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  1. #161
    Brewmaster Alkizon's Avatar
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    I don't know what the whole comversation is about, but his statement was quite general and controversial (conventional formality to fill void between two specific statements). Generally speaking, this requires proper servers organization firstly (specific game rules and conditions required), and they obviously aren't going to go for that, which ultimately means that they aren't going to change anything. Empty words
    Quote Originally Posted by Alkizon View Post
    8. Servers type/org (WM&MMO+changes'soc.psycho.res+auto/subscr) +(+/+/+/+/+)+(+)+(+/+/+/+/+)+(+/+/+/+)

    Lazy will just invent some kind of "poop" to ease (automat) this process for themselves again... khmm. I just had a strange simple thought, that seemed seemingly stupid (not directly related to current discussion theme), but... here: it seems that because of paid subscription system and heap of secondary systems (in form of "collecting"/achievements and other nonsense which being tied to CD/timer (and with only increase in their amount after next portion of "content", but with period remains fixed): easy(ily accessible), but time consuming stuff), prevailing subscription base (such were before, but insignificant amount) has become something like "over-greedy for time" (this is like big city disease, where everyone in a hurry somewhere and nobody cares about anything, because "time = money"), which naturally led to need in watching at optimizing your game pastime and ultimately led entire gameplay to be similar to work, which contributed to loss of ordinary people and onlookers/rubbernecks (not sure in correct terms use), for whom it was enough even just staying in game and communicating with others (without any distant and big goals: 1) already reach own usual limit in terms of progress, which means that “maintaining” oneself at same level doesn't require much time and effort; 2) for which social part is main and only game content and gameplay). After all, you must agree that it's difficult to socialize with people who're busy, hurrying and thus angry at anyone who detain them, since they can afford to be selfish in case of absolute public impunity and (self)independence. Don't you think But, understand me correctly, I'm not so much blame paid subscription, but rather game design and gameplay factors, ie it (first one) just being as a secondary factor in diseases that body can easily cope with, when person has healthy and strong immune system.
    Last edited by Alkizon; 2020-08-14 at 12:10 PM.
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  2. #162
    Brewmaster Cwimge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    Everytime they try to add a mandatory social component to the game the anti-social “solo-gamers” in the community just whine and whine. So can’t really blame them for that stance

    That said, I think WQ could certainly use a social aspect to break up the monotony
    How are you so insecure that you need Big Daddy Blizzard to force me to talk at you?
    Wrath baby and proud of it

  3. #163
    Quote Originally Posted by Very Tired View Post
    Most mythic+ groups I've been in never even exchange a single word.
    Because it's on a timer, you're actually discouraged to communicate since it eats up precious time and can cause the run to fail.

  4. #164
    Quote Originally Posted by Embriel View Post
    Because it's on a timer, you're actually discouraged to communicate since it eats up precious time and can cause the run to fail.
    I guess I shouldn't have limited it to mythic+. I more so mean almost every pug group I've ever been in, including others from other games. The poster below me said it better. It's just forced interaction and few people are going to try and make friends with some people they are never going to see again.

  5. #165
    Quote Originally Posted by Very Tired View Post
    I guess I shouldn't have limited it to mythic+. I more so mean almost every pug group I've ever been in, including others from other games. The poster below me said it better. It's just forced interaction and few people are going to try and make friends with some people they are never going to see again.
    Jesus crist becouse majority of people right now are solo players becouse of changes Blizzard made. People what want to be social and create community no longer plays wow or are very small minority. WoW audience got completly swaped but it can be swaped again. If Blizzard will double down on community aspects audience will start change again. Solo players will quit and new players will join. It us not like people would quit and nobady would start playing you know? For every 1 solo player what obviously play wrong game we would have 2-3 joining game.

  6. #166
    Mechagnome Vrinara's Avatar
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    I honestly think it might be to late to bring a sense of Community back to WoW.. Not unless they get rid of Cross Realm stuff, and get people out into the world. but there really is no sense of community, atleast on the servers... The WoW community itself is.. well.. I wont go into it, but I don't really want to be apart of it anymore. If you really REALLY want a sense of Community? Wait till classic.. Unless blizz messes that up.

