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  1. #401
    Quote Originally Posted by Sezh View Post
    I am 100% certain that every raid release in Classic we will see the entire raid cleared within 1 week. Quote me if I'm wrong.
    Are you joking? Ragnaros was the only interesting kill in Classic since it required the determination to level and grind the reputation to be able to beat it in such a short timeframe.
    Every consecutive stage will be cleared hours after the raid opens (which means it's almost certain a US kill unless the stages release worldwide), after people have months to prepare for the next stage.

  2. #402
    Is it possible to grind hydraxian waterlords rep to revered in so short a time since the first level 60 dinged? Or did blizz forget to add attunments back into classic?

  3. #403
    Quote Originally Posted by MrHappy View Post
    but classic was hard right?... with MC being the greatest raid ever made right?
    While Mythic Raids, even Heroic Raids (maybe normal, depending on which one I guess) and other optional difficulty settings like Mythic+ are unquestionably harder than anything Classic offers, when evaluating the entirety of content it is indeed harder than live WoW, at least for the average player.

    In Live even with a shit-ton more boss abilities and mechanics (and with only a few weeks of information from PTR vs more than a decade of people clearing the raid first on live and then on private servers) you also get Normal and Heroic raids cleared on the day they're released, and Mythic in a week or two. Leveling content, dungeons and even the raids are still harder than the base (easier) difficulty level on live WoW. The difficulty there is completely optional and with little variation from the base content.
    Last edited by Kolvarg; 2019-09-02 at 10:44 AM.

  4. #404
    Quote Originally Posted by Igzorn View Post
    i hope blizz can/will confirm it. if its true than method got routed by some real hardcore nerds...... i love it.
    What's up with the "hurr hurr method lost" when method wasn't even competing?

  5. #405
    Quote Originally Posted by un_known View Post
    Is it possible to grind hydraxian waterlords rep to revered in so short a time since the first level 60 dinged? Or did blizz forget to add attunments back into classic?
    You don't need revered, thats for the improved water. The base requires Honored, and obviously its possible. They did it...
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  6. #406
    Legendary! Lord Pebbleton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adviceanon View Post
    I'm pretty sure the only people saying it was impossible week 1 were retail players. Pserver players knew this was going to happen. Skarm said it would happen. Anyone that knows APES or Grizzly, which staysafe used to be in, knew this was gunna happen. The only thing to talk about here is how method got btfo, which is what retail players said WASN'T going to happen.
    Tbf I don't trust private server users on that, because numbers get tweaked on private. But I guess they were right.

  7. #407
    saying this is world first is laughable.......has not been world first for over a decade

  8. #408
    The Patient Igzorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Estravolt View Post
    What's up with the "hurr hurr method lost" when method wasn't even competing?
    intresting why they streamed than under the titel of "Race to world first" ?

  9. #409
    Quote Originally Posted by Igzorn View Post
    intresting why they streamed than under the titel of "Race to world first" ?
    Because that is the name of their show that covers the races to world firsts?
    Last edited by Estravolt; 2019-09-02 at 01:30 PM.

  10. #410
    The Unstoppable Force DeltrusDisc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pebbleton View Post
    Tbf I don't trust private server users on that, because numbers get tweaked on private. But I guess they were right.
    lol dude... there are plenty of "Blizz-like" private servers that are made to be exactly like how Vanilla was. They are more like how Vanilla was than "Classic."

    Don't talk about something you've obviously never been apart of.

    Also, lol@all of the people who swore this was going to be "impossible."

    Welp, there you have it folks.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by QwertySham View Post
    This just in, people enjoy classic for more than just witnessing a world first classic kill. derp

    Just to add - They downed Onyxia as well
    Ever hear of a thing called sarcasm?
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    Quote Originally Posted by mmocd061d7bab8 View Post
    yeh but lava is just very hot water

  11. #411
    Legendary! Lord Pebbleton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeltrusDisc View Post
    lol dude... there are plenty of "Blizz-like" private servers that are made to be exactly like how Vanilla was. They are more like how Vanilla was than "Classic."

    Don't talk about something you've obviously never been apart of.
    ...that's exactly why I didn't mention private servers in my original post. I don't know shit about them, they are not what I want, and I just ignored they were there. I know of some that adjust numbers and my knowledge is limited to that.

  12. #412
    Quote Originally Posted by Puri View Post
    Are you joking? Ragnaros was the only interesting kill in Classic since it required the determination to level and grind the reputation to be able to beat it in such a short timeframe.
    Every consecutive stage will be cleared hours after the raid opens (which means it's almost certain a US kill unless the stages release worldwide), after people have months to prepare for the next stage.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aphrel View Post
    ill raise you with my prediction that every raid released will be cleared within 5 hours of servers being up.
    Hah I just didn't want to say I was 100% sure of that cause I might've forgotten some kind of timegating that would make something like that impossible, but my point was basically - no boss or raid will pose any challenge whatsoever.

