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Alright. Let me see if I can come up with a good summary of what the employee says and questions answered:
8.2: Azshara survives.
-Worgen Heritage Armor will be knight-like in human shape, cool nightmare-is in worgen shape.
-Goblin heritage armor has a cool trade/gold theme to it.
-Tyrande defies the Alliance and attacks the Horde.
-Vulpera and Mecha-Gnomes.
-Ends with an assault on Ny'alotha.
-Sylvanas makes herself the scapegoat to unite Horde and Alliance against Old God threat.
-Sylvanas absorbs the essence of N'Zoth and is killed, to send it to the Shadowlands. It is weakened, but returns.
-Azeroth the Titan appears at the end of the final raid to save us from crumbling Ny'alotha. Very unique model.
-Ny'alotha is within the planet. A Titanic plain where the Old Gods attempt to corrupt the Titan. Lovecraftian.
9.0+ Next Expansion:
-Untitled Black Empire expansion. All zones updated for 2020. Some zones merged. Void theme, but also rebuilding.
-Updated Quel'thalas' new look is a favorite.
-The team is much bigger than during Cata. No invisible walls to remove. Progress is very far.
-Guild Updates: Housing, new achievements, mounts, social features, removed guild controls restored. No auction house in guild hall.
-Guild Halls will be very customizable, with lots of options, combinations, even holiday stuff.
-Horde and Alliance are merging into one faction in 9.0. No more crossroads.
-Many Allied Races are becoming customization options of existing races, and more customization options are being added.
+This includes Mecha-Gnomes for Gnomes, High Elves and Void Elves for Blood Elf and Gilblins for Goblins.
+Vulpera and Nightborne will be the only races not to become customization options for existing races.
-All the Old Gods will re-awaken. And now without the limits on their true power. Their seals broken.
-9.0 will have a lot of Beta invites, for there is much stuff they want feedback on. Also Beta open quicker.
-One of the patches will be relying heavily on undeath. Something is happening up in Northrend.
-Titanforging is gone, but Warforging remains. No new Artifact Power grind system.
-More dungeons than past expansions. Less focus on how the affixes play into the dungeons.
-The next expansion's graphics are described as absolutely astounding.
-Gilneas and Silverpine Forest are becoming one zone, with a story about Gilneas' restoration.
-Future zones will be a bit more sandboxy. Like those in 8.2.
-The Ethereals join, to prevent Azeroth being destroyed like K'aresh. Expect to go K'aresh in the expansion.
-Sylvanas dies, but we'll see her again in the Shadowlands.
-Night Elves will be making Dire Maul (Eldre'thalas) and Feralas their new home.
-Desolate Council will return to lead the Forsaken. Also more customization for Forsaken, such as no bones.
-The PvP system is getting a revamp. They hope to integrate it in a way that makes story sense.
-Level squish will go from 120 to 60. Then level to 70. Alternative for adding further levels sought.
Upcoming Class design:
-Tinker Class as new Hero Class. Gnome and Goblin only. Strong campaigning may see other races added.
-Tinker Class is about riding a robot, shooting rockets and stuff, or deploying robot constructs.
-Classes less pruned in 9.0. More Class specific spells.
-Leveling system of 9.0 will come with a much more engaging rewards and talent system. Also new class quests.
State of the Game:
-Not worried about FFXIV. Convinced next expansion will put WoW back on top.
-Most of the team disagrees with the corporate practices of Activision.
-Layering will only be for the first stages of the game. Launch day would be a shitshow without it.
-Only if Classic performs well, will they decide on Expansion Servers.
-Bolvar was behind the stuff with Vol'jin. Behind her uniting the factions against her. He lied.
-Plans to bring Azshara back as an ally in the future.
-They hope to learn from Classic about things to bring over to retail.
-Less expansion-specific content.
-Naga and Ogres would be difficult, but are not impossible in the future, as options exist.
-Pandaren Death Knights under consideration. No other new race/class combos.
-No plans to stop making expansions, as long as people continue to buy them.
-They want to stray away from shock value to focus more on development and engagement in the story.
-Having two factions has been a hindrance in the storytelling.
-When Arthas returns, he will remain an enemy of Azeroth. No redemption.
-Kel'thuzad could possibly make a return.
-With the faction conflict being resolved, more story can go to racial things, including Pandaren leaders.
-More things being account-wise is being worked on.
-Blightcaller will be a more independent character in the future, rather than a pawn.
-Calia Menethil will also show up when the theme of undead rises again.
-Ruins of Teldrassil will be explorable. Still in early development right now.
Obvious and Extra Stuff:
-Subscriptions are here to stay.
-Blizzard isn't going to be changing the word "nagas" despite some people apparently using it like the n-word.
-California is expensive living.
-The employee likes their job.
-3 Million subscribers, last they heard.
-No plans for Necromancers in 9.0.
-Female Ethereals will have boobs.
-No Dance Studio.
-No cash shop allied races.
-No plans to return to Outland any time soon.
-No plans for a return to Draenor, but there is story potential there.
-No plans for Warcraft 4.
-No new movie planned right now.