Thread: The real leak?

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  1. #461
    This seems plausible.

    One thing to keep in mind, is that any legit leak, likely comes from 2nd hand information. Employees that are close enough to the project to know all of this, are not likely to risk their career to share it early. However, they may tell their friends or family. And some of those people, may decide to post it. So it would be safe to assume that some of these things may not be word for word.

    core Horde faction, led by Sylvanas, and a core Alliance faction, led by Tyrande
    This does make sense, but not with them leading the current horde / alliance. Instead, they would be leading what they would consider to be the TRUE horde / alliance. Basically those that did not accept peace and continue to fight.

    Level Squish - Us getting weaker
    I actually like this, and it may be the only way I could somewhat get on board with a level squish. Some of us just need a reason. I understand the REAL reason will be for the systems side, but having it make sense that I am no longer as strong (or the world around me is far more dangerous) is a good plan for many of us that just want something to explain it. I can get on board with that.

    A lot of the other things all could be educated guesses, or legit. Things like them giving back class abilities are logical conclusions based on where we are and their past statements. Reworking old content again makes sense if they are going to use it again at max level. Cheap way to produce "new" content that people also have attachment to. Tinker are the obvious next class, and something that many are interested in.

    All in all, sounds like it could be legit. Will know in a couple weeks.

  2. #462
    Who knows which leak is right or not we will only know in two weeks.

    World of Warcraft: Death's Veil
    - Dragon Isles (north of Eastern Kingdoms)
    - N'zoth is weakened by re-origination beam and absorbed into Xal'atah at the end of the raid
    - Held locked up by Magni and MOTHER watching over it
    - next expansion the focus is on a new undead army attacking
    - Various Harbingers of Death who serve an unseen master
    - Kel'thuzad, Mueh'zala, Helya, Sylvanas among them
    - Kel’thuzad raised Galakrond while Bolvar is distracted by Sylvanas
    - Final boss not clear
    - Wrathion and Tyrande are continuing characters
    - Mysteries like absence of Nozdormu and silence of Elune will be answered
    - Odyn also back and will ask for our help
    - Bwonsamdi will help us fight Mueh'zala since he has grown to like mortals
    - Taelia will become a paladin like her father
    - Goal of the forces of death is something titan related on the Dragon Isles

    Dragon Isles:
    - Using up titanforges power to defeat N'zoth turned off the cloaking of Dragon Isles
    - Five zones based off dragonflights
    - Mal'nath: Snowy/magical like Coldarra (new race called Zanute that are like arcane axolotl)
    - Obsidian Peaks: Mountainous and volcanic (Drogbar are back)
    - Nozdreth: Desert with sandstorm effects (new sand trolls here)
    - Valley of Life: Autumn trees with rolling hills looks like a cross of Vale of Eternal Blossoms and Stormsong (Many vrykul live here)
    - Nor'sharah: Forests with parts halfway in the Emerald Dream (Jalgar here who Furbolg and Pandaren descend from)
    - Titan facility called Uldaz at the center of the isles - future raid
    - The Dragons who helped empower Heart of Azeroth realize the original demon soul was a good idea just in the wrong hands like Deathwing
    - They recreate and entrust a newer Dragon soul artifact trinket to the champion of azeroth
    - Weaker version since the Aspects lost power so you have to empower it (AP is staying sorry)
    - Empowering heart with power across the isles will help restore aspects power (Merithra and Wrathion new aspects)
    - Level up through secondary talent tree based off the dragonflights that gives strong abilities based off dragonflights depending on your role

    New class: Tinker
    - Gazlowe and Mekkatorque agree to work together to spread knowledge
    - Undermine starting zone still under development
    - Can be any race
    - Tanking, healing and dps specs
    - Tanking involves a mech suit that you can customize (think mechanocat mounts)
    - Mixture of goblin, gnomish and Titan engineering
    - has a gravity pushback/pull in effect for utility in dungeons/pvp
    - Support raid CD that enhances tertiary stats

    Other features:
    - Two allied races at launch
    - Horde get undead night elves with Delaryn as new leader
    - Rotten night elf model with different customization
    - Alliance get Jalgar with Chieftain Grizzleclaw as leader
    - Use worgen rig and they have druids
    - Jalgar female model still being worked on
    - Scenarios return except they scale 3-5 man
    - Meant to be quick like islands but more story focus while retaining random elements
    - Level squish is happening but no world revamp
    - Tier sets are returning
    - Fields of Death which are a PvE Warfront that you queue into and play with the other faction against the forces of death
    - Testing ground for the future of letting factions play together

    - Draenei & Troll heritage sets
    - Quest chain with Wrathion to begin to set up going to Dragon Isles later
    - a few months into patch there will be quest to use up the Heart of Azeroth to heal the wound
    - New starting zones for Dk and Dh
    - All allied races & Pandaren for Dk and Void elf & Nightborne for Dh
    - playable at blizzcon and coming in 8.3.5

