don't make sense: why do I need to single handedly help get these allies? On both sides, you have to win loyalty and save the big shots from coups or advisors that are trying to go another way. I hated that lore. I get trying to get allies, but why are they in such a bad much so that honestly we would probably be better off without them if the whole thing is on my lonely adventurer's shoulders.

    Anyways...if you want to see it, I suggest doing an ally toon. You will also see ally has some pretty unique and cool quests that don't involve going after 5 apples or killing 10 dogs etc.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Pregnant Orc View Post
    As alliance:
    * Nazmir: The San'layn are up to something for the horde.
    Wait, WHAT?


    The San'layn aren't even Horde? There are no San'layn npc's in Orgrimmar.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by thottstation View Post
    Wait, WHAT?


    The San'layn aren't even Horde? There are no San'layn npc's in Orgrimmar.
    There's a good reason for that. If you don't have an Alliance alt I highly suggest you look up Vol'dun Alliance War Campaign on youtube.
    Quote Originally Posted by HighlordJohnstone View Post
    Alleria's whispers start climaxing

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by thottstation View Post
    Wait, WHAT?


    The San'layn aren't even Horde? There are no San'layn npc's in Orgrimmar.
    Funny fact, Horde NPCs we as Hordies interact with are aware of San'layn in our ranks, however, we know nothing about them :P

  13. #33
    that is why i level up on both factions, it's finally worth the effort

  14. #34
    Stood in the Fire
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    If only we had daily quest hubs that could tell the story and not world quests.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dakara View Post
    Two people were fired. Yet the focus has been squared solely on one of them because.... Vagina?

  15. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Pregnant Orc View Post
    As alliance:

    * Zandalar: "The trolls here have a large city. We can't allow them to spot our outpost. Other than that not much seems to happen here" We can still go and visit the city though, on non war mode
    * Nazmir: "The trolls here are less welldressed than the trolls I usually face. The San'layn are up to something for the horde. Yuck" Annoying shallows everywhere.
    * Vol'dun: "Snake people have a pyramid and an ancient seal. Boy I sure hope nothing will happen to their McGuffin in the future".

    Nothing about Loa, the royal family or what an Uldir is. But hey, we can meet Bwonsamdi and get laughed at and see the trash loa who doesn't want to eat any of my trash so that is something I suppose.
    This is pretty much 100%. They just know things are happening and they don't want the Trolls to ally with the Horde.

    Beyond that, for Alliance players, they just kind of show up to Uldir because it's the raid. As far as I remember they didn't even get a single quest that let them know anything bad was going on let alone why they should be bothered to help the Horde defeat the bosses there instead of letting them wipe their forces out and Alliance then show up to clean house even more so than they will be in the next raid.

    Alliance have no idea who the bosses are, why they are what they are, or why they should be bothered to go there.

  16. #36
    Have alt on other server just to play all of their quest.
    Specially since some flavor class quest can't be done in both faction.
    Example: the quest where you help dragon to burn dead dragons bone so no one can raise them from the dead.

    If you are DK, than she will not trust you. After all, she still remember how you invade their graveyard in Legion to raise their dead dragon from death to help you fight the legion army. (DK even tried to raised Tirion from death).

    Hell, even the Enemy DK have funny chat with you before battle start.
    And after you done the quest, you can try to kill the dragon you are protecting which will cause her to get angry and throw you down from the mountain.

    Quote Originally Posted by Themanintobuildafire View Post
    I've done every single quest in every zone. My take away from it was:

    - Why is it the Horde areas have dinosaurs and people living in huts - you know caveman type, or ancient type Mayan structures from like bronze age or pre-bronze age, and the Alliance have these huge manors and castles and towns with walls and real paved roads, etc. If the ally were that much more civilized, there really shouldn't be a horde, as I would expect some modern weapons to come from all that civilization.
    - Quests are beyond boring. Kill xxx, get xxx, go see xxx, and always 2-3 quests pop from 1 go kill 10 dogs quest. I honestly don't think I can take another xpac with the same crap. I will most likely quiet the game.
    - There needs to be alternatives to quests to gain reps, or reps need to STOP being so fundamental to the game.
    - Zones aren't balanced with mining nodes. Ally areas have way more and better nodes. Way easier to get too. Way more without mobs near.
    - Both storylines don't make sense: why do I need to single handedly help get these allies? On both sides, you have to win loyalty and save the big shots from coups or advisors that are trying to go another way. I hated that lore. I get trying to get allies, but why are they in such a bad much so that honestly we would probably be better off without them if the whole thing is on my lonely adventurer's shoulders.

    Anyways...if you want to see it, I suggest doing an ally toon. You will also see ally has some pretty unique and cool quests that don't involve going after 5 apples or killing 10 dogs etc.
    You do realize that you are no longer mere lonely adventurer, right?
    In WoD, you become commander, while in Legion, you become the class leader.
    Basically, if you are paladin, than you have same stat as Tirion Fordring.

    That why you have an high stat instead of random solider.
    Or why do you think that you only need to tell them about the end result?
    (You have full authority to deal with the situation)

    Though it was funny how when Kul Tiran people see you alone, they wonder how will you help them without an army.
    (They don't know about your battle against the Legion army)

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