  13. #413
    Quote Originally Posted by DeltrusDisc View Post

    Ever hear of a thing called sarcasm?

    Yeah because well all know how easy it is to detect sarcasm all the time over text. foh

    Also, he wasn't sarcastic. He's the typical Anti-classic player. Let people enjoy what they want to enjoy.
    Last edited by QwertySham; 2019-09-02 at 04:00 PM.

  14. #414
    Quote Originally Posted by Igzorn View Post
    intresting why they streamed than under the titel of "Race to world first" ?
    isn't that just method's broadcasting branch? not the in game guild. They are two separate things i believe. With their broadcasting section hoping to attract world first people to their channel and make more $.

    only a few players from method are playing classic, but method itself is an esports company not just a wow guild (the wow guild just happens to be their main content to broadcast, and I am sure they are looking to expand on that).

    Not sure why people keep assuming they are one and the same, I may be wrong, but to me it looks pretty clear that they operate as a separate company.

  15. #415
    Quote Originally Posted by Budong View Post
    It will have Hallow's End but there isn't a Headless Horseman dungeon boss. Don't think that was added til BC.
    Ah, I see, so many people will go back to Retail just to farm that, those that don't yet have it anyway.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Whitedragon View Post

    ...? Vanilla had holidays....
    I knew that... but I thought not at launch. I wasn't clear on what patch they were starting with or whatever, I know it was clarified, but I didn't follow closely. Someone did say no Headless Horseman's mount, though.

  16. #416
    Who cares?
    I don't think that anyone in their right mind ever claimed Vanilla raids to be mechanically complex. If you go into vanilla for raiding, you'll be terribly disappointed.

    The question that I'd rather raise with this is the clear abuse of Layering and the XP bug. Sure, these people would level faster than anyone else anyway even without it, as it was clearly thought through and prepared long in advance. But if you go on Twitch now, layer hopping is everywhere. XP bug was fixed and if Blizzard would be at least half-decent still, they'd suspend the abusers for a day or two. at least.

  17. #417
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyphael View Post
    The average player is nowhere near as committed or skilled to pull that off within the next month. Hell, the average player won't even be level 60 by the end of the month. It's an impressive feat.

    Classic will maintain stable population at least until All Hallow's End when people start mount farming. Classic doesn't have holidays and that'll be a downer for all the casuals.

    the problem is that this means there's going to be a bunch of people running around with epics and tiered gear already. this means that it's going to rapidly start filtering down. People are going to be power leveled. This kind of reminds me Naxx at the beginning of Wrath being too easy. The deluge of epic gear just set everything up to be too easy.

  18. #418
    Quote Originally Posted by Dastreus View Post
    Remember like, a year and before ago when people would say "oh man vanilla was so hard you fuckin' scrubs wouldn't even last a day." I always thought they were talking out their ass. It feels good to have empirical proof. I played in vanilla, get rekt "it's hard"
    You realize apes clearing it this quickly is the equivalent of say method (Ba da tum) having the better half of a decade to practice <Insert mythic raid of your choice> then being able to clear it week 1 of release when its re released

    By all means, if in say 3 months time when the general population hits 60, clears it in greens then I'll happily eat my hat. But they won't. Same as retail, using pros and top level gamers isn't a great indication of of how things are going to be.


    Actually that's not quite fair, lets say heroic instead of mythic. Mythic is defo harder than classic raids atm.
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    Haters gonna hate

  19. #419
    Quote Originally Posted by Tang0 View Post
    For when the content was released originally and the same content as you get it now in classic? Enormous, in fact. The itemization power creep alone is huge.
    Sure, but that doesn't entirely explain beating the raid with sub-60 players and everyone with very poor gear. Modern expansions also have power creep in the form of new systems (The Essences of BFA for example), ilvl bumps and raid nerfs, but I'd never imagine a modern raid being entirely oneshot by such a suboptimal setup, even in Normal or Heroic difficulty, and even if everyone knew the fights.

    In short, itemization creep isn't a good enough explanation when they probably don't even have many of the buffed items in the first place, and things like the dungeon tier 0.5 gear aren't even available yet.

  20. #420
    Quote Originally Posted by seta-san View Post
    the problem is that this means there's going to be a bunch of people running around with epics and tiered gear already. this means that it's going to rapidly start filtering down. People are going to be power leveled. This kind of reminds me Naxx at the beginning of Wrath being too easy. The deluge of epic gear just set everything up to be too easy.
    Well, it's both a good and bad thing. Bad for overall progression of players in the game which means content being consumed too quickly, but good for those aware of this because they might stick around a bit longer than they would have with a glimmer of hope they can get carried to good gear and progression.

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