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  1. #1

    Azerite Knowledge Resuming, Jaina Statue Preorder, MDI Spring Season, AWC Asia

    Azerite Knowledge To Resume Next Week
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    With scheduled weekly maintenance in each region, we will resume the Azerite Knowledge effect next week.

    Azerite Knowledge will then continue for four more weeks, with its final increment for Season 2 beginning the week of April 23 and ending with weekly maintenance the week of April 30.

    We feel like this is the right way to make sure that Azerite powers on current gear are more broadly attainable for as many players as possible.

    In this region, weekly maintenance should begin at 7:00 a.m. PDT on Tuesday, April 2.

    Jaina Statue Preorder
    The 18" Jaina Proudmoore statue seen at Blizzcon is now available for preorder on the official Blizzard Gear Store. It is scheduled to be delivered by the end of Q3 2019 and costs $350. Click the banner below for more info from the official site.

    Viewer’s Guide: Mythic Dungeon International Spring Season
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    The Mythic Dungeon International (MDI) is a global tournament where the top dungeon-running teams in the world use their skill, intelligence, and creativity to secure the best times possible in some of the most difficult Mythic Dungeons on offer. We are entering the first tournament of the year, the MDI Spring Season, so here’s a breakdown of what you need to know!

    Many Turtles Made It To the Water
    We opened the Proving Grounds and thousands of players around the world answered the call, completing five different level 14 Mythic Keystone Dungeons to earn their spot on the Tournament Realm. These players will have the chance every second week to compete in the Time Trials for their region, West (North America, Latin America, and Europe) and East (China, Korea, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand). The dungeons and affixes are different for each Time Trial, offering new challenges and fresh chances to make the week’s Top 8, which will be broadcast live in the following languages:

    Language Streams

    Broadcast Schedule
    All MDI Cups will broadcast on Saturdays and Sundays local region time. See below for the broadcast dates and start times by region.

    Each Cup will give players a chance to get their share of USD $12,000 prize money and MDI points. The top point-earning teams from the East and West will combine in a live, cross-regional, in-person Spring Season LAN final in June. This LAN offers a share of USD $100,000 in prize money, as well as a coveted place at the MDI Global Finals. We’ll share more details about the MDI Spring Season’s finals soon!


    The bald and beautiful Ted “Sloot” Bacinschi has been playing World of Warcraft since the early days. He’s been raiding just as long, if you count stepping foot in Zul’Gurub, getting to the first boss and wiping over and over again. Sloot isn’t just a tank on the desk, he’s also a tank extraordinaire in game as a master of many tank specializations. An iconic figure in the North American and European PvE scenes, you can often find him streaming.

    Hailing from Italy, Caroline “Naguura” Forer has come a long way from waiting for her brothers to get off the computer so she could log in and play her Paladin back in Classic. “When I couldn't play, I would just sit for hours and watch my brothers play, then jump straight on as soon as they left the chair,” she said. From Paladin to Druid and from healing to damage, Caroline grew up with the game and went on to establish herself at the core of the EU PvE scene. Now with years of experience, a multitude of World Firsts under her belt and her own forays into WoW esports (both competing and casting), she returns to the MDI casting team.

    Daniel "AutomaticJak" Azenberger has been raiding in World of Warcraft for many years and is perhaps most well-known for his healing guides on YouTube and Wowhead, where he specializes in Holy/Discipline Priest and Mistweaver Monk play. He has been creating guides for over five years and enjoys sharing his knowledge and love of healing, so if you’re a healer looking to step up your game, or a tank/DPS looking to understand your healers more, AutomaticJak’s is the voice that will help you do that during MDI.

    Aaron "Sours" Shaffer is a former competitor who played Hunter in the second Tespa Great Collegiate Dungeon Race in 2016 and MDI 2017. He then transitioned into casting, helping to bring North American and Chinese MDI to your screens, as well as taking on a role as an analyst at the first ever MDI LAN. He hopes to help highlight the skill and talent of the world’s best dungeon runners. His advice to the competitors is to "focus on your own game—it's not about who makes the first mistake in a race, it's about who makes the last". His goal with the MDI program is for viewers to appreciate the time and effort that competitors put into optimizing their play when they stand at the top of the world.

    Former captain of the 4-man MDI team Sinking Ship, and self-proclaimed #2 Balance Druid, Peyton “Tettles” Tettleton’s appearance on the MDI desk will be one for the ages. Overall, his goal for the broadcast is to help viewers understand what makes the runs successful. “There is a lot of nuance in Mythic Plus and being able to teach the path to victory for each team is important,” he said. You can catch him on his stream or on YouTube where he primarily focuses on PVE content. He also authors the Wowhead Balance Druid Guide. He loves a good-natured meme and ridiculous photos of himself photoshopped.

    Rounding out the MDI desk team, Alex "Xyronic" Tatge is an Affliction Warlock extraordinaire. You can find his guides on Wowhead, where he breaks down everything a master of shadow magic would need to know, from talent builds, Azerite gear, spell rotations, macros and addons, Mythic+ guides, and more!

