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  1. #201
    Quote Originally Posted by Daronokk View Post
    The way the news message is worded it's insulting towards Vanilla players, as if they're retarded for taking this long when in fact the 1.11 client is the biggest advantage which explains the 6 days. That is reason to complain because a news message shouldn't be like that, it shouldn't be a slap in the face. It's very unprofessional.

    It would be nice to add on a little note in the news article that the 6 days record is done on 1.12 client, which adds quite a lot of advantages compared to the 154 days record of Vanilla, which didn't have these advantages.

    If clients were the same between Classic and Vanilla (which isn't even possible, would require too much work and hardly anyone would even want this. 1.11 is fine, but just for the sake of argument) then I'm sure Classic players would still be faster since they have 15 years of experience. But the way the news article is worded is just not right.
    Considering they mention a lot that it's CLASSIC world first... 1.12 patch is implied since that's what CLASSIC is.
    Which is why people have talked about CLASSIC race instead of WoW Vanilla race. To differentiate them.

  2. #202
    Quote Originally Posted by Daronokk View Post
    The way the news message is worded it's insulting towards Vanilla players, as if they're retarded for taking this long when in fact the 1.11 client is the biggest advantage which explains the 6 days.
    It's not insulting, its just the truth, if you think people nowadays arent 10000 times better at the game than vanilla players, then you are delusional, cause people vastly improved at the game, that plus addons knowledge blabla.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Lidoric View Post
    You said it's "piss easy", not me. So is it really "piss easy", or suddenly it isn't? Hurry up, your clock is ticking.
    I mean sure, people on quest gear and not even 60 killing Rag on day 1 must mean that Rag is hard amirite, cause this definitely happens on retail, i remember method killing azshara on greens and 118s, it was amazing to watch.

  3. #203
    being on 1.12 helps, but MC was going to fall over pretty quickly regardless. the wealth of information available, and players in general are better these days mean its non comparable to vanilla.

  4. #204
    I'm surprised that people got to level 60 in a few days, I remember the grind being longer than that.

    But I'm not surprised that MC and Ony got cleared very soon after people were hitting 60.

    The raids were not mechanically challenging, and nothing like the complexity of raids in later expansions.

  5. #205
    Herald of the Titans Vorkreist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syce View Post
    TBH did any one NOT think this would happen? i have heard it on popular wow streams for months and i have even mentioned it to friends of mine as well. we Knew that Retail players will have Nothing against the Private Server players when it comes to Classic since the Private server players have had Years and Years of experience.
    Its the experience of doing only speedruns in vanilla raids for the last years + the mechanics are just too easy. Most private servers try to overtune the raids but it doesn't matter much. One month in and all raid progress consists of who got the 1 min faster clear with 20 pppl.

    Now back to the experts that kept preaching the story of YOU CAN'T RAID WITHOUT PLAYING ONE OF THE TOP 3 BROKEN SPECS!

  6. #206
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    My proof for "piss easy" is on the front page, pal. But hey, keep denying reality with "exploits".
    "Your" proof? So far, you only proved you can post childish rubbish. There are only 24 hours in a single day, and even if you're no-life kid in mum's basement, you need to sleep. You'll realise that tomorrow 13:57 CET.

  7. #207
    Quote Originally Posted by Valkaneer View Post
    1.12 was released far after 1.3 when the original kill was made. By then all the classes had massive buffs huge QoL changes, and Rag had multiple nerfs. People remember how hard it was to kill the bosses at the time they were killed. Not over a year later almost at the very end of Vanilla. Rag only had 8 debuff slots when he was killed instead of 16 as he has in classic. Ascent had no voice chat and very few addons. The above video clearly shows multiple addons, dot timers, voice chat, all the class buffs and reworks had been done by 1.12, it's not the same thing.
    The denial is strong in this one!

  8. #208
    raids were difficult, cause of managing 30+ noobs in a 40ppl raid

  9. #209
    I think if people are clearing with 1 geared tank, nearly 40% of the raid being below max level and presumably without gearing up, it's probably fair to say it's easy.

