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  1. #141
    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post

    that is intterupted by ANY DAMAGE
    shadowmeld is interrupted by ANY DAMAGE too, didnt stop rogues and druids from using it in arena for their advantage, didnt stop any night elf in open world PVE AND PVP to not take huge advantage of it.

    this ANY DAMAGE you speak of can easily be avoided with how classes are designed these days. you dont need the whole 6 seconds of it, nobody is going to use it on 0% of their HP and it doesnt matter if your HP doesnt end up at 100%. I dont want to see some Zanda troll use LoS and recover from 30% hp to 80% in 3 seconds while Im stunned.

    I dont want to see the last remaining decent alliance players move their guilds to horde because ever 20 player of the raid can heal to full hp in a phase switch of a bossfight without spending 1 mana.

  2. #142
    Quote Originally Posted by Vampyr78 View Post
    It's not a broken promise. Every allied race required a reputaiton and a questline. Dark Iron and Mag'har required War campaign also. The only promise was that they won't require any new faction introduced in a new patch. And it was just an answer for the question because the reputation grind is the gate behind all other allied races, not the questline, questline can be done usualy quickly.

    Ion admitted in the Q&A that those races should be at launch but they had to delay it because Kul Tirans aren't just a reskin. They are full new race with a custom rig and animations and that takes a lot of time to make.
    They have had(or atleast should have had) a long time to work on them.
    They should've been ready to go at expansion launch despite being a "totally new" race - just like they had older races such as draenei and blood elf ready for their expansion launch.
    They can't be totally custom made as atleast male kul tiran uses female pandaren casting animation.

  3. #143
    Remember when they used these allied races as a selling point for the expansion ?

  4. #144
    Quote Originally Posted by Daemos daemonium View Post
    You would be behind either way the difference is being behind at launch when there are no catch ups or being behind when there are catch ups.
    You really don't see any difference there ?

    Leveling from scratch in the middle of an expansion (and of a tier), catch-up or not, is a guaranteed few weeks of being behind, because you're behind in reputations, ilvl, probably professions, and artifact.
    Leveling from scratch at the beginning of the expac will probably leave you behind a little bit in ilvl (because fewer dungeons, but they award stuff approximately the same ilvl as the end of leveling does), and slightly behind in artifact power too.

    You'll be slightly behind. Slightly. If you suddenly reroll in the middle of a tiers, you lose your raid spot instantly, and you may eventually get it back for the next tier if your guild hasn't replaced you by then.

  5. #145
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ophenia View Post
    You really don't see any difference there ?

    Leveling from scratch in the middle of an expansion (and of a tier), catch-up or not, is a guaranteed few weeks of being behind, because you're behind in reputations, ilvl, probably professions, and artifact.
    Leveling from scratch at the beginning of the expac will probably leave you behind a little bit in ilvl (because fewer dungeons, but they award stuff approximately the same ilvl as the end of leveling does), and slightly behind in artifact power too.

    You'll be slightly behind. Slightly. If you suddenly reroll in the middle of a tiers, you lose your raid spot instantly, and you may eventually get it back for the next tier if your guild hasn't replaced you by then.
    If it takes you a few weeks to level at launch you would still be behind in Ilvl professions rep ect. The differance is mid or late expan there are really heavy catch ups and if you already have a max level character you can still play with friends unlike if you restart at the start of an expan.

    You also have a good chance of losing your raid spot if you start over as people tend to want people to be raid ready when new raids open so if your still leveling a new character a few weeks after launch why take you and not some one else?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by pertudles View Post
    Remember when they used these allied races as a selling point for the expansion ?
    They never did for the fat humans.

  6. #146
    Quote Originally Posted by Daemos daemonium View Post
    If it takes you a few weeks to level at launch you would still be behind in Ilvl professions rep ect. The differance is mid or late expan there are really heavy catch ups and if you already have a max level character you can still play with friends unlike if you restart at the start of an expan.

