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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by schwarzkopf View Post
    What should happen is that a XP locked character SHOULD gain experience
    I dont agree with that, that would make it impossible for me to farm azerite power on my speed char.

    Its a good middleground, you join, do one expedition, leave, join a new one, rince and reapeat.
    You rarely meet the same people in there anyway so no ones getting behind.
    Azeroth and Kalimdor and Northrend and Outland

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Onikaroshi View Post
    No it isn't, in blizzard terms an exploit leads to an unfair advantage, this does not. This is just a clever use of game mechanics.
    It’s by definition an exploit, so that point isn’t even debatable - the developers didn’t intend for people to level this way, which is why it’s an exploit. Using other mechanics to essentially avoid levelling through the intended content with the use of a lower level may be a clever discovery, but it’s still an exploit (due to the above). That’s just facts, because that’s what an exploit is (as is the definition of an exploit).

    All I see here is a bunch of people whining because a game most people claim is too easy removed an exploit that made a fundamental part of the game easier to bypass. Be salty I guess, but it won’t do you any good.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    Let’s copy and paste the meaning from Wikipedoa shall we, so at least it’s easy to understand:

    “In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitches, game system, rates, hit boxes, speed or level design etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers.”

    Levelling in this way isn’t how the developers intended, hence it’s an exploit. If they didn’t mind they wouldn’t have implemented this change, but they have. It’s an exploit to the levelling system and they changed it. Banging on about them not doing anything during Legion is pointless because this isn’t Legion, so whoever’s decision to not change anything then has either changed their mind on the matter or the person in that role has changed and has a different view. Regardless, levelling system exploit got changed, the end.
    Technically correct, but beside the point here.

    The question isn't "was this counter to what the developers intended" - that's the case by definition, because they're removing it.

    The question is, "SHOULD this be counter to what the developers intended", i.e. should the devs change their mind on their intention.

    Personally, I see no reason why twinked-out 110s shouldn't be able to boost others. It takes investment and effort, and clever use of game mechanics. It doesn't cut into Blizz's profits because the purchasable boosts only go to 110 anyway, and this is 110-120. And it spares people rolling alt #10 from doing the SAME QUESTS in the SAME ZONES all over again for the 10th time.

    I don't really see the upside of disallowing this. In fact, if they aren't careful with how this interacts with groups (especially LFD), there may be a substantial DOWNSIDE from people trolling leveling characters.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    It’s by definition an exploit, so that point isn’t even debatable - the developers didn’t intend for people to level this way, which is why it’s an exploit. Using other mechanics to essentially avoid levelling through the intended content with the use of a lower level may be a clever discovery, but it’s still an exploit (due to the above). That’s just facts, because that’s what an exploit is (as is the definition of an exploit).

    All I see here is a bunch of people whining because a game most people claim is too easy removed an exploit that made a fundamental part of the game easier to bypass. Be salty I guess, but it won’t do you any good.
    Doesn't matter what the text book definition of an exploit is, that's not how blizzard has ever defined it

  5. #25
    Finally!! RIP freaking rip offs....

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    Technically correct, but beside the point here.

    The question isn't "was this counter to what the developers intended" - that's the case by definition, because they're removing it.

    The question is, "SHOULD this be counter to what the developers intended", i.e. should the devs change their mind on their intention.

    Personally, I see no reason why twinked-out 110s shouldn't be able to boost others. It takes investment and effort, and clever use of game mechanics. It doesn't cut into Blizz's profits because the purchasable boosts only go to 110 anyway, and this is 110-120. And it spares people rolling alt #10 from doing the SAME QUESTS in the SAME ZONES all over again for the 10th time.

    I don't really see the upside of disallowing this. In fact, if they aren't careful with how this interacts with groups (especially LFD), there may be a substantial DOWNSIDE from people trolling leveling characters.
    Honestly if it does affect lfd, I would totally troll with some random level character, people would never know

  7. #27
    The Lightbringer
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    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    Duh - exploits tend to be. Having a lower level character turn off XP in order to boost you to a higher level isn’t how levelling is intended, thus its an exploit. Using a game mechanic in a way that it’s not intended is an exploit, like it or lump it.
    What YOU call an exploit, is a massive failure of Blizzard to properly scale character power from Legion to BfA. Introducing Legendaries with overpowered traits (and ilvl till lvl115), the ilvl squish, the diminishing of ratings (mastery, haste etc), all of these (and possibly more) were conscious gameplay decisions of the Blizzard devs and result in lvl111 characters being stronger for dungeon content for higher level players. Players get weaker the closer they get to 120.

