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  1. #181
    Quote Originally Posted by Boomzy View Post
    What exactly is the difference between tedious and hard?
    Tedious: boring, monotonous
    Hard: challenging

    They are not mutually exclusive.

  2. #182
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lidoric View Post
    And noone here see anything fishy? World 1st lvl 60 was friday night, game is so "easy" you accidentally pull 2 mobs and die... yet some nobodys in leveling greens down Rag and Ony. Yeah right.
    Nothing's fishy dude. Did you read the post? That's some private server guild, and they weren't even all lvl 60. Are you really trying to find some foul play?
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  3. #183
    Quote Originally Posted by Lidoric View Post
    And noone here see anything fishy? World 1st lvl 60 was friday night, game is so "easy" you accidentally pull 2 mobs and die... yet some nobodys in leveling greens down Rag and Ony. Yeah right.
    Nobodies? Might want to realize who they are.

  4. #184
    1.12 (which included multiple rag nerfs, class buffs, and debuff limit increase) + 15 years of knowledge.. why is anyone surprised? Those combined with finding individuals dedicated to getting 60 asap and getting somewhat decent gear and this is the result. Nothing foul here... people looking to complain just to complain, smdh.

  5. #185
    Here is the fundamental psychological difference between classic and retail:

    Classic makes bad players feel good, retail makes bad players feel bad.

    All other arguments and discussions are a waste of time. Mocking and gloating and points scoring just means you are a fool. Classic will be a success and retail will continue to bleed subs for this simple reason. Once it is pointed out to you everything makes sense.

  6. #186
    Brewmaster Syce's Avatar
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    TBH did any one NOT think this would happen? i have heard it on popular wow streams for months and i have even mentioned it to friends of mine as well. we Knew that Retail players will have Nothing against the Private Server players when it comes to Classic since the Private server players have had Years and Years of experience.

  7. #187
    Quote Originally Posted by WowClassic View Post
    Here is the fundamental psychological difference between classic and retail:

    Classic makes bad players feel good, retail makes bad players feel bad.

    All other arguments and discussions are a waste of time. Mocking and gloating and points scoring just means you are a fool. Classic will be a success and retail will continue to bleed subs for this simple reason. Once it is pointed out to you everything makes sense.
    Classic is more casual friendly? Fairly sure most of the arguments is the opposite...that retail is too casual.

  8. #188
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Nothing's fishy dude. Did you read the post? That's some private server guild, and they weren't even all lvl 60. Are you really trying to find some foul play?
    Yes, that's obvious. There are physical limitations in game you simply can't skip nor ignore. So, this is either some kind of exploit/cheating, or this Blizz "Classic" WoW version is somehow flawed.

  9. #189
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lidoric View Post
    Yes, that's obvious. There are physical limitations in game you simply can't skip nor ignore. So, this is either some kind of exploit/cheating, or this Blizz "Classic" WoW version is somehow flawed.
    Molten Core is piss easy and it's lvl requirement is 55. Here is your "physical limitation".
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  10. #190
    The original world first kill of Ragnaros was 154 days after the initial release of the raid, years of game knowledge and practice took this down to just 6 days!
    You're forgetting the advantages of starting on client 1.11 with all the talent updates and quality of life improvements as well as the ability to farm mobs in Silithus for Hydraxian Waterlords reputation required to summon Majordomo and in turn Ragnaros.

    It's unfair to compare it like that, it's insulting towards the Vanilla players. It's like saying they were bad for taking so long when the comparison is just not fair since it's not the same state of game.

    Don't get me wrong, the dedication to reach all of this is in Classic is insane. And congratulations are in order. But let's not shit on Vanilla players like that.

  11. #191
    Bloodsail Admiral Snorkles's Avatar
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    How did they all get to 60 so quick? Dungeon Spam?

    I can't see World First events lasting after this, though. There is no skill factor and there's no real way to game getting gear (no multiple difficulties/split runs etc). It'll just be the first guild to zone in wins.

