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  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Firatha View Post
    Should of done us favor and just not posted your BS then this is nothing more then an angry rant by way you started and ended it also this is 100% what they said they were giving us and I know plenty of people happy about it.
    Simple things keep simple minds happy.

    *walks of laughing at the plebs farming for a bullshit currency for a terrible gear system for weeks on end.

    No I dont care about your opinion or response, I'm still going to be laughing at you.

  2. #62
    Titan Orby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    I miss badges, emblems and points tbh.

    The new system feels like a band aid fix imo. But the main core problem is it's still shoving RNG "relinquished" stuff down our throats.
    Yea thats like the biggest sigh, but at this point I am just like 'fine whatever'. lol. I still like the game enough to keep playing it thats all that matters :P
    I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW

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  3. #63
    The Undying Lochton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gasparde View Post
    Considering how pieces scrap into about a fifth of what an RNG piece costs:

    An RNG 400 piece will cost around 550-600,
    and an RNG 415 will cost around around 1800.

    A specific 415 will probably be around their initial number of 3250.

    With these prices in mind I doubt we'll be able to buy much more than like a single RNG heroic piece week 1 as I'd expect the current weekly m+ cache to give something like 50 currency for like a 10.
    To be honest, one piece of Azerite gear of your own choice a week sounds fair enough.
    FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..

  4. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by Orby View Post
    I miss the way old WotLK, TBC loot system but I am willing to give this new thing a chance before I complain about it.
    Its already had its chance, this is their second chance at making it work, .. I'm willing to bet you'll give it a third and fourth chance too.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Gehco View Post
    To be honest, one piece of Azerite gear of your own choice a week sounds fair enough.
    Thats two to three weeks for your choice, the RNG gear is once a week.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Addiena View Post
    Its already had its chance, this is their second chance at making it work, .. I'm willing to bet you'll give it a third and fourth chance too.
    How can it have it's chance when its not out yet. I haven't even had a chance to test it.
    I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW

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  6. #66
    There seems to be a huge amount of masochists in here, or why else would you all play something you so obviously despise.

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by Orby View Post
    How can it have it's chance when its not out yet. I haven't even had a chance to test it.
    Its Azeshite gear, it had it chance at launch to prove its worth, it failed that, this bandaid is their second attempt to get it right, its not looking worthwhile either as its still the same shite just gussied up a little to make it look shiny.

    but you go for it, have fun.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Sybaris View Post
    There seems to be a huge amount of masochists in here, or why else would you all play something you so obviously despise.
    I dont, I unsubbed rather than pay for something I haven't touched in weeks. I do however love to tussle with the morally grey in here who love white knighting Blizzard.

  8. #68
    "Blizzard are stretching that taffy"......


    it's Blizzard IS stretching that taffy....l2english
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  9. #69
    White knighting is a bit harsh dont you think, Not everyone hates the game some even really enjoy it or do you just want to discuss it with people of the same opinion as you?

  10. #70
    Titan Orby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Addiena View Post
    Its Azeshite gear, it had it chance at launch to prove its worth, it failed that, this bandaid is their second attempt to get it right, its not looking worthwhile either as its still the same shite just gussied up a little to make it look shiny.

    but you go for it, have fun.
    Well Azertite gear is here to stay (at least for BfA), you got to deal with that fact, it's kind of built around this expansion, I hate it too, it's one of my main complaints about BfA, and a band aid is the only thing Blizzard can try, I think removing it will have a horrible domino effect on this whole expansion and make it worse.

    Personally I dont know why they didn't implement this azerite armor trait system into the neck piece personally. It is what it is. I still like the game enough to keep playing, despite it's flaws
    Last edited by Orby; 2018-12-09 at 11:09 AM.
    I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW

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  11. #71
    Yeah, what else is new. Some stupid convoluted overthought system to add onto their already existing system.

    System upon system upon system to justify the existence of a system that they had to create to fill the gaping wound in game design they left behind with excessive pruning. The game feels like shit and no azerite mechanics will fix that.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Addiena View Post
    Its already had its chance, this is their second chance at making it work, .. I'm willing to bet you'll give it a third and fourth chance too.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Thats two to three weeks for your choice, the RNG gear is once a week.
    Well, no new raid so there is time.
    FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..

