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  1. #41
    I like the undeath spec.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nevcairiel View Post
    If you are suggesting to take my Night Elfs Shadowmeld away, then please find some pike to run yourself through, tyvm.

  2. #42
    The undeath spec reads like tons of fun.

    I want it. Now.

  3. #43
    Awesome job! the only class that maybe would force me to think rerolling (been playing Warlock since beta).

    Unfortunately they will add tinker. Not because of the leaks or what the majority of the community ask, but Blizzard have a past track of implementing subtle tips about new classes or expansions in the current game. See past examples of mounts names, etc.
    Mechagon area and the specially the Gazlowe's island expedition team (Gazlowe is a tank in a mech suit. Skaggit is in a support/dps role by dropping turrets and healbots) is in my opinion proof enough that tinker will be the next class.

  4. #44
    Mechagnome Asaliah's Avatar
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    RIP Delphi !

  5. #45
    holy shit, respect for the effort! and bonus points for all the awesome art you collected to along with it.
    Never really cared for a necromancer class, but I could really get onboard with this

  6. #46
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Two questions, Amun:

    If you are doing any more on this concept can we expect an ETA for changes?

    Judging by your profile pic I was sure some Tol'Vir lore would be present, at least for one spec. Did it ever occur to you to try?

  7. #47
    Seriously great concept! So good I'm sad it will never see the light of day..

    Somehow you managed to make it both fresh and beyond cliche, and still manage to include enough classic necromancer flavour. Mail, while lacking in numbers was a pleasant surprise for me for a necromancer class. Really dig the anti-shaman angle while also touching with DK. And the familiars are a great touch. But you preserve the idea of lots of skeletal minions and doing evil and nasty thing to get your way
    Last edited by SaneOstrich; 2019-08-07 at 01:37 PM.

  8. #48
    Amazing concept, only issue would be giving them to the Dreanei imo. I know they have DK's but they were raised against their will. I doubt a Necromancer would be welcome, unless they were some Eredar that split from the Legion after Argus but i doubt it. But anyway loved the work that went into this

  9. #49
    hey blizzard, hire this guy

  10. #50
    I didn't read all of it and I don't really care what the next retail class will be, but for your effort and passion I really hope Blizz implements this Necromancer!

  11. #51
    A lot of amazing great work on this. Really wish that it was what we'd actually get. Personally I'm a huge fan of a tinker concept (GW2 Engineer type of class given the old-school Blizzard treatment of polish) as well as the necromancer. The warlock and death knight classes both don't capture the "necromancer" aspect. The death knight mimics a necromancer as well as a demon hunter mimics a warlock, and a paladin mimics a priest. The playstyle, concept and method of implementation is entirely different, and that is what matters. I would love to see your version of the necromancer and some variation of the tinker pop up next xpack. After the flop that is BFA Blizzard really has to pull out all of the stops, similar to like what they did with Legion.

    I love what you did with the Chemical tree to handle the dot concept. Reminds me a lot of the Forsaken/Scourge blight spreaders and the Pathfinder Alchemist. The Undeath tree is just amazing. A lot of people think skeletons and zombies are all that necromancers are about. Necromancers are about everything related to death, dying and undeath. That means ghosts, poltergeists, fleshcrafted/fleshwarped monstrosities such as the Frankenstein's Monster, swarms of carrion feeders, plagues, diseases, horror, eldritch pacts, blood, corpses, viscera, zombies, skeletons, poisons, and debilitating people to a useless state. Take your pen and paper rpg necromancer flavor of wizard and it plays nothing like a wizard of any other flavor. Look at the antipaladin/blackguard/dark knight/evil plate wearer class in that system and you'll see overlaps on what those characters can do and their own goals, but they function so very different. Your necromancer captures aspects of the concept of necromancer we rarely see because everyone flocks to swarms of undead and only that when they think of necromancer. They forget everything that is done to get to the point of making the hordes of undead.
    What are you willing to sacrifice?

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Gulantik View Post
    This is gorgeous. I desperately want Blizzard to do a Necromancer class, and you've proven that it wouldn't have to cannibalise Death Knights or Warlocks like some say.

    Very well done.
    Exactly, this idea that DKs or Warlocks would suffer is a complete lie.

    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    I like the undeath spec.
    Quote Originally Posted by Laubman View Post
    The undeath spec reads like tons of fun.