    You also have a good chance of losing your raid spot if you start over as people tend to want people to be raid ready when new raids open so if your still leveling a new character a few weeks after launch why take you and not some one else?
    Few things:
    - Raids are no longer opened directly, we now have to wait one month to see the first raid open, that's plenty of time to level whatever you want if you're dedicated.
    - Even if you level in three days, even with catch-up mechanics, you're still being time-gated by the game itself because of the weekly bullshit. Weekly mythic+ chest, weekly quest/content giving a shitton of azerite, whatever currency cap (valor points / residuum / legion's legendary coins i forgot the name...), weekly lockout on LFR/Raids... So you'll still be behind in terms of power (Azerite, Ilvl), unless your guild is really dedicated to you and decide to split-run just for you.
    - I don't really remember how it was implemented for other races, but imo additional races could be available before the expac (pre-patch event) for you to "pre-level" your new chars up to the previous expac level cap so that you can level with your friends/guild.

    Unless you're some kind of 24/7 player with insane amount of friends agreeing to boost you, I have trouble imagining someone being able to level a Zandalari in 8.1.5 and being able to competitively raid in Dazar'alor a few days/weeks later.
    On the other hand, I've already seen newly-created characters be able to raid competitively at the beginning of the expac (lots of Pandas did that).

  7. #147
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ophenia View Post
    Few things:
    - Raids are no longer opened directly, we now have to wait one month to see the first raid open, that's plenty of time to level whatever you want if you're dedicated.
    - Even if you level in three days, even with catch-up mechanics, you're still being time-gated by the game itself because of the weekly bullshit. Weekly mythic+ chest, weekly quest/content giving a shitton of azerite, whatever currency cap (valor points / residuum / legion's legendary coins i forgot the name...), weekly lockout on LFR/Raids... So you'll still be behind in terms of power (Azerite, Ilvl), unless your guild is really dedicated to you and decide to split-run just for you.
    - I don't really remember how it was implemented for other races, but imo additional races could be available before the expac (pre-patch event) for you to "pre-level" your new chars up to the previous expac level cap so that you can level with your friends/guild.

    Unless you're some kind of 24/7 player with insane amount of friends agreeing to boost you, I have trouble imagining someone being able to level a Zandalari in 8.1.5 and being able to competitively raid in Dazar'alor a few days/weeks later.
    On the other hand, I've already seen newly-created characters be able to raid competitively at the beginning of the expac (lots of Pandas did that).
    I’d say it comes down to how dedicated you are. At launch your going to be behind even if the raids are delayed and mid tier your going to be behind but you have catch ups. In both cases if you really care you can catch up and be raid ready. If you want to not be behind you really have to just not level a new room either at the start or part way though.

    Races pre allied races also became available at 1 on launch day the pre leveling was just for the legion allied races.

  8. #148
    Pit Lord Sigxy's Avatar
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    Poor, wee Blizzard. Once again another video where the Upvotes aren't even half the amount of the Downvotes. Oh well!

  9. #149
    Quote Originally Posted by Hextor View Post
    Another bait. Keep the sub up, you might get what advertised 8 months ago soon™
    Isn't that ridiculous? It shouldn't have taken anywhere near this long.

  10. #150
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyphael View Post
    I thought exalted with Proudmoore Admirality and Zandalar Empire along with the Tides of Vengeance war campaigns would be sufficient. Zandalar Forever/A Nation United sounds more like the requirements for flying which makes me wonder what the requirements for flying will be.
    Fair enough, I think flying will need (apart from part one) exalted with the new rep from 8.2 and exploration I think. They said it would be the same as 7.2

  11. #151
    I really don't think A nation united and Zandalar forever are unreasonable requirements for unlocking the respective races.

    I know some people decided not to do any story quests whilst leveling and that it may suck to be them but most people should have the achievements already since it is literally just doing the zone storylines and the culminating quests following.

