I bet you that the next set of allied races will be unlock-able through a fee as an alternative to skip the time gating, mark my words. They are just cosmetic though right? So it should not matter since racials are not game changing in any way .
All I care about is normal sized Kul Tirans. Makes no sense if its not an option.
Kultirans racials didnt reworked ----- still shity = disappointed
so 2 weeks tops then til the patch is out?
... Isnt that the old coloration for the Kul Tiran set? They changed it to be less bright...
For fucks sake.
I was using sarcasm to convey the idea that Blizzard would never charge to access something you can get in game over time, which they most definitely will at some point and people are going crack cocaine over allied races so it seems like the perfect way to do it, or maybe make it a part of their season pass they are implementing.
Oh look, the new races will start at level 20, after months using it as bait.
Want the regular human body at all times with the kul tiran accents/racials (one of my pet peeves as a worgen is having to macro /cast Two Forms whenever I /cancelform).
There are more regular sized Kul Tirans than the large ones, so I don't get why they aren't adding them as a slider.
I like that the huge amount of dislikes keep happening
Good sign that pretty much every single BFA video has got the same like:dislike ration. Kinda says something if everything you announce gets 3 dislikes for every like - prolly just an entitled and toxic community that doesn't appreciate all the available content.