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  1. #161
    Quote Originally Posted by Krille View Post
    I havent done a single dungeon with a tank yet, cus we dont have one available and we dont need one. All you need is 4 somewhat skilled dps and a healer. No boss hits hard enough to care about and you can kite/cc the mobs without problems.
    To be fair, you dont need tanks in leveling dungeons on retail either. I just had a full 4 man gnomeregan run because tank left instantly and LFG couldn't find a new one until last boss. We cleared the dungeon with kiting and warrior and hunter pet tanking.

    Not sure where you start to need an actual tank, but would guess that at wotlk/tbc dungeons.

    That said, I think it irrelevant in this discussion, because anyone claiming classic is more complex than retail in any form or shape is a derpy derp.

  2. #162
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    If they cleared these raids with crappy gear, less than 40 players and not everyone at max lvl, then EVERY raid coming in the future will be completely ANNIHILATED. Just like any reasonable person would predict.
    Because people vastly exaggerated the difficulty of Classic.

  3. #163
    Quote Originally Posted by melzas View Post
    To be fair, you dont need tanks in leveling dungeons on retail either. I just had a full 4 man gnomeregan run because tank left instantly and LFG couldn't find a new one until last boss. We cleared the dungeon with kiting and warrior and hunter pet tanking.

    Not sure where you start to need an actual tank, but would guess that at wotlk/tbc dungeons.

    That said, I think it irrelevant in this discussion, because anyone claiming classic is more complex than retail in any form or shape is a derpy derp.
    Yea the reason it was even brought up was because the guy said i should try tanking in classic for the real challenge.

  4. #164
    Well done i thought they might have needed a few more levels on everyone, but knew the fire resist / rep grind etc etc everyone was banging on about was nonsense. Classic was always about meeting people and the journey not the end game raiding.

  5. #165
    Wow, grats to them, I honestly didn't think this would happen.

  6. #166
    The HARD and REAL Classic Content completed in 6 Days by a group of undergeared apes. Oh the irony.

    I love this.

  7. #167
    You can tell they're not taking it seriously, it's just for the lols, the way it should be. If it was Method they'd be screaming, high fiving and throwing chairs like they found the holy grail.

    Also stop thinking that people unironically claimed Classic had harder raid content, they kept saying it to throw shade at modern WoW because they're frustrated. No one in their right mind would think that a raid boss with 2 abilities and 1 phase is harder than a boss with 20 abilities and 5 phases.
    Last edited by peter92q; 2019-09-01 at 11:14 AM.

  8. #168
    Quote Originally Posted by peter92q View Post
    You can tell they're not taking it seriously, it's just for the lols, the way it should be. If it was Method they'd be screaming, high fiving and throwing chairs like they found the holy grail.

    Also stop thinking that people unironically claimed Classic had harder raid content, they kept saying it to throw shade at modern WoW because they're frustrated. No one in their right mind would think that a raid boss with 2 abilities and 1 phase is harder than a boss with 20 abilities and 5 phases.
    Ooooohhhh, so its like with the bible? Everything was taking literaly until the point it was proved wrong and now its all "metaphorical". Nice try.

  9. #169
    Go figure... turns out that all the people claiming Vanilla was more challenging, were not objective as they claimed but only nostalgic. Who would have thought? I certanly didn't see this coming.

  10. #170
    Legit veterans that say Vanilla was hard have probably played at the very beginning beginning of the game's lifespan. "Veterans" that got into raiding Molten core in 2006 and claim it was easy have their point as well. Two different games. Classic is 2 years of class buffing and 2 years of raid nerfing combined. They might have made it so deliberately, so that the modern player has a much higher chance of going through raid tiers.

    Molten core at the early patches was hard. Main tank without crafted or dropped fire resist gear got 2-shot by ragnaros. Yet, since that point in time resists, damage numbers, mitigation etc. had lots of changes and classic capitalizes on all of them. People compare apples to oranges all over the place.