  7. #167
    Quote Originally Posted by kamuimac View Post
    you are surrounded by people from your server.
    Not True. CRZ/Sharding are basically everywhere, including on RP/PRPVP server

  8. #168
    Brewmaster Alkizon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by det View Post
    "Oh, but you should also be forced to communicate"
    It's not about "forced to", but about "easier and faster" communicate, rather than do everything alone/without communication. There is line between impossible and difficult, don't you find? So you same way just go to extremes, but from the other side. But again, this doesn't negate the fact that group activity doesn't mean at all, that it's socialization one.
    Last edited by Alkizon; 2019-03-25 at 10:41 AM.
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  9. #169
    Quote Originally Posted by FragmentedFaith View Post
    How are you so insecure that you need Big Daddy Blizzard to force me to talk at you?
    Weird. I said the exact opposite in this thread multiple times
    Last edited by Khaza-R; 2019-03-25 at 01:01 PM.

  10. #170
    The problem is the community itself, plenty of as*holes and a lot of them are posting here, on MMO-C

  11. #171
    Brewmaster Alkizon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by det View Post
    because in TBC you could not experience everything without a communicating group
    And here you're already talking about content, which isn't so much just "for a group", but requires socialization, because it was thought of (from beginning) as “performed in a well-coordinated group of friends”. Therefore, the fact, that this content wasn't available to you as result of your (not specifically yours, but in general) rejecting game social component, is normal its condition. Literally - it demand socialization, because was thought out that way. As for CRZ and LFR, they set certain community tendency (we have already discussed this many times, they violated work of body "immunity" system, and led to inevitable "disease"; devs (that implemented it) recognized truth of this statement themselves). If we take consequences in approximate absolute: yes, those two also were among main reasons. As for LFG, there’s nothing bad in it until it's not automated, since automatics’ function here is exactly "to replace"/make less/abolish work of communicating someone/something with someone/something.
    Quote Originally Posted by det View Post
    losing me
    Is it better now?
    Quote Originally Posted by kamuimac View Post
    have you tried the oportunities that game is giving you ?
    And reason is much the same: no any profit, no use, it doesn't change anything, whether you talk or keep silent. And therefore the most important condition is not fulfilled:
    Quote Originally Posted by Alkizon View Post
    "easier and faster" communicate, rather than do everything alone/without communication

    I repeat, no one says that choice should be equivalent ("if you want you can work together/communicate, if you don't want, you won't need, but result is the same"), but more profitable/easier ("work/communicate together and you'll get more of what you want much easier and faster").

    Quote Originally Posted by kamuimac View Post
    its 2019 - the excuse "i dont have a mic" doesnt really work anymore dont it ?
    And what about deaf-and-dumb ones?
    Quote Originally Posted by vashe9 View Post
    No LFG would mean no cross realm, no sharding, nothing, just an empty server
    Proof kind of: it's warm today, so internet connection is slow. In fact, another extreme. Want to know how to say it right? Too little people involved - bad, too many people involved - bad, enough is good. But in this particular case, you did something stupid and tried to equalize concept of "amount of population" and "social regulation", which was your main mistake. They are related, but not interdependent.

    The more people - it's more happens tendency to depersonalize "passers-by", the less people - it's more difficult to survive for a particular individual public association as a whole. A reasonable balance is needed, it's the same true as for everything else.

    Last edited by Alkizon; 2019-05-28 at 08:39 AM.
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  12. #172
    Quote Originally Posted by Embriel View Post
    Community servers without group finders and cross realm would be a great start. Maybe a bit smaller than technology allows in order to bring that feeling of familiarity.
    Who would want to play on an empty server where it takes ages to get a decent group for anything ? NO ONE !!! You're greatly overestimating the number of people who don't like group finder. I cant even imagine myself running mm+ without group finder... Heroic random queue doesnt count, because it's totally useless anyway.