    Exploits, usually, tend to get fixed quite fast. The upgraded power characters and boosting exist for almost a year. It's not fixing an exploit, but more than a deliberate decision to force players into spending more time in the game THE DEVS have built with an inherent power scaling flaw. And instead of fixing the flaw, they now "punish" the players who used the "flawed" game design to their advantage. Also, highly hypocritical, since the game is designed for endgame mostly, with levelling being diminished to a boring chore.

    Pathetic dick move by Blizzard.

  8. #28
    Soooooo ...

    Instead of killing everything in Freehold, the boosted guy just have to leave the party, cleave, and wait for the DH to invite him when the mobs are dead ?

    I don't see how this fix the problem.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Factsbeforefeelings View Post
    This honestly seems really unnecessary. How much time does this actually save? You can go from 110-120 in 10 hours by questing, why does Blizzard care if you do it a bit faster with a friend in islands? What is so wrong with that?
    You're forgetting this game doesn't give two fecals about player agency.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    Technically correct, but beside the point here.

    The question isn't "was this counter to what the developers intended" - that's the case by definition, because they're removing it.

    The question is, "SHOULD this be counter to what the developers intended", i.e. should the devs change their mind on their intention.

    Personally, I see no reason why twinked-out 110s shouldn't be able to boost others. It takes investment and effort, and clever use of game mechanics. It doesn't cut into Blizz's profits because the purchasable boosts only go to 110 anyway, and this is 110-120. And it spares people rolling alt #10 from doing the SAME QUESTS in the SAME ZONES all over again for the 10th time.

    I don't really see the upside of disallowing this. In fact, if they aren't careful with how this interacts with groups (especially LFD), there may be a substantial DOWNSIDE from people trolling leveling characters.
    It’s still an exploit though.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Onikaroshi View Post
    Doesn't matter what the text book definition of an exploit is, that's not how blizzard has ever defined it
    Blizzard don’t have the power to redefine the English language, so yeah, it’s still an exploit.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    It’s still an exploit though.
    Yes, but only because they say so. They could just as well say otherwise. That's the discussion, not where it's technically an exploit or not (which is a moot point since it's a matter of definition).

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Fabinas View Post
    What YOU call an exploit, is a massive failure of Blizzard to properly scale character power from Legion to BfA. Introducing Legendaries with overpowered traits (and ilvl till lvl115), the ilvl squish, the diminishing of ratings (mastery, haste etc), all of these (and possibly more) were conscious gameplay decisions of the Blizzard devs and result in lvl111 characters being stronger for dungeon content for higher level players. Players get weaker the closer they get to 120.

    Exploits, usually, tend to get fixed quite fast. The upgraded power characters and boosting exist for almost a year. It's not fixing an exploit, but more than a deliberate decision to force players into spending more time in the game THE DEVS have built with an inherent power scaling flaw. And instead of fixing the flaw, they now "punish" the players who used the "flawed" game design to their advantage. Also, highly hypocritical, since the game is designed for endgame mostly, with levelling being diminished to a boring chore.

    Pathetic dick move by Blizzard.
    It’s not what I call it, but rather the English language. I’m glad they change it, especially if this is how wound up y’all get.

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    It’s still an exploit though.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Blizzard don’t have the power to redefine the English language, so yeah, it’s still an exploit.
    Within their game they do. They also don't adhere to alpha or beta test definitions. Definitions themselves aren't set in stone either, they're fluid and change all the time.

  14. #34
    The Lightbringer
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    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    Let’s copy and paste the meaning from Wikipedoa shall we, so at least it’s easy to understand:

    “In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitches, game system, rates, hit boxes, speed or level design etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers.”

