1. #1

    How is Honor gained at the end of BGs determined?

    I've been doing a bunch of BGs lately, and at the end I see the stats of kills, death,s HK, etc and honor gained.

    I just finished one, and I was close to the bottom of the Alliance list which confused me since I was front and center the entire battle..

    Here's the thing, the guy above me had more deaths, less kills, waay less honorable kills, less damage done, less flags captured, less healing done, but he STILL got more honor than me.

    What determines the honor gained? Doesn't seem logical.

  2. #2
    Maybe he was fighting near flags or it was his first BG(bonus)?

    Kills/deaths/damage done means nothing if you don't follow the objects.

    I was once in a group where opponents were farming us, but they forgot/didn't want to cap the flags. In the end, we(rogues) changed the whole game by doing it before them.

  3. #3
    The end screen adds in bonus honor from the daily quest, too, so if people are on their daily first win bonus, they'll have way more honor gained.

  4. #4
    It now also correctly applies diminishing returns from HKs as it should (which it did not, ever, until BfA). So, previously, if you were kill-farming, your end-game stats would look amazing... but you actually probably onky earned half of that displayed number or less. Now they fixed it so it literally just shows the difference between what your character had when you joined vs when the scoreboard goes up (and now also inlcudes the first-win bonus), so it is far more accurate.

  5. #5
    Fight near flags if you are lucky and alot of fighting is happening near the Obj you get 50% more honor its nice + you can a banner that you can drop for some extra honor

  6. #6
    It's based on how much you do objectives.

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