    After existing for years as an invitational tournament, the Mythic Dungeon International is not just an expanded, worldwide, merit-based tournament—it’s a thank you to all the fans of dungeon running around the globe. We can’t wait to get started. To stay on top of Time Trial results each week and the MDI Cups, check out Raider.IO, and be sure to follow us on Twitter and Twitch. We’ll see you in chat!

    Asia-Pacific Enters the Arena
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    While the Arena World Championships (AWC) are taking a break in North America and Europe before their LAN finals, it’s time for Asia-Pacific to get in on the action.

    AWC Korea, AWC Australia/New Zealand, and AWC Taiwan are kicking off soon, all adjusted from last year to fall in line with the points-based online cups of North America and Europe. These three tournaments will culminate in a live, cross-regional LAN finals in South Korea, which will take place September 28-29. There, the top three point-earning teams from ANZ, the top three point-earning teams from South Korea, and the top two point-earning teams from Taiwan will battle it out for a $36,000 prize pool, the title of APAC champions, and a spot at the AWC Global Finals.

    Signups for ANZ are open now, while signups for Korea and Taiwan open soon. We can’t wait for our Asia-Pacific friends to join the fray! Follow us on Twitter to stay up to date with all things World of Warcraft.

    AWC Australia/New Zealand
    Cup dates (in Australian Eastern time):

    • ANZ Cup 1: April 5
    • ANZ Cup 2: April 19
    • ANZ Cup 3: May 17
    • ANZ Cup 4: June 14

    Tournament format: Double-elimination, best of 5. Finals are best-of-7.

    Prize pool: AUD $2,000 per Cup

    Signups: Open now.

    AWC Korea

    Cup dates (in Korean Standard time):

    • KR Cup 1: May 11
    • KR Cup 2: June 1
    • KR Cup 3: June 22
    • KR Cup 4: July 13

    Tournament format: Double-elimination, best of 5. Finals are best-of-7.

    Prize pool: USD $2,500 per Cup

    Signups: Open soon – keep this page bookmarked!

    AWC Taiwan
    Information, broadcast times and registration will be available in a TW-specific blog post in mid-April.

  2. #2
    Wow, that's one bad paintjob. And the mouldlines are showing on the mantle. 350$ for this?

  3. #3
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Jan 2013
    Pittsburgh, PA
    That looks like something you would find at the dollar store

  4. #4
    How nice of Blizzard to sell a statue of Elsa.

  5. #5
    350$ for that face? Oh, god...

  6. #6
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Your kind will never change, and I will never stop fighting you.
    What happened to Jaina's face? The other statues are fine, wonder what happened to this one.

  7. #7
    Warchief vsb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hyral View Post
    What happened to Jaina's face? The other statues are fine, wonder what happened to this one.
    Probably they fired their QA team, so outsourced work turned out worse than usual.

  8. #8
    hand sculpted... hahahaha 3d printed more likely
    how low can this corporation sink? are they the new selling channel on tv with billy mays?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by gunchix View Post
    hand sculpted... hahahaha 3d printed more likely
    how low can this corporation sink? are they the new selling channel on tv with billy mays?
    Well, the master is handsculpted, and then copies are made with a mould. Someone has to sculpt these miniatures, you know.

  10. #10
    A few days ago someone at blizzard said: "Today marks the last time that Azerite knowledge will lower the amount of Azerite power needed to level your Heart of Azeroth for the rest of season 2"

    Does anybody there have a clue what the others are doing?

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by BoltBlaster View Post
    Hand sculpted by Chinese knockoff artist
    That would explain why her face looks like an Asian man.

  12. #12
    That doesn't look like Jaina at all. Who the hell said "hey this is great, let's sell it for 350 bucks!".

  13. #13
    Stood in the Fire Mazzic518's Avatar
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    I know these forums are always salty, but I rarely post here, just had to post and say her face looks TERRIBLE

  14. #14
    I’m not defending the statue, but being completely honest, other than the face it looks really well done. I definitely wouldn’t pay $350 for it. The face is just so off it ruins it for me. If the face was done better, I might have considered buying it.

  15. #15
    The Insane Aeula's Avatar
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    Dayum that's one ugly statue. And I'm not just saying that because I hate the bitch.

  16. #16
    Old God Shampro's Avatar
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    That statue's horrible. They did a way better job on Sylvanas' and Illidan's.

  17. #17
    moldlines: check
    uneven, powdery paintjob: check
    doesnt look like the character: check

    At least its not Tracer again?

  18. #18
    So... they made a statue of someone cosplaying Jaina? Shape of the Face is way off, there is something odd with the eyes, and that chin... when did Jaina get confused for Chuck Norris?

  19. #19
    None of these collectible statues will be worth the price you pay. 100 years from now it’ll be $5 at a yard sale.

    Absolutely cool to have statues and shit but not for $300+ if it was $50-80 sure.

  20. #20
    Its pretty bad and I cannot say I have ever eatten the bait on a purchase like this... but... let me guess.. an army of people are out there sliding that credit card.

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