  12. #152
    Quote Originally Posted by Explicit Teemo Nudes View Post
    They have had(or atleast should have had) a long time to work on them.
    They should've been ready to go at expansion launch despite being a "totally new" race - just like they had older races such as draenei and blood elf ready for their expansion launch.
    They can't be totally custom made as atleast male kul tiran uses female pandaren casting animation.
    The thing is that, despite all the shady MAU things that are happening, we don't know for certain how they allocate resources (developers), when did they, and how much real time they had to make everything that is now in-game. Did they get lazy? not enough resources to develop and debug everything? bad organization of the resources? they just really didn't care? and a large etc of possible reasons.

    The problem resides in one of those, and since we don't know everything that is hapenning there, the best thing we could do as players is reprot politely what we don't like and what we like, as much as some want to think that firing X people would fix everything, it won't, voting with your wallet and at the same time pointing out why are you voting with your wallet, is the optimal way to go, if you care for the people working at the company, if you are not enjoying the game anymore, say why, but say it well, and if you truly don't enjoy it and can't even play it then stop, you are hurting yourself.

    This is just what I think.

  13. #153
    Quote Originally Posted by Sigxy the Lemming View Post
    Poor, wee Blizzard. Once again another video where the Upvotes aren't even half the amount of the Downvotes. Oh well!
    Says more about the state of the rubbish communtiy really.

  14. #154
    i'd rather have paladins for the kul tiran just to make it like the tauren - druid, shaman and paladin. (let's not forget their human, clerics - paladins... and talia now there with her daddy being.. you know.... the lich king now... )

    No other alliance race has all three, but the horde now have TWO which does [tauren and the new troll race]. Uther is rolling in his grave

  15. #155
    Pit Lord Sigxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tesshin20 View Post
    Says more about the state of the rubbish communtiy really.
    Dunno about that. Just look at "Old Soldier" and "Lost Honor" - those things are really loved. So was "Terror of Darkshore". People know what they like and show what they have gotten fed up with (gated content, cash shop mounts, etc).

  16. #156
    The Lightbringer Jademist's Avatar
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    I wish that my purchase of an expansion automatically included these new races instead of making me grind for them.

  17. #157
    Titan Frozenbeef's Avatar
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    Blizzcon announcement 2017
    Blizzard: Guess what we are giving you! Zandalari trolls!
    Player: wicked, eager to play as a troll!

    Release of 4 new allied races
    Player: Oh that's cool, but was really hoping for trolls, guess i'll wait till release!

    8.0 release
    Blizzard: you will need to wait a bit longer as it needs to be explained why they join the horde/alliance, btw here's dark iron dwarfs and orcs joining each factions for #reasons explained in a 10 minute quest.
    Players: Ok that's cool i guess, at least orcs look cool and can stand up straight...I probably just don't have enough patience.

    Blizzcon 2018
    Blizzard: Don't these new races look great?
    Players: Yep, when can we play one?
    Blizzard: Soon, possibly

    8.1 release
    Blizzard: I bet you can't wait for the zandalari and humans!
    Players: yeah sure..when's the release date again, was hoping to have leveled one already?
    Blizzard: S.o.o.n

    Raid release
    Blizzard: Look guys here's a new raid, make sure you clear it as it's the reason the new races join the horde/alliance!
    Player: Cool i've cleared the new raid can i get a new race now?
    Blizzard: Nope

    8.1.5 trailer
    Blizzard: Look here's a trailer of them, bet you're excited now!
    Player: Jesus....

  18. #158
    Field Marshal deathsreaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post


    If could get 1$ for every bullshit I see here...
    Listen a couple seconds longer and closely he says and the war campaign

  19. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by deathsreaper View Post
    Listen a couple seconds longer and closely he says and the war campaign
    That was literally my point.

  20. #160
    Dreadlord yoma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    So do I. It's fully exposing the toxicity of the player base and making them look like idiots, so I do love that.
    Ya, it's the viewers downvoting a worthless video that had exactly 0 new information in it that are toxic... ok.
    "It is not wise to judge others based on your own preconceptions or by their appearances."

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