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  1. #1

    Well here we go again, Blizzard are stretching that taffy...

    I really don't like posting my opinions because with this forum the white knights and devil's advocates come out of the woodwork like the maggots they are to chew up any negative feedback for blizz... but here we go.

    What is Titan Residuum?

    Titan Residuum is a new currency in Tides of Vengeance that allows you to buy Azerite Armor from our old friend, Thaumaturge Vashreen. Titan Residuum can be obtained from the Weekly Mythic+ chest or by scrapping/disenchanting epic Azerite Armor.
    What is Titan Residuum? It's a random piece of lore they thought up in the last 10 minutes of an afternoon meeting to shoehorn into the game like 80% of current lore. Seriously Blizzard, you could have just added the feature in without insulting us with that stupid name with no basis in the universe whatsoever.

    Azerite Armor Scrap Amount

    Azerite Armor obtained in Patch 8.1 will be able to scrap or disenchant into Titan Residuum. The amount will be determined by the Item Level of the Azerite Armor.

    Item Level Titan Residuum Obtained
    Patch 8.0 Armor - 0
    < 340 - 0
    340 - 1
    355 - 3
    370 - 12
    385 - 35
    400* - 115
    415*- 365

    *Not available until January 22, when Season 2 of Raiding, Mythic+ and PvP starts.
    *big sigh* ... Okay, so, instead of giving value to the armor pieces you told us to farm for an absorbent amount of time since launch, SOMETHING / ANYTHING AT ALL, all of it is garbage and worth nothing to us in the scrap crapper. That's really rotten.

    Azerite Armor Prices

    Azerite Armor can be bought from Thaumaturge Vashreen, located near the Azerite Reforger in the capital cities. Players are able to buy a random piece of Azerite Armor for a specific item level, or a specific piece for a premium price.

    Purchase Price
    Random 355 Azerite = 15
    Random 370 Azerite = 50
    Random 385 Azerite = 165
    Specific 385 Azerite = 675
    Random 400 Azerite* = ??
    Random 415 Azerite* = ??
    Specific 415 Azerite* = ??

    *Will become available at a later date, after the launch of Season 2 on January 22. As the amount of Titan Residuum doesn't reset on the start of Season 2, we recommend NOT spending any Titan Residuum until Season 2 starts, as Azerite Armor will then have a 5th ring of traits.
    So, basically, you have to farm 2 M+? dungeons that drop 415 gear per one piece of azerite gear you actually want, but don't because it's 30 ilvls lower than the content you're farming, and it's not coming out till AFTER your big update patch? HOW IS THAT A SOLUTION TO ANYTHING!? Are you high? Are you -that- asinine? 165 x 4 = 660, and that's +15 which comes from previous scrappings, so that's at least 5 M+? dungeons for a single specific piece of gear!? And to EVENTUALLY farm random / specific gear that's worth anyone's time, that 415 SPECIFIC Azerite gear -PER PIECE- is going to be insanely expensive.

    (I tried to do the math but it's late as of this post and I'm not good with advanced maths... came out to something like 12,000+ residuum so no...)

    Weekly Challenger's Cache

    Scrapping Azerite Armor isn't the only method of obtaining Titan Residuum. The Weekly Challenger's Chest will also award Titan Residuum but be unable to drop pieces of Azerite Armor.

    Unfortunately, Blizzard has not posted how much you get from each Keystone level. Here's what we do know.

    The amount of Titan Residuum in the Weekly Chest will scale exponentially based on the highest Keystone.
    A +10 Keystone will reward around 3 times as much as clearing a +7.
    Keystones above +10 will yield more Titan Residuum but with diminishing returns.
    Blizzard is tuning the currency so that you'll be able to purchase one of the random Azerite caches that lines up with the difficulty you're doing every 2 or 3 weeks.
    Every TWO OR THREE WEEKS... It'd be funny if it weren't so obviously bad and tragically sad.

    So, they introduce a randomly thought-up resource with zero presidence in the lore, that could have potentially fixed your awful, major linchpin of this expansion (azerite gear). You then essentially make all the gear we've EARNED up until this time to be totally useless with this new system + currency. Compounding that you make everyone wait 11 more days to be able to start grinding (GRINDING, mind you) the gear you DO get something out of from really difficult M+ (Which most people I know of don't do because of a toxic, elitist asshat community of M+ dungeon-grinders) and a pittance from the weekly challenge chest. And to top it all off, the prices for gear you ACTUALLY WANT will be at a PREMIUM-premium price x times the amount of random pieces which are still laughably expensive themselves.

    So... thanks for nothing Blizz. I hope you like sucking on that big ole fat corporate meatstick from Activision, you spineless puppets.