  12. #192
    Quote Originally Posted by Kumorii View Post
    Classic is more casual friendly? Fairly sure most of the arguments is the opposite...that retail is too casual.
    Whether it's more "casual friendly" is missing the point. That is a complex argument, the truth is much simpler. It's to do with how the game presents its systems and information in a manner that constantly reminds bad players they are bad. In Classic, almost anyone can be a hero with enough time commitment. Even if they know they will likely never get there, it is a very different thing to knowing you'll never get there because you lack the skill, and then having this constantly rubbed in your face.

  13. #193
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Molten Core is piss easy and it's lvl requirement is 55. Here is your "physical limitation".
    Great, so pls go down Rag and post it here. I'll be generous, you have a whole day, starting now 13:57 CET.

  14. #194
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snorkles View Post
    How did they all get to 60 so quick? Dungeon Spam?

    I can't see World First events lasting after this, though. There is no skill factor and there's no real way to game getting gear (no multiple difficulties/split runs etc). It'll just be the first guild to zone in wins.
    They weren't all lvl 60.

    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    They weren't all lvl 60.
    Ah yes, good old "go clear it yourself". It is you, who make dumb claims that the guild that played Vanilla for years on a private server somehow cheated their way to world first. Any proves? No? Well shit.
    Last edited by Makabreska; 2019-09-01 at 12:02 PM.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  15. #195
    Quote Originally Posted by Telomir View Post
    1.12 (which included multiple rag nerfs, class buffs, and debuff limit increase) + 15 years of knowledge.. why is anyone surprised? Those combined with finding individuals dedicated to getting 60 asap and getting somewhat decent gear and this is the result. Nothing foul here... people looking to complain just to complain, smdh.
    The way the news message is worded it's insulting towards Vanilla players, as if they're retarded for taking this long when in fact the 1.11 client is the biggest advantage which explains the 6 days. That is reason to complain because a news message shouldn't be like that, it shouldn't be a slap in the face. It's very unprofessional.

    It would be nice to add on a little note in the news article that the 6 days record is done on 1.12 client, which adds quite a lot of advantages compared to the 154 days record of Vanilla, which didn't have these advantages.

    If clients were the same between Classic and Vanilla (which isn't even possible, would require too much work and hardly anyone would even want this. 1.11 is fine, but just for the sake of argument) then I'm sure Classic players would still be faster since they have 15 years of experience. But the way the news article is worded is just not right.

  16. #196
    Bloodsail Admiral Snorkles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    They weren't all lvl 60.
    A majority must have been level 60 at least?

  17. #197
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Ah yes, good old "go clear it yourself". It is you, who makes dumb claims that the guild that played Vanilla for years on a private server somehow cheated their way to world first. Any proves? No? Well shit.
    You said it's "piss easy", not me. So is it really "piss easy", or suddenly it isn't? Hurry up, your clock is ticking.

  18. #198
    Quote Originally Posted by Valkaneer View Post
    1.12 was released far after 1.3 when the original kill was made. By then all the classes had massive buffs huge QoL changes, and Rag had multiple nerfs. People remember how hard it was to kill the bosses at the time they were killed. Not over a year later almost at the very end of Vanilla. Rag only had 8 debuff slots when he was killed instead of 16 as he has in classic. Ascent had no voice chat and very few addons. The above video clearly shows multiple addons, dot timers, voice chat, all the class buffs and reworks had been done by 1.12, it's not the same thing.
    You also left the fact of vanilla bosses having been tuned by rabid weasels.

  19. #199
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lidoric View Post
    You said it's "piss easy", not me. So is it really "piss easy", or suddenly it isn't? Hurry up, your clock is ticking.
    My proof for "piss easy" is on the front page, pal. But hey, keep denying reality with "exploits".
    Last edited by Makabreska; 2019-09-01 at 12:09 PM.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  20. #200
    lol, that's inspiring
    i should make a comparable effort IRL

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