    Death knight starting zone:
    - Bolvar has been snatching away bodies that have died in the fourth war and against N'zoth
    - Saurfang back as a death knight
    - First half of starting zone is training and getting used to their abilities
    - Sylvanas attacks with her undead who are empowered by enhanced necromantic powers
    - She brings her three val'kyr and want to strike down Bolvar while he is still vulnerable
    - She isn't happy Bolvar has been raising DKs and denying her master souls
    - Finale is much like "Battle at Light's Hope" where you try to survive
    - Deathbringer Saurfang tries to hold off Sylvanas
    - Bolvar finally breaks out of his iceblock and kills one of the val'kyr
    - Bolvar has the advantage due to being near the Frozen Throne
    - Sylvanas escapes back to her master and says she still accomplished her main goal of distracting him

    Demon hunter starting zone:
    - Happens in the Tomb of Sargeras
    - New Illidari because they know the Legion will return
    - Arluelle from Suramar wants to "be prepared" for the next legion invasion
    - New void elf character Ranith as counterpart
    - Haven't yet contacted Illidan but have been trying
    - Tidestone of Golganneth has just been returned but not yet placed to reseal rift
    - Eredar called Nuuri (velen's wife) sends demons to attack from the rift
    - Leader of the remnants of the Legion many demons attack
    - She seeks the other titan pillars to help free Sargeras from the seat of the pantheon
    - Nuuri’s forces are pushed back by the combined might of the Illidari and the return of Khadgar
    - Basically set up for a later expac

    Various perks of expac pre-purchase:
    - HS Cardback
    - Free Kel'thuzad and Sylvanas heroes in HotS
    - Kel'thuzad bike in Reforged
    - 120 boost
    - undead whelp & drake mount
    - Tinkers playable in pre-patch
    - Overwatch unknown at this moment

  3. #463
    Quote Originally Posted by Deathsveil View Post
    Who knows which leak is right or not we will only know in two weeks.

    World of Warcraft: Death's Veil

    New class: Tinker
    Whoever made the leak, do you not feel like Tinker is shoehorned in the "Death" concept?

  4. #464
    ok this "leak" is over month old, we can safely assume that if anything here were true it would be deleted already

  5. #465
    High Overlord
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    -Since the factions are in disarray, Guilds will become the new focus

    -Still faction specific

    -Guild halls, with trophy rooms, vendors, NPC 'recruits' and mission tables, crafting workshops and other customization options that can be upgraded through guild activities

    -These are instanced, and can be closed or open to the public

    -They are working on letting guilds place 'work orders' for non-member players to fill (turn in various crafting materials), rewards xp and gold (taken from the guild coffers)
    See, this is what makes the whole thing crumble.
    WoW players don't care about guilds, and neither does Blizzard.

    There's 0 incentive for a player to stay in a guild ever since Cata, when the guild leveling system was implemented.

    That system was pulled out for a reason: most players don't see guilds as a way to make friends or to keep them. On the contrary; the vast majority of raiders sees belonging to a guild as a deterrence, because they always see themselves as better players than their peers, and they only join guilds to acquire gear and get kills to jump to a "better" place where they can "progress".

    Of course, these people never do get where they want, which is either Limit or Method, and they've cried out so hard that Blizzard literally gave them cross-realm Cutting Edge raids.

    The only thing a guild is good for nowadays is for the 100 club of each faction, and there's just not enough people who are emotionally able to stay in a guild long enough to compete for that.

    So, sorry, no guild housing. And if they do implement it, it'll be the most hated feature ever, even worse than Garrisons.

  6. #466
    Quote Originally Posted by deviantcultist View Post
    Whoever made the leak, do you not feel like Tinker is shoehorned in the "Death" concept?
    If we get a class it will be death related, people think Mechagon is a sign of tinkers.

  7. #467
    High Overlord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thetruth1400 View Post
    Sounds like you're playing the wrong type of game if you think an MMORPG shouldn't be a multiplayer, party and raid focused game. You should probably quit and take up single player RPGs if that's what you're looking for.
    See, people who take any and all opportunity to bash and hate on anyone who says anything they don't like, as you did here, are usually the reason guilds don't work. Why? Because they're people who can't stand other people at all. They love to talk about WoW being a multiplayer, party and raid focused game but they also can't abide the idea of building a team from the ground up, so they /gquit at the very first sign they might be upset with anyone.

    Omedon is right, WoW players hate guilds. They love to party, but they hate to commit to anyone else, hate to think that a guild can be making gold at their expense (one of the biggest complaints back in Cata was that GMs were getting rich at players' expenses, and guilds never got one copper from players directly, the game made a percentage of what the players looted out of thin air and threw it on our guild banks to help us pay for raiding expenses - I was GM of a 25-man lvl 25 heroic raiding guild back in Cata, btw), completely abhor the idea of a hierarchy where they aren't at the top.

    Hell, the other day I joined a Heroic Warfront and the guy leading it went hysterical and kicked a bunch of people because they dared try to help organizing.

  8. #468
    Elemental Lord
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    Tinker.. stopped reading there.

    Realy hope we dont get tinkers.. it would seriously away from retail even further.. which is not a good thing.
    Look how many people hate mechagnomes.. calling it cheap, boring and so much more and I agree.