    Levelling in this way isn’t how the developers intended, hence it’s an exploit. If they didn’t mind they wouldn’t have implemented this change, but they have. It’s an exploit to the levelling system and they changed it. Banging on about them not doing anything during Legion is pointless because this isn’t Legion, so whoever’s decision to not change anything then has either changed their mind on the matter or the person in that role has changed and has a different view. Regardless, levelling system exploit got changed, the end.
    When Blizzard leaves such an "exploit" active for almost 9 months in the game and instead of HOTFIXING IT, they await a major patch to "fix" (which is not fixing the problem itself, but creating disadvantages for players using the intended game mechanics) it, they definitely seem like having a change of heart. It almost looks like they intended the game to ship like that and within 9 months they decided differently, thus changing it as mentioned.

    Your logic is flawed, because, if every patch corrects various stuff, then i guess all players are exploiters, since they were allowed to play the game as initially intended, but because the developer intentions changed at a later time, game mechanics change as well.

  15. #35
    The Undying Lochton's Avatar
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    Good, then that bull is sorted.

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    Yes, but only because they say so. They could just as well say otherwise. That's the discussion, not where it's technically an exploit or not (which is a moot point since it's a matter of definition).

    They haven’t really said so, and they don’t need to - it’s an exploit because it’s not how they designed the 110-120 levelling experience (clearly). It’s not even like it’s a 120 doing the boosting, but a lower level with XP gain turned off. Sure, it’s not the biggest game breaking exploit, but it’s definitely something that wasn’t intended to be used in such a manner. Realistically it’s their game, they can do and fix exploits how they please.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Fabinas View Post
    When Blizzard leaves such an "exploit" active for almost 9 months in the game and instead of HOTFIXING IT, they await a major patch to "fix" (which is not fixing the problem itself, but creating disadvantages for players using the intended game mechanics) it, they definitely seem like having a change of heart. It almost looks like they intended the game to ship like that and within 9 months they decided differently, thus changing it as mentioned.

    Your logic is flawed, because, if every patch corrects various stuff, then i guess all players are exploiters, since they were allowed to play the game as initially intended, but because the developer intentions changed at a later time, game mechanics change as well.
    It’s not flawed, because who knows what decision making has gone into it. Who knows when they even picked up on it? I wasn’t fully aware of it from the start, as I’m sure a lot of people haven’t been. Regardless, it’s clear that’s not how they designed the 110-120 levelling process to work. So good.

  17. #37
    Blizzard: fuck this system of leveling
    Players: why
    Blizzard: you right, sorry, we'll think of something better
    *3 months later*
    Blizzard: fuck this system of leveling

    Blizzard is full of complete dumbfucks.

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    They haven’t really said so, and they don’t need to - it’s an exploit because it’s not how they designed the 110-120 levelling experience (clearly). It’s not even like it’s a 120 doing the boosting, but a lower level with XP gain turned off. Sure, it’s not the biggest game breaking exploit, but it’s definitely something that wasn’t intended to be used in such a manner. Realistically it’s their game, they can do and fix exploits how they please.
    Again, nobody is disputing any of this. It's not the issue here. The issue is whether or not they're okay with this or not, not whether or not it's an "exploit" by a strict technical definition. This isn't Dictionary Wars. They could literally say "ok we don't mind" and whether or not it was an exploit would be irrelevant entirely. And so the question is - why don't they? What's it they're trying to fix here, really?

  19. #39
    The Lightbringer
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    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    It’s not what I call it, but rather the English language. I’m glad they change it, especially if this is how wound up y’all get.
    What YOU call an exploit, i call deliberate game design decision from Blizzard. THEY chose to have the power scaling mechanism at the start of BfA. Now, again, who's got the right definition?

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    Again, nobody is disputing any of this. It's not the issue here. The issue is whether or not they're okay with this or not, not whether or not it's an "exploit" by a strict technical definition. This isn't Dictionary Wars. They could literally say "ok we don't mind" and whether or not it was an exploit would be irrelevant entirely. And so the question is - why don't they? What's it they're trying to fix here, really?
    Players having actual fun and not having to through the same 3 boring ass zones with shit stories is what they're fixing

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Fabinas View Post
    What YOU call an exploit, i call deliberate game design decision from Blizzard. THEY chose to have the power scaling mechanism at the start of BfA. Now, again, who's got the right definition?
    By his definition of exploit the world first jaina kill was an exploit because it wasn't the way the developers intended, and many kills before it were all exploits

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