1. #1

    Reorigination Array Buff - What do you want as your highest stat? (BM)

    Originally haste was my highest stat. When I finally got a piece of azerite armor from Uldir, the Reorigination Array buff bumped my haste up to 26%. Thinking this was way too much haste, I rearranged some gear with extra rings I had in my bags and made crit my highest stat.

    Which secondary stat is best to bump up with the Reorigination Array buff?

  2. #2
    Haste, because it is the best overall stat for the spec.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Azortharion View Post
    Haste, because it is the best overall stat for the spec.
    would it not be better if you got your barbed shot down to 10sec CD with haste as your 2nd highest stat? that way you'd get a lot of crit from reorigination array buff.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by aGit View Post
    would it not be better if you got your barbed shot down to 10sec CD with haste as your 2nd highest stat? that way you'd get a lot of crit from reorigination array buff.
    No. There's nothing special about having a 10 sec Barbed Shot CD. The Frenzy duration is 8 seconds, 9 with Feeding Frenzy, so there's nothing interesting at all about 10.

    Haste and Crit are close to interchangeable for single-target, but Haste pulls way ahead on multi-target, so there's just no reason to stack Crit.

  5. #5
    So there is no soft cap on haste? Right now with 14% (953) its almost tied at the bottom of my stat weight list for single target and on bottom by a good bit on 4 targets using Raidbots. When it bumps to 26% in raid it falls even further.

  6. #6
    Stat weights are useful but they're not the be all end all answer on what your best gear will be ('best gear' being defined as whatever will sim the highest). The only way to know for sure is to simply sim each individual gear combination and directly checking which one gives the highest DPS result. If you import your profile data ingame using the Simulation Craft addon (by typing /simc) then your sims will include Reorigination Array.

    Reorigination Array is dynamic, so sims are really the only way for you to estimate the effect of it. For example, if you have Primal Instincts, then Reorigination Array is likely to switch to giving you Mastery while Aspect of the Wild is active. If you have Overwhelming Power, then Reorigination Array will likely switch to giving you Haste when it procs.
    Last edited by Turtel; 2018-10-13 at 09:53 PM.

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