1. #1

    Patch 8.1.5 Hotfixes - April 25, 2019, WoW Esports at BlizzCon 2019

    Patch 8.1.5 Hotfixes - April 25, 2019
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    Crucible of Storms
    • The Restless Cabal
      • The damage from Power Overwhelming has increased to 1000% (was 300%).
      • Zaxasj the Speaker will now prioritize attacking players over pets.
    • Uu’nat, Harbinger of the Void
      • Oblivion Tear targeting now prioritizes ranged players.
      • Hunger for the End no longer heals the caster upon reaching a stack count of 10 or more in Mythic difficulty.
      • Unstable Resonance now checks for negative collisions after a very short delay instead of immediately upon being applied on Mythic difficulty.

    WoW Esports at BlizzCon 2019
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    With the BlizzCon 2019 announcement, we wanted to give more details about the WoW esports on offer in Anaheim, California this fall. BlizzCon this year will have two days of WoW esports celebrations, with the Arena World Championship (AWC) Global Finals and Mythic Dungeon International (MDI) Global Finals sharing the World of Warcraft stage during both days of the event.

    Arena World Championship (AWC) Global Finals
    The AWC Global Finals will host eight teams at BlizzCon: five from North America/Europe, one from China, one from Asia-Pacific, and one from Latin America, all of whom will battle in a double-elimination bracket. In its 12th year and with more seasonal Cups than ever before, the AWC Global Finals are sure to deliver as new and veteran players alike fight for the championship.

    Mythic Dungeon International (MDI) Global Finals
    The finale of the MDI will feature the top two teams from the Spring Season LAN and the top two point-earning teams from each division (based on yearly points) flying to California to race live and in person. These six teams will compete in a double-elimination bracket for the title of 2019 MDI Global Finals champions and their share of the prize pool. After making the transition in 2019 from an invitational series to a year-long, international program, our dungeon-runners will display peak performance on the biggest WoW esports stage in the world.

    The prize pools for the AWC and MDI will include contributions from the sales of the Transmorpher Beacon and Lion’s Pride/Horde’s Might Fireworks toys. These contributions will be split down the middle, adding an equal amount of money to both prize pools. All your support for our gladiators and racers so far has been phenomenal, and we will provide an update on the final prize pools as we get closer to November.

    For more information about BlizzCon 2019, head to the official BlizzCon website, and stay up to date with all things World of Warcraft by following us on Twitter.
    Last edited by chaud; 2019-04-26 at 02:25 AM.

  2. #2
    The Restless Cabal
    The damage from Power Overwhelming has increased to 1000% (was 300%).

    So someone found a cheese tactic

  3. #3
    The Restless Cabal
    The damage from Power Overwhelming has increased to 1000% (was 300%).

    So someone found a cheese tactic
    No the dps requirement tuning was just insane so this is to counteract that. This is just a big nerf to an overtuned fight.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Xraychicken View Post
    No the dps requirement tuning was just insane so this is to counteract that. This is just a big nerf to an overtuned fight.
    Sorry what? I think you’re thinking about promises of power. Power overwhelming is from when an artifact is activated twice by a single boss giving them a damage buff that’ll wipe the raid.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Xraychicken View Post
    No the dps requirement tuning was just insane so this is to counteract that. This is just a big nerf to an overtuned fight.
    I think you are mixing up a spell here now.

    Each relic should only be used by each boss once, because if an individual boss uses a particular relic more than once they will gain a 300% damage increase buff: Power Overwhelming. Which is now buffed to 1000% Instawiping the group if it takes the same relic twice

  6. #6
    Brewmaster Alkizon's Avatar
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    This will be a little out of topic, but for some reason it reminded me one of recent threads on US-forum
    Last edited by Alkizon; 2019-04-26 at 07:30 AM.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by glowpipe View Post
    The Restless Cabal
    The damage from Power Overwhelming has increased to 1000% (was 300%).

    So someone found a cheese tactic
    Exorsus exploited the first boss with pet tanks, basically making the caster not do anything.

  8. #8
    Herald of the Titans rogoth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NtflxnChill View Post
    Exorsus exploited the first boss with pet tanks, basically making the caster not do anything.
    that's not an exploit, that's clever use of game mechanics, all of the actions taken worked exactly as supposed to so there was no glitch/bug at play.

  9. #9
    So was Power Overwhelming buffed because a guild exploited (or rather was able to not wipe using the same relic twice) and killed the Cabal or because blizzard saw guilds trying to avoid one and looked to be coming close?

    Only 6 guilds have killed Cabal atm, Pieces, Limit, vodkaz, Method, Экзорсус, and Club Camel....so if it's the former it's easy to tell which one did it as the bulk of them streamed their kills.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Mashanerz View Post
    So was Power Overwhelming buffed because a guild exploited (or rather was able to not wipe using the same relic twice) and killed the Cabal or because blizzard saw guilds trying to avoid one and looked to be coming close?

    Only 6 guilds have killed Cabal atm, Pieces, Limit, vodkaz, Method, Экзорсус, and Club Camel....so if it's the former it's easy to tell which one did it as the bulk of them streamed their kills.
    You can literally go back to Exorsus vod and see them doing it.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by NtflxnChill View Post
    You can literally go back to Exorsus vod and see them doing it.
    I literally can't even, omg

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by rogoth View Post
    that's not an exploit, that's clever use of game mechanics, all of the actions taken worked exactly as supposed to so there was no glitch/bug at play.
    A spell wasn't casting that was supposed to cast, that's a bug. Once they noticed the first time while pet tanking that the cast was bugging they should have stopped doing it, that's clearly bug exploitation. Killing tanks is not unheard of either, but when you let a tank die and helya doesn't cast an ability and you exploit that, that got banned.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by NtflxnChill View Post
    Exorsus exploited the first boss with pet tanks, basically making the caster not do anything.
    Exorsus are known to use exploits as much as possible. They have even been banned for it in the past.

  14. #14
    Pit Lord Sigxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alkizon View Post
    This will be a little out of topic, but for some reason it reminded me one of recent threads on US-forum
    Sorta the first thing I thought of, too. x_x

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