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  1. #241
    Quote Originally Posted by Ungeir View Post
    The "bad" players may not be reminded of their failings explicitly by the game design, but they are implicitly reminded by having no carrot to chase, as the endgame has been proven trivial before they even reach it.
    Don't think so, if anything it will be the opposite. It tells the bad player that they too could one day have a shot of glory, even if it takes them a lot longer to get there. The bad player doesn't care that some nerds who have been practicising for this one moment for years killed a boss in a few days, they only care that it is an attainable objective for them to complete, something they could never feel about the more difficult content in retail.

  2. #242
    Quote Originally Posted by neik View Post
    The best part is, you are a one in a million dog.

    The rest Americans I know are wonderful people.
    Thank you for not lumping us in with that mongoloid.

    OT: Good for them. I'm not gonna sit here and say it's a great huge accomplishment, but it definitely shows commitment I lack myself (for any video game, much less Classic).

  3. #243
    who saw this coming? oh, right. we all did.

    i'll just say something ignorant and obnoxious now. I CAN SOLO ALL THESE BOSSES ON RETAIL LULLLLLLLLLLLL
    No sense crying over spilt beer, unless you're drunk...

  4. #244
    Immortal Nnyco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SinR View Post
    Cheers APES, managed a successful less than 1 week kill.

    Lets see how long until BWL is cleared now. I expect it to be a 1 night clear as well
    Yeah, esspecially if you consider that when BWL comes out, they will be (more or less) fully geared. The "race" if you can even call that, will persist of: who entered the raid first will most likely get first nef kill.
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    Crabs have been removed from the game... because if I see another one I’m just going to totally lose it. *sobbing* I’m sorry, I just can’t right now... I just... OK just give me a minute, I’ll be OK..

  5. #245
    Quote Originally Posted by WowClassic View Post
    Don't think so, if anything it will be the opposite. It tells the bad player that they too could one day have a shot of glory, even if it takes them a lot longer to get there. The bad player doesn't care that some nerds who have been practicising for this one moment for years killed a boss in a few days, they only care that it is an attainable objective for them to complete, something they could never feel about the more difficult content in retail.
    You have a point that there is unreachable content for them. But there is also no glory in the available content. For the players with intrinsic motivation that's fine. But many will be unwilling to stomach the commitment needed, once they realize that noone is going to care about their Classic loot and kills. Anecdotally the glory hounds are by far the biggest chunk of players. Rewards, tangible and intangible, are key to most players. Just look at how quickly any poorly rewarding or low-prestige activity is abandoned.

    If anything, those players will return to retail and clamor for cutting-edge content with no skill floor. "Just look at the success of classic!" - "We want raids anyone can complete with enough time commitment and dedication!". But that way is the land of extreme content droughts, so Blizzard can't do that. I suspect Classic will thus serve to make the community increasingly toxic in their cries for "single-difficulty end-game content". Because they sure won't be asking for Mythic-difficulty as the base level of anything. But as for them actually sticking to Classic? I don't see it happening beyond a very small crowd.

  6. #246
    i LOVE those muffled "yeeeey" on thr Rag/Onyxia WorldFirst clips on MMO-Champ. Not a flying F*** was given that day.

  7. #247
    Amazing! Just goes to show how important experience in unofficial servers is, despite a lot of people thinking unofficial is nothing like actual Vanilla.

  8. #248
    Gonna suck when they release the AQ raids and the grind is done in 1 hour :/

  9. #249
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRevenantHero View Post
    There is no skill involved with these kills. Especially since a bunch of people on the raid team aren't even max level and are wearing greens and blues. The raids just weren't difficult at all and this proves it.
    Fair point, time and commitment then. The average player is nowhere near as insane as the Guild members of Apes.

  10. #250
    Quote Originally Posted by gioderpington View Post
    Gonna suck when they release the AQ raids and the grind is done in 1 hour :/
    As they said the war effort will not be changed, the gates will most likely be instantly opened by the pre-determined Scarab Lords.

