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  1. #41
    But I don't want to finish the war campaign.. it means I would have to be an agent for the Alliance and help Anduin's pet cow.

  2. #42
    Damn it... I thought this was a Vulpera announcement post.

  3. #43
    Does anyone still care at this point?

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by MakeMeLaugh View Post
    Oh look, the new races will start at level 20, after months using it as bait.
    one was never announced to be anything but a post release race.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Laerrus View Post
    Wait a minute... didn't Blizz say that there would be no unlock requirements for the two new races? Are we reneging here Bizz? Not cool.
    What they really said was no new requirements, meaning that you can complete all that is required today already, and most people that played BfA actively will already have it completed. So on the day the patch releases, you can just do the short story quest to unlock them, and make a character.

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Frozenbeef View Post
    Imagine if they waited until people were already clearing black temple to release space goats and belfs :S
    imagine if they had already released 6 other races before space goats and belves before black temple..?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Laerrus View Post
    Wait a minute... didn't Blizz say that there would be no unlock requirements for the two new races? Are we reneging here Bizz? Not cool.
    uhh what? no they did not...
    where did you get this information? they have always had unlock requirements.

  7. #47
    So what the actual fuck was the point of that video? To tell us Kultirans/Zandalari were coming at some point? So... Exactly what we heard from the ORIGINAL TRAILER for BfA?

  8. #48
    High Overlord W1shm4ster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Acidz View Post
    Does anyone still care at this point?
    The fact that you opened and commented on this shows, that you do.

    And yes, i actually do care, specially for a date of release.
    Sig by Thor

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by Eucep View Post
    And got to love broken promices since originally it was just 'have these two reps at max'. Nope, finish those darn war campaigns!
    you mean like how highmountain required completing highmountain lorewalker
    nightborne required completeing suramar lorewalker
    army of light and void elves required completing the argus campaign.
    dark iron required first part of war campaign, as did maghar...

    hmm... almost like none of the racers have "just get rep"

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by solidstate101 View Post
    No Ion specifically said you were only going to need exalted status.
    can you link this?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Levaustian View Post
    All I care about is normal sized Kul Tirans. Makes no sense if its not an option.
    so you mean humans... cause those are literally what you are asking for

    so.... so you want highmountain tauren?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by LuminaL View Post
    Im unsubed for 4-5 months now and its the 3rd time I thought they were released just to realize they are not!

    it sucks to be subbed.
    they have literally been saying for like 6 months now they would be telling you when, and that when would be 8.1.5

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by LuminaL View Post
    /looks at 100% hp regen in 6 sec.
    that is intterupted by ANY DAMAGE

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by MakeMeLaugh View Post
    Oh look, the new races will start at level 20, after months using it as bait.
    Allied races will start same level as all other allied races
    more obvious news at 11

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Gasparde View Post
    Good sign that pretty much every single BFA video has got the same like:dislike ration. Kinda says something if everything you announce gets 3 dislikes for every like - prolly just an entitled and toxic community that doesn't appreciate all the available content.
    Its hard to appreciate shit being served to you.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by CyberAlien View Post
    Ion can "admit" anything he wants. He's a lawyer. Words are meaningless, actions matter. Ion has shown again and again that he's lying piece of shit.

    Those allied races were advertised on BfA box. Allied races were advertised as feature. Yet it is nothing but time gated nasty trick to string players along for as long as possible. What does grinding rep on one character have to do with playing different character? Nothing.

    This is supposed to be RPG. In RPG characters matter, not accounts. Account-wide unlocking is nasty subscription milking technique. There is no justification for this shit.

    Good old Blizzard that was one of my favourite companies since Warcraft 1 is gone.
    and "words are meningless" is why activision deemed the CMs useless, cause why have them if the fans arnt gunna listen to them anyways.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by GreenJesus View Post
    But I don't want to finish the war campaign.. it means I would have to be an agent for the Alliance and help Anduin's pet cow.
    you mean the same way you betrayed the horde as an agent of the alliance and varians pet troll back in MoP?