  10. #210
    Quote Originally Posted by mojusk View Post
    can we stop pretending that vanilla raids were harder than retail now? thx.
    inb4 "just wait for naxx, its really hard!", yea ok, we'll see.

    BWL and AQ40 will be cleared very easily. Naxx might last a week.

  11. #211
    The biggest challenge of naxx will probably be maintaining a gear roster that long into classic if the earlier raids dont hold up

  12. #212
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lidoric View Post
    "Your" proof? So far, you only proved you can post childish rubbish. There are only 24 hours in a single day, and even if you're no-life kid in mum's basement, you need to sleep. You'll realise that tomorrow 13:57 CET.
    Ye, you are not very smart, considering you gave me 24h window when they had 6 days to lvl up. But oh well, I'm done with you. Don't forget to report to Blizz their exploits you will surely find.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  13. #213
    Is MC undertuned?
    I knew it would be cleared quickly but 5 days? lul.

  14. #214
    Quote Originally Posted by Dekkers View Post
    Is MC undertuned?
    I knew it would be cleared quickly but 5 days? lul.
    No. Vanilla raids are just a giant joke. Now you actually have 40 people with a brain and what to do, instead of 20 people who are semi retarded and 20 leechers trying to click spells in their spellbook or spamming rank 1 frostbolt they never bothered changing on their bars

  15. #215
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRevenantHero View Post
    There is no skill involved with these kills. Especially since a bunch of people on the raid team aren't even max level and are wearing greens and blues. The raids just weren't difficult at all and this proves it.
    the skill comes from the planning and executing the speedleveling/reputation/etc to get there not necessarily the mechanical skill required to down the bosses.

    noone claimed the bosses themselves for challenging.

    but getting there in like 6 days is still impressive
    Last edited by shaunika123; 2019-09-01 at 12:40 PM.

  16. #216
    Quote Originally Posted by MagicFind
    (...) years of game knowledge and practice took this down to just 6 days!
    it was down in 5 days not 6 (EU start 0:00 in Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday <-- kill )

    ps. to be more precise 4days and XX hours
    Last edited by Nehem; 2019-09-01 at 12:41 PM.

  17. #217
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Ye, you are not very smart, considering you gave me 24h window when they had 6 days to lvl up. But oh well, I'm done with you. Don't forget to report to Blizz their exploits you will surely find.
    So youre not even playing it?

    However, here is some advice to you:

    The APES guild use layering exploits to generate mob respawns over and over again to AOE grind rep. This is clearly an exploit of the layering system and Blizzard needs to come down on them hard.
    Just like the world’s first level 60, which exploited layering bugs to generate mobs to AOE grind, this needs to be addressed by Blizzard and the exploiters banned.
    Both world’s first streamed these layering bug exploits so there can be no denying it.
    Blizzard: Save the vanilla WoW experience by a) Banning those who exploit layering bugs, and b) Fix the layering bugs!
    Now go back read my posts carefully.

  18. #218
    Titan Orby's Avatar
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    I'll be honest I expected 1 week before a full clear so that's pretty good regardless. I remember spending weeks trying to get the Onyxia quest chain complete back in the day, and these guys probably did it in a day lol.

    It's like when your kids outshine you at something that took ages to do yet they accomplished it being younger than you were and in less time... Basically Classic is making me feel like an old man lol :P
    I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW

    Unsubbed since January 2021, now a Warcraft fan from a distance

  19. #219
    Quote Originally Posted by Lidoric View Post
    So youre not even playing it?

    However, here is some advice to you:

    Now go back read my posts carefully.
    Layering is not an exploit you drooling mongoloids.

  20. #220
    Quote Originally Posted by Nightstalker View Post
    So much to do after hitting 60. What was easier at this point? Naxx at 80 or MC at 60?
    They cleared wotlk naxx on day 1 with t6 gear from TBC. Ensidia and some chinese lads. Severely underwhelming. The immortal challenge was also done in a week or so.

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