  11. #251
    Bloodsail Admiral reemi's Avatar
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    So now everyone hates the game because a prepared group killed the last boss...

    "The game is too easy, Classic isnt hard like Vanilla... blablabla"

    And at same time, many players still die fighting level 15 mobs in Westfall!

    Me, I still enjoy it and it's hard enough for my skills.

  12. #252
    so on every subsequent raid release now. World "first" are all gonna be measured in hours instead of days. They did mc and ony in green questing gear. Bwl, aq and naxx will all be done in more or less full raid gear (if they actually bother enough to farm it) you being stuck in queue or 5 min too late home is the difference between world "first" or not

  13. #253
    "The original world first kill of Ragnaros was 154 days after the initial release of the raid, years of game knowledge and practice took this down to just 6 days!"

    Also the 1.12 patch played a big part

  14. #254
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Oh, but they did. Peeps were claiming for years how the raids themselves were harder than w/e retail had to offer.
    okay let me rephrase
    noone with any sense claimed they were harder, especially not mechanically.

    some naxx/aq40 bosses *might* end up pretty hard(not sure since I havent done them in 14 years), but not because of the mechanics, just the silly tuning. like one taunt resist on 4horsemen is like a wipe. or a mind control resist on razuvious is a wipe.

    but nothing in the first 2 raids is even remotely challenging
    Last edited by shaunika123; 2019-09-01 at 02:16 PM.

  15. #255
    Quote Originally Posted by Aggrophobic View Post
    Skilled? MC is about as hard as LFR. The average player might not have the time to level that fast but it has very little to do with skill.
    Perseverance to get even remotely near 60 is what I meant! lol Good point.

  16. #256
    The Patient
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boomzy View Post
    What exactly is the difference between tedious and hard?
    Hard requires skill, tedious requires patience.

  17. #257
    Quote Originally Posted by Budong View Post
    Oh but Classic does indeed have holidays. Blizz has said all holidays that were available at the time of Classic's patch number will be activated in Classic. Including:

    Feast of Winter Veil
    Children's Week
    Darkmoon Faire
    Harvest Festival
    Hallow's End -
    Lunar Festival -
    Love is in the Air
    Midsummer Fire Festival
    Wait, so it will have Hallow's End!? Huh.

  18. #258
    The Unstoppable Force Ielenia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gjin View Post
    It was not same mc what it was on vanilla release, it is kinda stupid compare classic to original. These ppl who did raid MC on release says it was hard because of the overtune.
    Was it, really? All I ever heard was that C'Thun and Naxx were overtuned. Never MC.

    Quote Originally Posted by Will View Post
    Are you sure? These guys practiced on private servers for months more like.
    Doesn't invalidate my point. In fact, it contributes to it, about "access to information". And again: back in vanilla, you didn't have YT creators putting up boss guides the day a raid tier goes live, fan sites datamining secrets, etc.
    "Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
    "You sit in OG/SW waiting on a Mythic+ queue" by Altmer <- Oh, the pearls in this forum...
    "They sort of did this Dragonriding, which ushered in the Dracthyr race." by Teriz <- the BS some people reach for their narratives...

  19. #259
    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    Perhaps, but this does serve to highlight the huge differences between the players of the past, and the players of today: access to information. Before Classic WoW even went live, WoWHead and many other WoW fansites and fanblogs were showcasing leveling and gearing guides for Classic. Datamining, YouTube, etc. All contributed for the expedient demise of Ragnaros merely a week after the game went live.
    For sure, the wealth of data the internet of today has versus the internet of 2004 helped a lot, but it still takes a little more than knowledge to get to level 60 within 7 days and then enter that raid which has hours full of trash and bosses. Even if I were on vacation would I try or want to, and the average player wouldn't either.

  20. #260
    Legendary! Lord Pebbleton's Avatar
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    As I said on the other thread, the "Classic was hard" crowd is so done after this. You can never say that again. We got the authentic vanilla experience, no strings attached, with people saying it would be impossible in the first week, and they still did it.

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