  13. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    So basically you are admitting you have zero interest in rational/thoughtful discussion and that anyone who enjoys the game because you don't is "white knighting"?

    Kind of a silly stance to take imo. I mean you are absolutely free to not enjoy the game nobody says otherwise but it's a bit unfair to essentially try and dub those who enjoy what you don't a "white knight".
    There is no such thing as rational with people who pretend Everything Blizzard does is good, you cant argue with them or reason with them, to them Blizzard is their god and you shall not speak out against Blizzard. (I'm sure you have met people like this right here on this forum)

    As for not linking wow, quite the opposite, its why I felt so strongly against this shit gear system and the even more against the Asinine belief by Blizzard that they had to stay the course. In the end I'd rather unsub and walk away from the game than watch this dumpster fire destroy what love I have left for the game.

  14. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by Orby View Post
    Well Azertite gear is here to stay (at least for BfA), you got to deal with that fact, it's kind of built around this expansion, I hate it too, it's one of my main complaints about BfA, and a band aid is the only thing Blizzard can try, I think removing it will have a horrible domino effect on this whole expansion and make it worse.

    Personally I dont know why they didn't implement this azerite armor trait system into the neck piece personally. It is what it is. I still like the game enough to keep playing, despite it's flaws
    I did deal with it, I left, like many others are doing. Its not what we would rather be doing honestly but there isn't any recourse left to us.

  15. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by JacobusRex View Post
    You didn't understand it at all it seems.

    I am upset that this new system not only trolls us for doing what we were told to be doing for months now (grinding mulitple pieces of azerite gear) but then slaps us in the face with these ridiculous costs for gear we actually get to choose / want that are only affordable by doing things that we may not want to be doing to progress.

    I for one do not enjoy Mythic+ grinding or breaking my skull against raid encounters I have to have stupid feasts, flasks, pots and other expensive time-sinking crap for, with openly hostile PUGs / frustrated guild raiders. I'd rather be able to craft or discover azerite armor out in the world than run through a dungeon listening to people being awful to each other. But nope. Can't do that! Gotta keep that subscription going with OUR way of doing things, or you can just not play at all.
    You get azerite armor from world quests and emissaries. Except not as powerful.

    Legion legendaries were the only exception in this, that you could get an absolute BiS item from doing the most basic shit, but then, it was random as random gets.

    Other than that, you always had to take a part in a group activity.

    The whining about the fact that you're required to use consumables is just a cherry on top, really. Lol.

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Addiena View Post
    I did deal with it, I left, like many others are doing.
    And you did the right thing, maybe leaving is the best thing for you
    I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW

    Unsubbed since January 2021, now a Warcraft fan from a distance

  17. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by JacobusRex View Post

    My solution? There's so much wrong with the systems in the game, the Blizzard company, the Blizzard developers & community managers / leadership that my solution would be a thesis on how to dismantle the company, start over from scratch and burn the contract with Activision.
    So you don't have a solution. You just wanted to bitch about a system that was announced a while ago a couple of day before it goes live. Got it.

  18. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by Orby View Post
    And you did the right thing, maybe leaving is the best thing for you
    is it, is it right for any of us who love the game to be left with no other option than to leave?

    you talk about having a horrible impact on the game, tell me, how does having a reduced population help the game ? it doesnt, if anything it has a bigger impact on the game than this shite gear system, but its past the point of fixing it now and just coping it on the chin isn't something a player who loves the game should be asked to do.

    So we wont.

  19. #79
    Make it so it drops from m+ runs, like regular gear. How hard is that?

  20. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by Addiena View Post
    There is no such thing as rational with people who pretend Everything Blizzard does is good, you cant argue with them or reason with them, to them Blizzard is their god and you shall not speak out against Blizzard. (I'm sure you have met people like this right here on this forum)

    As for not linking wow, quite the opposite, its why I felt so strongly against this shit gear system and the even more against the Asinine belief by Blizzard that they had to stay the course. In the end I'd rather unsub and walk away from the game than watch this dumpster fire destroy what love I have left for the game.
    The same goes for those that think they can do no right. They litter this forum and think those of us that do enjoy the game are irrational, gullible, brainwashed, or addicted.

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