    Last edited by xskarma; 2018-12-09 at 05:14 PM.

  2. #2
    Considering how pieces scrap into about a fifth of what an RNG piece costs:

    An RNG 400 piece will cost around 550-600,
    and an RNG 415 will cost around around 1800.

    A specific 415 will probably be around their initial number of 3250.

    With these prices in mind I doubt we'll be able to buy much more than like a single RNG heroic piece week 1 as I'd expect the current weekly m+ cache to give something like 50 currency for like a 10.

  3. #3
    Old God Soon-TM's Avatar
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    That's why I think that 8.1 brings nothing (of value) to the table other than the raid(s). Not enough to bring me back, that's for sure.
    Quote Originally Posted by trimble View Post
    WoD was the expansion that was targeted at non raiders.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Packers01 View Post
    So what is your solution OP?
    It's not like he has to invent one - we have had several perfectly acceptable loot systems in the past. Take your pick of WotLK token or a proper loot system that doesn't include azerite armor.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    Nah nah, see... I live by one simple creed: You might catch more flies with honey, but to catch honeys you gotta be fly.

  5. #5
    Screw retail, private servers are the way to go.

  6. #6
    It's honestly a terrible system. This makes Azerite harder to obtain than it currently is...removing azerite drops from weekly chests to put in a currency in its place where you can get a random piece every 4 weeks if you're lucky and a specific piece 2 months down the line....this is terrible and I truly hope the community causes an outrage on Tuesday when they see how little they actually open from their chests.
    Quote Originally Posted by scarecrowz View Post
    Trust me.

    Zyky is better than you.

  7. #7
    What is it? Oh, you were hoping to gear up some offspecs from gear your main spec doesn't need, for some fun and pvp?
    Haha, better scrap/disenchant that gear and buy that max ilvl best in slot item for your main instead. Well, you don't HAVE TO, if you don't mind your main spec being subpar. No pressure there, there are other people we can take to the progression raids.

  8. #8
    So anyone who disagrees with you, is obviously a Blizzard white knight? Is that what you're saying with that opening argument?

    Not going to argue for the Azerite system personally, since I don't care either way. But if you're hoping for a discussion (why else be on a discussion forum?) that's probably not the best way to open a post.

    As a side note (again, not something worth actually debating, but I thought I'd ask)... Where'd this notion come from that everything 'bad' thought up has been last minute? Even bad ideas can be in the making for an entire year, I mean look at Fortnite.

  9. #9
    Titan Seranthor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JacobusRex View Post
    I really don't like posting my opinions because with this forum the white knights and devil's advocates come out of the woodwork like the maggots they are to chew up any negative feedback for blizz... but here we go.


    So... thanks for nothing Blizz. I hope you like sucking on that big ole fat corporate meatstick from Activision, you spineless puppets.
    You probably should seek another outlet for your time. Might I suggest finding a spine and walking away.

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  10. #10
    Bloodsail Admiral Firatha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JacobusRex View Post
    I really don't like posting my opinions because with this forum the white knights and devil's advocates come out of the woodwork like the maggots they are to chew up any negative feedback for blizz...
    Should of done us favor and just not posted your BS then this is nothing more then an angry rant by way you started and ended it also this is 100% what they said they were giving us and I know plenty of people happy about it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    No they don’t learn and evidence suggests that. Behavior also doesn’t change and if there is any hope of learning behavior has to change.

    Not meaningless declarations easy to say after he regrets offering up evidence he’s a racist.

  11. #11
    Pfft ppl still play private servers? Hahahahah
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  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by JacobusRex View Post
    You then essentially make all the gear we've EARNED up until this time to be totally useless with this new system....
    First time ever ......

    No really. Because this many people just ignore pve..... This is first and last problem not some residium.
    Last edited by Artelia; 2018-12-09 at 05:23 AM.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Boomzy View Post
    inb4 fanboys defending blizzard for literally no reason at all.
    You do realise that 99 % wont be farming for specific traits only will buy random for slots they i missing ? I would agree though if you told that the values for low level pieces are a joke and mockary of players

  14. #14
    *Give us new things, we don't have anything to do.
    *Here you are, new things.
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  15. #15
    Epic! Whitedragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JacobusRex View Post
    I really don't like posting my opinions because with this forum the white knights and devil's advocates come out of the woodwork like the maggots they are to chew up any negative feedback for blizz... but here we go.
    So what you're saying is, is that you want an echo chamber in which you can vent on your soap box, while simultaneously being allowed insult anyone who disagrees with you?

    As for the System itself, it's about on par with what we had in the past, it's just instead of adding new badges to prevent stockpiling, they now make higher gear cost exponentially more so your savings don't give you all 3 slots as soon as a new level launches.