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Acidz View Post
    Does anyone still care at this point?
    I don't anymore. This was the main reason I even preordered this piece of shit. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

  13. #53
    Should have brought popcorn today, there's so much salt around here~

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by Acidz View Post
    Does anyone still care at this point?
    it is interesting that at one single moment kul/zan are
    pointless things no one cares about
    money making scheme to prolonge Mau
    pay to win
    and trash no one wants

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    and "words are meningless" is why activision deemed the CMs useless, cause why have them if the fans arnt gunna listen to them anyways.

    - - - Updated - - -

    you mean the same way you betrayed the horde as an agent of the alliance and varians pet troll back in MoP?
    I already didn't like killing Nazgrim and betraying the warchief. what makes you think I want to go through it again?

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by McNeil View Post
    I like that the huge amount of dislikes keep happening
    So do I. It's fully exposing the toxicity of the player base and making them look like idiots, so I do love that.

  17. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by W1shm4ster View Post
    The fact that you opened and commented on this shows, that you do.

    And yes, i actually do care, specially for a date of release.
    8.1.5. which seems like hopefully VERY soon since they are showing this.
    I still think start of march, do reemmber blizz since the start of legion has LOVED to go "oh yeah, this new patch? 2 weeks from now, git fuckt"

  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by GreenJesus View Post
    I already didn't like killing Nazgrim and betraying the warchief. what makes you think I want to go through it again?
    so maybe choose the side of the quest line that allows you to turn baine in to sylvanas?
    the one that allows you to turn against zappy boi and old orc?

  19. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    It's the core content of an MMORPG like this. So no it's content.

    And considering they have backstory and their own special racial abilities yes it's most certainly content.
    I can't quite wrap my head around it, I know it's probably just me, but:

    Do the story of Kul Tiras as your main character.

    Unlock Kul Tirans.

    Go back to content where Kul Tiras is completely cut off from the world, and play in content that is in the past, and in a world where there are no Kul Tirans running around.

    Level up to the content where the story is you playing as an outsider, learning about Kul Tirans, and helping re-unite the houses of Kul a Kul Tiran...doesn't the whole Alliance story play out as you being introduced as an outsider by that female NPC? (That's what I recall from watching videos.)

    It kind of feels cosmetic to me. Being a Kul Tiran doesn't change the story at all, you're still you, playing in a different skin. It's not content. Content would be quests and activities playing from the point of view as a Kul Tiran.

    But, there's no way they could do it right, except make them a choice from day one, and have a starting zone at 110 that's a Kul Tiran exclusive storyline, that skips the majority of the Alliance campaign, so you can jump into the plot as a Kul Tiran who's now in the Alliance. Which will never happen. But would be fantastic. I'd resub to try something like that. Same for Zandalar - no interest in resubbing and have to level a horde alt all the way, to unlock them, to do it again, with the same disconnect from lore and story, playing as a Zandalar in content that hasn't seen any, or is at war with them, like in Pandaria.

    It's getting to the point they need to stop forcing players into story and content that makes no sense for the race. It's so convoluted and dumb now. Allied races should start at the level of the content they're released into, and they should have their own start zones and stories, like Draeni, Blood Elves, Goblins, Worgen, Death Knights, Pandas, and Demon Hunters got. This current iteration makes no sense, it's not content, it's purely cosmetic in my mind.

    And it's just a godawful mess, lore-wise, from a player perspective.

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    Yeah good point. Ion did actually lie out of his teeth about them. I remember reading after a Q and A or sometime around that you only needed the war campaign done.

    Nice to know they were being dishonest by leaving out the other method.
    no, no he did not, he literally said back when they were announced "war campaign and exalted with the current reps"

    can someone qoute eleccy this please with the timeframe of 18:05?

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