    I want it. Now.
    Yes! It's nice to see Undeath love! lol Everyone is always more fond of Chemical and Faithless. I think I got the most creative and introduced new mechanics with Undeath.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gibsonz View Post
    Awesome job! the only class that maybe would force me to think rerolling (been playing Warlock since beta).

    Unfortunately they will add tinker. Not because of the leaks or what the majority of the community ask, but Blizzard have a past track of implementing subtle tips about new classes or expansions in the current game. See past examples of mounts names, etc.
    Mechagon area and the specially the Gazlowe's island expedition team (Gazlowe is a tank in a mech suit. Skaggit is in a support/dps role by dropping turrets and healbots) is in my opinion proof enough that tinker will be the next class.
    IDK Gibson, there's been an awful lot Necromancer lore in BFA too with Necromancer NPCs on island expeditions who cast new death spells with new animaitions. The next class will be class #13...a number associated with evil and misfortune. And lastly, Blizzcon coincides with the Mexican Day of the Dead.

    FEEL THE HYPE!!! lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Asaliah View Post
    RIP Delphi !
    Omg, thank you so much. That means the world to me!!!!! On the google doc of this class concept, I linked her image within her name: <3

    Quote Originally Posted by SaneOstrich View Post
    holy shit, respect for the effort! and bonus points for all the awesome art you collected to along with it.
    Never really cared for a necromancer class, but I could really get onboard with this
    I'm glad I made you a Necromancer fan. Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by SaneOstrich View Post
    Seriously great concept! So good I'm sad it will never see the light of day..

    Somehow you managed to make it both fresh and beyond cliche, and still manage to include enough classic necromancer flavour. Mail, while lacking in numbers was a pleasant surprise for me for a necromancer class. Really dig the anti-shaman angle while also touching with DK. And the familiars are a great touch. But you preserve the idea of lots of skeletal minions and doing evil and nasty thing to get your way
    Yes, it's those little details that make the class feel alive. I'd love to play an anti-shaman after the crap job they did to my shaman in BFA lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by Snooper View Post
    Amazing concept, only issue would be giving them to the Dreanei imo. I know they have DK's but they were raised against their will. I doubt a Necromancer would be welcome, unless they were some Eredar that split from the Legion after Argus but i doubt it. But anyway loved the work that went into this
    I know. Draenei just happen to be my favorite race, so I want them to get all the classes! haha

    Quote Originally Posted by orgonutil View Post
    hey blizzard, hire this guy
    Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuvio View Post
    I didn't read all of it and I don't really care what the next retail class will be, but for your effort and passion I really hope Blizz implements this Necromancer!
    You and me both. Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by kendro1200 View Post
    A lot of amazing great work on this. Really wish that it was what we'd actually get. Personally I'm a huge fan of a tinker concept (GW2 Engineer type of class given the old-school Blizzard treatment of polish) as well as the necromancer. The warlock and death knight classes both don't capture the "necromancer" aspect. The death knight mimics a necromancer as well as a demon hunter mimics a warlock, and a paladin mimics a priest. The playstyle, concept and method of implementation is entirely different, and that is what matters. I would love to see your version of the necromancer and some variation of the tinker pop up next xpack. After the flop that is BFA Blizzard really has to pull out all of the stops, similar to like what they did with Legion.

    I love what you did with the Chemical tree to handle the dot concept. Reminds me a lot of the Forsaken/Scourge blight spreaders and the Pathfinder Alchemist. The Undeath tree is just amazing. A lot of people think skeletons and zombies are all that necromancers are about. Necromancers are about everything related to death, dying and undeath. That means ghosts, poltergeists, fleshcrafted/fleshwarped monstrosities such as the Frankenstein's Monster, swarms of carrion feeders, plagues, diseases, horror, eldritch pacts, blood, corpses, viscera, zombies, skeletons, poisons, and debilitating people to a useless state. Take your pen and paper rpg necromancer flavor of wizard and it plays nothing like a wizard of any other flavor. Look at the antipaladin/blackguard/dark knight/evil plate wearer class in that system and you'll see overlaps on what those characters can do and their own goals, but they function so very different. Your necromancer captures aspects of the concept of necromancer we rarely see because everyone flocks to swarms of undead and only that when they think of necromancer. They forget everything that is done to get to the point of making the hordes of undead.
    I love your insight, and you're absolutely right! There's so much more to Necromancers than skeletons. Thank you so much!

    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Two questions, Amun:

    If you are doing any more on this concept can we expect an ETA for changes?

    Judging by your profile pic I was sure some Tol'Vir lore would be present, at least for one spec. Did it ever occur to you to try?
    You know what, to be honest with you, Tol'Vir lore didn't even cross my mind, and now I'm really mad lol. Bah!