  16. #16
    Stood in the Fire Valette's Avatar
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    Of course gear obtained prior to the patch isnt going to be scrappable, how can anyone expect anything else? The alternative would punish people for not saving EVERY piece of azerite they have ever obtained in preparation of the patch. We saw people do that with artifact power in legion, and they quickly changed the system so people wouldnt feel compelled to do that.

    is it a perfect system? No
    Am I glad its coming? yes

    I think the new system of getting azerite pieces only from Titan Residuum is a lot better than what we have now. Im pretty sure they said that if you do the highest available m+ (10 for now) every week, you should get one ilevel capped (385) azerite piece every 2-3 weeks (Faster if you raid and scrap azerite pieces from there). An added benefit of not getting azerite pieces from your chest is that upgrading your non-azerite pieces will be quicker. For every week you would "normally" get an azerite piece, you will now get a random non-azerite item.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Packers01 View Post
    So what is your solution OP?
    did i stumble in the dev room at blizz hq? or is this a forum filled with paying customers discussing their common product? Why is his comment only validated if he has an alternative? please try not to be so stupid just to stand up for a company that really sees you as 15$ a month.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by oplawlz View Post
    It's not like he has to invent one - we have had several perfectly acceptable loot systems in the past. Take your pick of WotLK token or a proper loot system that doesn't include azerite armor.
    Any system in the past like Reforging (which was RNG anyway) that gave us some semblance of choice over chance was a good thing. Ion or whoever is responsible for making this game so RNG heavy is incontrovertibly invested in making this game as easy to produce as possible, stretching content to its absolute limits before being forced to move on, and all the while keeping subscription numbers up by any means necessary (even deceptive practices in reporting it). I think I really do understand the value of randomly generated numbers and percentage chance loot dropping but when it's entirely based on mercurial number values that we can't really see and cannot at all change to suit our needs and thus making it worth our investment of time and effort, it's no longer any normal player's idea of fun.

    I don't want the game to die. I don't want it to go buy-to-play. I don't want the game to be a boring grind. I don't want disrespect towards the original story and vision of Warcraft and the World of Warcraft. I don't want systems designed solely to keep me grinding for marginally better numbers.

    I DO want rich, shaded, complex story and opportunities to RP within it. I do want the game to be successful as it once was by creating social situations that reward you for playing with others, not forcing you to. I do want a crafting system that allows me to enhance the gear that does drop or create my own gear over time that rivals that of story character uniqueness. I do want randomly generated numbers to be bedfellows with player chosen numbers in a balanced way. I want to be able to do things that I find appealing and get rewards that I am specifically after.

    I for one enjoy doing things like World Quests, Open World PVP, Story / Campaign Quests, and I even rather enjoyed the crafting quests in Legion despite the numerous stupid drawbacks such as having to do the quests to unlock things. I want to see more stuff in this game that involves me in the world and the story like side storyline quests, world pvp, randomly occurring events like world bosses or environmental changes like snowstorms, hurricanes, thunderstorms and fog. There's SO MUCH they could do with this game and they don't.

    When I first heard about the Heart of Azeroth, I immediately thought of the old "Path of the Titans" system and I wanted so much for it to be a new way for player characters to customize their class and create new ways to play it with new talents, passives and buffs. What we got was a stat rock and a reputation that gated our progression. What an awful idea!

    Then we get this Azerite Armor which, to be frank is the same disappointment I have with the Heart of Azeroth. It could have been new ways to play our classes, and a testbed for new columns and rows of talents in the next expansion, which I would have been fine with TBPH. Locking progression behind a reputation AND a slowly filling bar of nothing is an absolutely horrible idea.

    Need I go on?

    Quote Originally Posted by Packers01 View Post
    So what is your solution OP?
    My solution? There's so much wrong with the systems in the game, the Blizzard company, the Blizzard developers & community managers / leadership that my solution would be a thesis on how to dismantle the company, start over from scratch and burn the contract with Activision.

  19. #19
    I'm confused about the complaint. We're getting a new raid tier soon so ilvl will be higher hence higher ilvl azerite.

    So best I can read, the OP just wants loots faster.
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  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Whitedragon View Post
    So what you're saying is, is that you want an echo chamber in which you can vent on your soap box, while simultaneously being allowed insult anyone who disagrees with you?

    As for the System itself, it's about on par with what we had in the past, it's just instead of adding new badges to prevent stockpiling, they now make higher gear cost exponentially more so your savings don't give you all 3 slots as soon as a new level launches.
    If that's how you see it, I guess? Perspectives...

    So yeah, let's troll people for doing what we told them to do in the first place, stockpile azerite armor, and not reward those who actually play the game and pay our bills with a little boost towards a new goal... makes complete sense.

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