and other exploitive behavior will also not be allowed, and the modern engine no longer permits some behaviors that could be used to get out of bounds
its not classic
i pass
Excuse me .. go back to the rock you crawled out from and take your baseless accusations with you.
Benn paying and playing live servers since day one, I have zero interest in lousy bug ridden private servers and you would do well to stick a sock in your mouth before you say something that will get you banned.
as is, im done with you and your holier than thou attitude.
Private servers are used by probably no more than a total of 10,000 people worldwide, and are run by volunteers.
That's a far different thing than Blizzard getting involved and investing a significant amount of time and money into the experience. You need employees, and labor, and investment, and PROFIT, to keep a game going.
So no, I'm not ignoring anything. You're just not looking at this as objectively as you should.
Last edited by damonskye; 2018-10-22 at 04:50 PM.
Yet you literally complain about them fixing exploits that break the game, and adding a colourblind mode for people who are colourblind, and widescreen for moder computers...
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Alot more then that, i know some that on peak reach 10k, but how many of those are bots who knows, but they are maybe 100k max, but that is split over like 100 servers over 10 different versions of the game
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It is... Except you cant cheat...
Did you really only play classic so you could cheat and get banned? cool
This is troubling. I was hoping Classic WoW would be on the Classic Client/Launcher/etc.
I want Classic WoW, not "Classic" WoW.
And here we go. Smartass, whos single argument is "I know better than people, who are excited for, they can't think clearly about it". Good, I was afraid that one will not show up in this thread..
Look, people know why they like Vanilla WoW. And It doesn't mean there is millions and millions of people waiting for Classic, but these, who are waiting for it are indeed aware, how Vanilla wow was played.
Of course, there are some, who will just try it, cry it is too hard and leave. But that's expected.
No out-of-bounds exploring? What's next, no kiting mobs? This isn't even Vanilla anymore.