    Looking at all the hate alone for this class, blizz would cut themselves for going for a class like this.

  9. #469
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Tinker.. stopped reading there.

    Realy hope we dont get tinkers.. it would seriously away from retail even further.. which is not a good thing.
    Look how many people hate mechagnomes.. calling it cheap, boring and so much more and I agree.

    Looking at all the hate alone for this class, blizz would cut themselves for going for a class like this.
    Not that many are calling mechagnomes cheap and boring. How would a tinker class be a bad thing?

  10. #470
    The Lightbringer DesoPL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Tinker.. stopped reading there.

    Realy hope we dont get tinkers.. it would seriously away from retail even further.. which is not a good thing.
    Look how many people hate mechagnomes.. calling it cheap, boring and so much more and I agree.

    Looking at all the hate alone for this class, blizz would cut themselves for going for a class like this.
    I like mecha gnomes, but i don't like tinkers at all.

  11. #471
    The Lightbringer Agoonga's Avatar
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    Tinker would be okay. I'm surprised we got brewmasters so long before tinkers.

  12. #472
    The Lightbringer Sanguinerd's Avatar
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    The one thing I keep seeing related to tinkers is how they can't be corrupted or controlled by the Void.. not a very solid argument.

  13. #473
    well at least if they add the "tinker " thing.. ill be able to play a goblin

  14. #474
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    Stopped here.

    How do people still not know that the Old Gods do not get along? They are competitors. Enemies. Their endgame is destroying each other until only one is left. N'zoth has zero reason to literally bring back his competition and a direct threat to his own existence when he is very close to being the winner.
    Eh, I dunno. I'm a pretty big lore buff and it sounds like that's how it was pre-titans on Azeroth, but after they kind of realized they could not stand as individuals against them.

    Don't think this proves/disproves anything.

  15. #475
    Quote Originally Posted by Deathsveil View Post
    Who knows which leak is right or not we will only know in two weeks.

    Demon hunter starting zone:
    - Happens in the Tomb of Sargeras
    - New Illidari because they know the Legion will return
    - Arluelle from Suramar wants to "be prepared" for the next legion invasion
    - New void elf character Ranith as counterpart
    - Haven't yet contacted Illidan but have been trying
    - Tidestone of Golganneth has just been returned but not yet placed to reseal rift
    - Eredar called Nuuri (velen's wife) sends demons to attack from the rift
    - Leader of the remnants of the Legion many demons attack
    - She seeks the other titan pillars to help free Sargeras from the seat of the pantheon
    - Nuuri’s forces are pushed back by the combined might of the Illidari and the return of Khadgar
    - Basically set up for a later expac

    Various perks of expac pre-purchase:
    - HS Cardback
    - Free Kel'thuzad and Sylvanas heroes in HotS
    - Kel'thuzad bike in Reforged
    - 120 boost
    - undead whelp & drake mount
    - Tinkers playable in pre-patch
    - Overwatch unknown at this moment

    i wish this be true

  16. #476
    Quote Originally Posted by WoWTruther View Post
    Looks like there's another leak up on Reddit. Now that the latest PTR update has proven the Shadowlands leak to be fake, maybe this one might show some promise?
    This is by far the worse leak IMO. If there´s a single leak I hope is false its this one.

  17. #477
    Quote Originally Posted by deviantcultist View Post
    Whoever made the leak, do you not feel like Tinker is shoehorned in the "Death" concept?
    One could say so yes. Reverse is also true that designers feel constrained to theme of expansion and desire freedom in creativity. Mechagon was a passion project that differed from the rest of expansion.

    Gallywix's defeat in 8.3 not permanent he will seek revenge in starting zone.

  18. #478
    Hold up, why would Horde get two Night Elf ARs?

    Nightborne AND Undead Nelf is unbelievable.

  19. #479
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by gleepot View Post
    Not that many are calling mechagnomes cheap and boring. How would a tinker class be a bad thing?
    Then you missed out most of the threads about it I guess. Its weird cus I am hearing this left and right.

    How can you miss that? Tinker is not very liked either.
    It juust doesnt have a huge fanbase.. then for exampoe the necromancer or a dark ranger. I am.not making this up..

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by DesoPL View Post
    I like mecha gnomes, but i don't like tinkers at all.
    I qas in a chat on discord with my guild on classic and people who play alliance on retail were flaming about mechagnomes because of their cheap parts and bad transmog option and just because they are gnomes.
    Idk tho just dont see much love for either.

  20. #480
    Quote Originally Posted by Deathsveil View Post
    One could say so yes. Reverse is also true that designers feel constrained to theme of expansion and desire freedom in creativity. Mechagon was a passion project that differed from the rest of expansion.

    Gallywix's defeat in 8.3 not permanent he will seek revenge in starting zone.
    Not sure that was actually passion, because mechagon felt extremly half-assed for a passion project. They didn't utilize the setting at all, none of the city. All we had was a rather flat outdoor zone to grind rep and a dungeon.

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