    And in case you didnt know, you still CANT cross realm for mythic raids in BOD... It'll only be unlocked when the 100 guilds achievement is done
    Last edited by vashe9; 2019-03-25 at 10:32 AM.

  13. #173
    Stood in the Fire Whistl3r's Avatar
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    The usual problem of Blizzard trying to please all of the people all of the time and achieving nothing. Decide on a direction and philosophy and stick with it. Be great at something that people love and if some don't so be it.

  14. #174
    im really curious about one thing,.

    i wonder when was the last time people who whine so much about lack of community tried using in game voice tools.

    on sunday i have been leveling few alts and tried it out - what was my surprise in almost every group in dungeon someone also tried connecting to it. and we are speaking about leveling dungeons so those were rather casual players not hardcore elitest .

    have you tried the oportunities that game is giving you ?

    because i have this strange suspition that a lot of casual players tries the in game voice tools but since they dont find anyone in there to speak to they stop trying after a while.

    instead of whining on forums i suggest we should take action and promote tools that are already in game instead finding strange solution like blizzard forcing interactions on people when they dont look for one in first place.

    its 2019 - the excuse "i dont have a mic" doesnt really work anymore dont it ?

  15. #175
    Quote Originally Posted by vashe9 View Post
    Who would want to play on an empty server where it takes ages to get a decent group for anything ? NO ONE !!! You're greatly overestimating the number of people who don't like group finder. I cant even imagine myself running mm+ without group finder... Heroic random queue doesnt count, because it's totally useless anyway.

    And in case you didnt know, you still CANT cross realm for mythic raids in BOD... It'll only be unlocked when the 100 guilds achievement is done
    It doesn't hurt anyone to have community servers as an option. Those that enjoy the game as it is can stay on the regular servers and those that don't might find a reason to return to the game.

  16. #176
    Quote Originally Posted by Embriel View Post
    It doesn't hurt anyone to have community servers as an option. Those that enjoy the game as it is can stay on the regular servers and those that don't might find a reason to return to the game.
    Maintaining 2 branches of the same game, one without LFG and one with LFG only for a few people crying and split the community even more. Blizzard is not that stupid...

    Have you tried FF14 ARR in the early days ? There was no LFG and it was a pain to just find people to do leveling dungeons... and you know what, people were HAPPY when it got implemented, yes, HAPPY.

    No LFG would mean no cross realm, no sharding, nothing, just an empty server

  17. #177
    Over 9000! sam86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nerovar View Post
    They can't fix this without dropping their singleplayer approach. You can't have both. This is just empty talk.
    agree, they need to set their mind, if they want a good healthy mmo game, they need to make community back to game
    The beginning of wisdom is the statement 'I do not know.' The person who cannot make that statement is one who will never learn anything. And I have prided myself on my ability to learn
    Thrall 7:20+ "Alliance remaining super power", clearly blizz favor horde too much, that they made alliance the super power

  18. #178
    I bet the team wants 10 million subs again to. The issue they have is they have no idea how to do it.

  19. #179
    Quote Originally Posted by Mighty Tim View Post
    I bet the team wants 10 million subs again to. The issue they have is they have no idea how to do it.
    It's easy to do. Just go back on some stupid design decisions and reward structures. But they don't want to do that, they hate everything made by previous teams.

  20. #180
    Quote Originally Posted by Embriel View Post
    It's easy to do. Just go back on some stupid design decisions and reward structures. But they don't want to do that, they hate everything made by previous teams.
    No, that would please only people like you. So not everyone, I'm sure all my friends currently playing and a lot of my guildmates would quit wow if LFG was simply removed. Because some of them play during the day outside of peak hours and spamming "LFM healer for KR 10+" all day is not our definition of "fun".

    LFG for relevant content (Ie : not LFR or random heroics) is not automatic and you still have to manually group people. So whats the problem ? You even have to go to the dungeon entrance. Whats your problem with LFG ???

    Looking for people in the LFG system or spamming the trade channel are basically the same thing, one is just more annoying than the other
    Last edited by vashe9; 2019-03-25 at 11:29 AM.

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