    The most I thought of when it came to adding an Egyptian flare to my concept would be to introduce glyphs that would allow an Undeath Necromancer to change their Lich form and Tomb Lord Mummy form. Something awesome like these:

  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Amunrasonther View Post
    Yes, it's those little details that make the class feel alive. I'd love to play an anti-shaman after the crap job they did to my shaman in BFA lol.
    As a 15 year old shaman all I can say is, amen to that

  14. #54
    Over 9000! Kithelle's Avatar
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    I need to go to bed soon so I'll read more later, but my only problem so far is I don't think Draenei should be Necromancers.

  15. #55
    I appreciate the work you put into the concept. But we already have a necromantic Hero Class in WoW. It's called Death Knight.

    These undead mummies are from Warhammer, btw. IDK if this could lead to some copyright infringement issues. Beside that, in Uldum they associate all things Egyptian with either Titan constructs (old Egypt themes), or Elementals (Arabic themes). Both don't really fit to the Necromancer concept.

    Edit: Also, healing Necromancers are an abomination, which disqualifies the concept in my regard. You can work with preservation and resurrection, but healing is something which is associated with LIFE not DEATH. If anything, time magic has more affinity with healing (as in reversing damage) than necromancy, thus getting an arcane healing spec for the Mage class would be more fitting than a healing Necromancer.
    Last edited by scubi666stacy; 2019-08-09 at 08:02 AM.

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Rendark View Post
    If they did put a necromancer in the game it better have a spec that lets you summon a army of undead and then go afk as they dps for you.
    So the death knight spell?

    Enjoyed the read op. Sad to say to much effort for blizz. Might get a new dh spec but I doubt a new class will come for a long time they got to finish the ongoing BFA beta first lol
    "I'm Tru @ w/e I do" ~ TM

  17. #57
    This is seriously such an amazing concept I wish blizzard would just hire you and get started on this new class immediately.

  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by SaneOstrich View Post
    As a 15 year old shaman all I can say is, amen to that
    Did you see the Resto buffs? They JUST noticed that Resto Shamans aren't so great in mythic+ dungeons or raids. How long has BFA been out?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sorotia View Post
    I need to go to bed soon so I'll read more later, but my only problem so far is I don't think Draenei should be Necromancers.
    Which Horde race would then be taken away would you say?

    Quote Originally Posted by scubi666stacy View Post
    I appreciate the work you put into the concept. But we already have a necromantic Hero Class in WoW. It's called Death Knight.
    DKs don't fulfill the necromancy fantasy in my opinion. Only one spec of theirs has any real meaningful undead summons.

    These undead mummies are from Warhammer, btw. IDK if this could lead to some copyright infringement issues. Beside that, in Uldum they associate all things Egyptian with either Titan constructs (old Egypt themes), or Elementals (Arabic themes). Both don't really fit to the Necromancer concept.
    I highly disagree. Kel'thuzad's Lich form has an Egyptian motif.

    Edit: Also, healing Necromancers are an abomination, which disqualifies the concept in my regard. You can work with preservation and resurrection, but healing is something which is associated with LIFE not DEATH. If anything, time magic has more affinity with healing (as in reversing damage) than necromancy, thus getting an arcane healing spec for the Mage class would be more fitting than a healing Necromancer.
    If you read my class theme, you'll see the class is modeled after being the anti-shaman, and much like Priests and Paladins share a tank and healing spec that uses holy magic, Necromancers and Death Knights would share a tank and healing spec that utilizes blood magic. Also, this spec of Necromancer isn't healing to restore life, they're using blood's healing properties to restore health by draining it from enemies. It's much more sinister than any other healing class, hence why I would describe them as the first Dark Healer.

    Quote Originally Posted by tru View Post
    So the death knight spell?

    Enjoyed the read op. Sad to say to much effort for blizz. Might get a new dh spec but I doubt a new class will come for a long time they got to finish the ongoing BFA beta first lol
    Thank you! Here's to hoping for an undead expansion!

    Quote Originally Posted by XtaZ View Post
    This is seriously such an amazing concept I wish blizzard would just hire you and get started on this new class immediately.
    I would drop everything in my life immediately to work on that lol - thank you!

  19. #59
    Herald of the Titans
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    lol all that work for something that will never happen. derp

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by ZazuuPriest View Post
    lol all that work for something that will never happen. derp
    lol - and how would you feel if it DID happen?

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