Any of the things he is talking actually gona make it to the final revision?
Any of the things he is talking actually gona make it to the final revision?
Some news about classes would be nice
"we are taking a new approach to world quests"
Proceeds to say they will have affixes sometimes and are naga themed on the naga zone
im betting half this wont even be in the final release of 8.2
This looks like a disaster. You have to reforge your Heart of Azeroth now!??!?! uhh what if I tank a boss then I go back to dps?!?!??! Do I have to goto Silithus to reforge my heart of Azeroth?!?!? I am seriously concerned with how grindy they can get.
Why oh why rng procs again... more sims.
Mount equipment is a very nice feature tho.
Last edited by Sorshen; 2019-04-11 at 06:30 PM.
Mount equipment is pretty cool
Also, prevent daze. Finally.
mount equipement - retarded idea.
you know what people will do next expansion ? still ride on waterstrider just with antidazed thing -_-
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Anyone else think of the IT from South Park when they showed the new mounts?
PTR next week, figured it would be then
I'm sure the content they've made is great, but you still have to grind a bunch to be able to actually do it, like the HoA or to get flying. So I'm still not interested. There's plenty of other MMOs out there that you can just jump into and enjoy the content they have to offer without a huge grind attached to being able to do it.
people are being fooled by the content,
just wait til it comes and ull see the game is still boring