    In 2004, deadmines entrance was choke full of elite trash, that consisted in large part of overarching patrols of elite elementalist mages, accompanied by 2 elite fire elements. Level range of those was around 17. Combine that with all of those dealing fire dmg, which was basically true dmg at that point, trash density of probably pulling 2-3 packs at a time - that's what veterans call hard. Oh, those could also randomly evade as well.

    That was all nerfed and patched the first month of release. Half a year before the game even made it to Europe. There's none of that or other similar things in classic. Not even a hint. People just need to start treating the game for what it is, a remaster, and stop comparing Classic and Vanilla. Two absolutely different games for every little thing experienced when it had been.

  11. #171
    Mostly surprised they had enough people to douse the runes.

  12. #172
    Quote Originally Posted by Aradur View Post
    Ooooohhhh, so its like with the bible? Everything was taking literaly until the point it was proved wrong and now its all "metaphorical". Nice try.
    You can see my post history, I've never claimed Classic to be difficult. I just refuse to believe people really thought a sandbox dragon from a game that can be ran on my calculator, designed by a group of soccer dads in the early 00s was a proper challenge.

  13. #173
    Wouldn't call it a world first since its been farmed for over a decade.

    Anyway, hopefully naxxramas turns out to be abit more challenging.

  14. #174
    Quote Originally Posted by peter92q View Post
    You can see my post history, I've never claimed Classic to be difficult. I just refuse to believe people really thought a sandbox dragon from a game that can be ran on my calculator, designed by a group of soccer dads in the early 00s was a proper challenge.
    Oh believe me, they did. I stil see people flexing about clearing MC and BWL back it the day like it is on par with killing Mythic Azshara today.

  15. #175
    So much to do after hitting 60. What was easier at this point? Naxx at 80 or MC at 60?

  16. #176
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyphael View Post
    The average player is nowhere near as committed or skilled to pull that off within the next month. Hell, the average player won't even be level 60 by the end of the month. It's an impressive feat.

    Classic will maintain stable population at least until All Hallow's End when people start mount farming. Classic doesn't have holidays and that'll be a downer for all the casuals.
    Skilled? MC is about as hard as LFR. The average player might not have the time to level that fast but it has very little to do with skill.

  17. #177
    Quote Originally Posted by meheez View Post
    Wouldn't call it a world first since its been farmed for over a decade.

    Anyway, hopefully naxxramas turns out to be abit more challenging.
    AQ40 and Naxx will be the interesting ones, as the current patch number is more in line with the ones when this was current. Though C'Thun will obviously be the heavily nerfed version as well. It would have been nice to see people taking a shot at the 'impossible' one today.

  18. #178
    they cleared these raids with crappy gear, less than 40 players and not everyone at max lvl
    And noone here see anything fishy? World 1st lvl 60 was friday night, game is so "easy" you accidentally pull 2 mobs and die... yet some nobodys in leveling greens down Rag and Ony. Yeah right.

  19. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by meheez View Post
    Wouldn't call it a world first since its been farmed for over a decade.

    Anyway, hopefully naxxramas turns out to be abit more challenging.
    World first CLASSIC. And lolno. By the time Naxx is out, peeps will be geared with BiS items. Shit will be cleared day 1.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  20. #180
    Quote Originally Posted by Tang0 View Post
    Legit veterans that say Vanilla was hard have probably played at the very beginning beginning of the game's lifespan. "Veterans" that got into raiding Molten core in 2006 and claim it was easy have their point as well. Two different games. Classic is 2 years of class buffing and 2 years of raid nerfing..
    These guys downed MC in greens, blues, and a large chunk of players were under 60. Should I remind you that even all these nerfs guilds had issues clearing fully geared and all 60?

    By the time AQ is going to be released people won't be able to use that justification and I for one I can't for C'thun to get 1 shotted.

    I think what bothers me the most with this topic is that people will rather eat out of a garbage bin before admiting that nostalgia got in the way when assessing the difficulty of Vanilla.
    Last edited by Mrstabber; 2019-09-01 at 11:36 AM.

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